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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. Been away from here for awhile...sorry to miss out on all the action.


    With apologies to my boy Smokinandjokin (wherever you are son), USC's actions throughout the entire investigation and reaction to the decision have been nothing short of bizarre and embarrassing. They F'd up, tried the "who knew?" defense and then got slammed. In the meantime, they proudly gave the middle finger to the NCAA by hiring Kiffin and continue to wave it around through Garrett and company's ridiculous reaction ("they all want to be Trojans...they're jealous!)"


    I mean, really....WTF? Garrett is definitely mentally unbalanced and Kiffin just doesn't seem to realize the situation he is in. And now Carroll is chiming in from Seattle toeing the company line? Just too much...


    As an ND fan, I don't want to see a weak USC. I hate that these sanctions may very well cripple them for awhile. But they got what they deserved, and from the looks of their reaction, they just still don't seem to get it.

  2. Great game, one of the best of the playoffs. I had my finger on the remote to turn it off it probably 4-5 times when LA built those huge leads. But Phoenix charged back each time. I liked LA's strategy of making Nash be a scorer not a distributor. Would have been great to see it go 5 more minutes.



    And Ron Ron was definitely approaching crazy-mode.


    "Say Queen's Bridge!"



  3. ... and Steve Nash as 2x MVP was a complete joke.



    Wow...just goes to show you how brainwashed you are by the ABC/NBA marketing machine. The MVP should ALWAYS be the player that not only plays great and is invaluable to his team but also the type of player who makes everyone around him better. Take him off those Suns teams and they're a basement dweller. He was far more deserving of those awards than Shaq was.

    I don't know about "far more deserving", but Nash doesn't need to feel a shred of doubt over that MVP. Both he and Shaq did great things for their teams, but there had to be a winner. And I think they got it right.


    Nash improved the Suns from 29-53 to 62-20 in his 1st year (+33 wins). In the seven games he didn't play, they went 2-5. Shaq took a 42-40 team to 59-23 (+17) wins, but in the nine games he missed, the Heat went 6-3. It's arguable whether or not he was even the best player on his own team.


    [i think actually Dirk got shafted that year and should have gotten more credit. He held that Dallas team together (actually won 6 more games) after essentially trading Nash, Jamison and Walker for Terry, Stackhouse and Dampier.]



    For awhile it could be argued that maybe Nash was a product of D'Antoni's system, but that has clearly turned out to be false. The guy's a champ and he deserves his hardware.

  4. I know you didn't ask me, but, the Suns will not win a championship...they would get destroyed by either the Magic or Celtics.

    I also happen to think, although the Magic may be a better team than the Celtics, depth wise, a healthy Celtics team would stand a better chance of beating the Lakers in the finals, than would the Magic. I hate the Magic, at this moment (sorry, tonights game has me seething, normally I like Orlando), but I would root like hell for them to beat the Lakers...I just don't see it happening. The Suns are not versatile enough, IMO, to challenge anybody. They are giving the Lakers a tough time at the moment, but the Lakers will prevail.

    No argument that the Suns probably can't win this thing, but what makes you think both Boston and Orlando would destroy them? They will likely bow out to the Lakers in 6, but they've given them a decent fight. So unless you think both Boston and Orlando are far superior to LA (doubtful), why couldn't Phoenix at least hang with them?


    If anything, LA is setup to dominate them the best of the three.

  5. Acutually, Gortot and Howard are both kind of unlikeable, in the sense that they are cheap-shot artists, who try to act innocent...at least when KG throws an elbow, he doesn't try to act like he didn't do it on purpose. He does it to make a point...Gortot and Howard are weasels. You would think of after all these years of being an "MVP", Howard would have caught on that all he has to do is show up, and everything will go his way, with the officials.


    As for Perkins, he isn't a superstar, but if the game was being called the way it should be, he wouldn't be in foul trouble night in night out. I don't think I have ever seen a single player get more non-sense calls thrown at him than Perkins. As long as he was getting ejected, I wish he would have thrown one of those sharp elbows back at "Superboy" and wipe that smug, self-loving smerk off his face... you honestly think that either of those technicals on Perkins were legit?


    All that aside, the Magic have taken the momentum in this series, their depth is something Boston can't match. I agree, if the Celtics don't find something Friday night, it is over...but that is a big "if". Should be a hell of a game Friday.

    Howard and Perkins are both children. Howard has amazingly managed to squander a good deal of his "superstar goodwill" by throwing his little mini-tantrums and leading the lead in eye-rolling. If he would just grow up and keep his mouth shut, officials would cut him more slack and he could dominate even more.


    Perkins is just as Special K described him...spoiled and whiny. He get's unfairly tagged a lot, but that's the way it goes for run-of-the-mill big men. However, BOTH technicals were BS, and the league should rescind them. This whole "double-tech" craze the NBA is entangled in is a joke, and even worse in the playoffs. Perk should never have been whistled, but with the second one, that's the risk you run when you whine about everything relentlessly.


    Basically, talking back to the refs is part of the game, but there are two ways to approach it; like a man or like a child. Jordan, Kobe, Wade, Ray Allen...even LeBron...all have had their share of techs for jawing too much (some more than others). But right or wrong, they come at the refs with authority. Guys like Howard and sadly one of my favorites, Allen Iverson for some reason choose the whiny route. Refs are human...who do you think is going to get the better treatment?

  6. I'm a casual fan of The World Cup. I'l probably catch a game or two of the USA games. Maybe even fall alseep too. :wallbash:


    I thought the ad was very well done. With ESPN's pre-cup ads it looks like it should do well on ratrings with a great tourney. Go USA!! ;)

    That's me exactly. I'm not a huge soccer fan, but I'll definitely try to catch the USA games and maybe one of the final matches. A nap is not completely out of the question either.


    Back in '02, I rented a beach house with a few buddies and it happened to be during the Seoul World Cup so the games came on at like 5 am. So we'd just drink all night, stay awake for the games and pass out afterward. That's the way to get into a sport! :beer:

  7. I just said that because it's usually pretty obvious when someone is a bandwagon jumper, and I really didn't care to have the "sky is falling, abandon ship!" type in the thread. I think people who change their loyalty al the time and go with a team just because they're currently winning are total losers.
    ^^What this guy said, almost nothing frusturates me more.

    Save your energy. I used to hate those kind of people, now I just laugh at them...and I'll tell you why:


    As I explained in this thread, I've only been following the Phillies for a few years and my timing couldn't have been better. It's awesome to cheer for a winner and watch a quality team. But two years ago when they won the World Series, I felt like an impostor. I was at a bar near my law school watching the final game with a packed house of die-had Phillies fans. When Lidge threw that final strike, the place went apeshit. I was thrilled, but I knew I wasn't feeling what everyone else was. And I wasn't some team-swapper...I was a genuine fan. I just didn't have the investment others had.


    A guy I didn't even know very well came over and gave me a huge hug. I watched as another friend called his father and tears were streaming down his face as they talked. That's how it will be for me when the Bills win a Super Bowl.


    So people can jump ship and front-run all they want and they can fake it. But trust me, when they are pumping their fists and celebrating "their" championship, they aren't truly feeling it inside. That feeling, the feeling of unadulterated joy and relief, is only something you get when you stuck by during the lows.


    And you can't fake that. :P

  8. :P I sorta fell into the Phillies like that too, and I totally shared those sportscenter sentiments growing up. A few years ago I was a very casual fan. Now I'm complaining that they gave Howard an absurd contract and have partial season tix. Yes the timing of them getting good has certainly helped. It's also kinda cool I can say that I remember seeing Halladay pitch at Big Mac in the Cuse way back when. The other Philly fans annoy the f*&^ out of me.

    I'm still very leery of Philadelphia sports fans in general...and it feels weird to be one of "them." You could hear a pin drop in the Vet when the Eagles hit their lull in the mid-90s (except for when they decided get excited about something like throwing batteries or booing an injured player). Then they came out in droves during the good times only to whine about their probowl QB for the past 5 years. Tards.


    I went to Game 2 of the 2007 NLDS vs. Colorado. Backs against the wall (already down 0-1) and trailing 10-5 with 2+ innings left and people just sat there like stiffs. No pumping the team up, no energy...just loser defeatism. Things have definitely changed since the WS though...I think it took a championship to knock a collective chip off the city's shoulder.


    You have partial seasons? I try to make it up to 5-6 per year. We should grab a beer at McFaddens some time.

  9. Missed penalties are an expected part of the game. In my mind, the original lawsuit was dismissed because the plaintiff received the contracted entertainment, however the gambler bet on a game that was misrepresented. If you told a gambler that there will be missed penalties in the game, he would probably still make his bet; if you told him one side was filming the other team's practices outside the rules of the NFL, he probably would not make the bet or change his bet.

    I get what you are saying. Shirley there is a difference between the situations; I agree.


    I just think the result would be the same. In essence, one team (NE) was breaking the rules and not getting caught and that affected the outcome of the game. It's on a different scale from in-game penalties, but it is essentially the same idea. If you told that same gambler that one team had devised a good scheme of holding on every play but not getting caught, they probably wouldn't make the bet either.


    There have been point-shaving scandals before...I'm not aware of any successful lawsuits against any of the major sports leagues or NCAA by disenfranchised gamblers.

  10. the court of appeals reasoning was bull ****. They acknowledged that the Pats* cheated, but refused to give it to the fan as the fans have lost before him.

    The reasoning was perfectly sound. A ticket is a revocable license. It guarantees a person entrance to private property, subject to time and location limitations. Mayer's claim that "the tickets imply that each game will be played in accordance with NFL rules and regulations as well as all applicable federal and state laws" sounds nice, but doesn't really mean anything in this instance. Now if he was alleging that the NFL knew about this all along and was in collusion with the Patriots, I could see a different case.


    The last few paragraphs of the opinion nailed it. The fact that a team breaks the rules during a game does not violate the contractual rights of a ticket purchaser. Teams break rules all the time and the refs miss it. The Pats* broke the rules here and the NFL missed it.


    It seems the court is simply saying that the teams provided the entertainment that was promised by the ticket, but I wonder what would have happened if the case was brought against the Patriots by somebody that legally bet on the game and lost money.

    I would think the outcome would be the same. What if a legal bettor sued the NFL because a ref missed a penalty that decided the outcome of the game and therefore his wager? Of if that same bettor sued the Patriots because Brandon Merriweather grabbed a WRs jersey preventing the winning TD?


    Besides the scale, how is that different than Mayer suing the NFL because "they" missed a penalty that decided the outcome of a game(s)?

  11. Bills - 1987...my dad looked down on his young, wide-eyed 4-year old and thought to himself "This child is entirely too happy!" So he made me a Bills fan.


    Sabres - mid-90s...more casual. Love the playoffs though


    Sixers - early-90s...I grew up 10 blocks from Madison Square Garden and my dad never bothered to take me to a game once! I could be a sorry Knicks fan but we moved to PA when I was 6 so I'm a sorry Sixers fan


    Phillies - 2005...I never really liked baseball growing up. I hated how it dominated Sportscenter all summer long. But when I got back from college and the Phils built their new park (which is such a great venue!) I started going casually. Then in law school, all my friends were huge Phillies fans and I kind of grew into it. Good timing! :worthy:

  12. Those pictures were amazing. Looking like a Bacon Parkay Floor!


    But $40 for the 1/2 deal??? And it's already been cooked so you're only getting a reheat job? Hmmmm...I dunno.


    I'd probably try to make one myself.

  13. I can't see myself ever wearing another team's jersey, but if I had to choose one or more from each team:


    Jets - NO

    Patriots - F'ING

    Dolphins - WAY

    Bills - Kelly, Reed, Thurman, Bruce, the list goes on...


    Colts - Unitas, Manning

    Texans - R. Moats

    Titans - McNair

    Jaguars - R. Johnson :w00t:


    Chargers - LT

    Raiders - Bo

    Broncos - T. Davis

    Chiefs - D. Thomas


    Steelers - Polamalu, Bettis

    Ravens - R. Lewis

    Browns - Quinn, J. Brown

    Bengals - Ochocinco



    Giants - Tuck

    Cowboys - I'd rather be castrated

    Eagles - K. Detmer, Dawkins

    Redskins - Monk


    Falcons - D. Sanders

    Saints - Brees

    Buccaneers - S. Christie

    Panthers - Clausen


    Rams - J. Everett (just for making Rome piss himself)

    49ers - Montana, Rice

    Cardinals - Warner

    Seahawks - Largent


    Packers - Starr

    Bears - Sayers

    Lions - Sanders

    Vikings - Winfield

  14. Anytime a player is vocal (good or bad) he risks putting himself under the spotlight. I like a lot of what Whitner has brought and I like a lot of his attitude. I thought he'd be more impacting at this point in his career and I hope he still gets better.


    His draft stigma gave him an uphill battle from the start, but he is far from our worst problem on this team.

  15. "They're going to try to frustrate me and get into my head and play head games, and I have to do my best to maintain my focus," said Howard, whose 13 points, 12 rebounds and five blocks were discounted by his seven turnovers. "I got into a little wresting match with all their guys, and that's to their advantage. That takes me off my game."


    I don't like putting too much stock in post-game quotes, but at what point is Dwight Howard going to get it? It's like he seems blindsided every time opposing teams play him this way.


    He has been the most physically imposing big man in the league for 3+ years and yet he is too often neutralized because he has the mental toughness of an ostrich.


    Why is he still letting physical play "take him off his game?" Stop getting drawn into double-techs! Stop shooting the officials agonizing looks when you get whistled for clearing someone out! Stop pouting and being useless for stretches at a time! Stop saying you are going to maintain your focus and just maintain your focus!


    If I'm a Magic fan, of course I love the guy. But I also have deep, dark, creeping doubts that the light bulb may never go off. He's young, but he's played 500 games...50 playoff games. At some point he is either going to rise above this or it will define him.

  16. So, does anyone else think Lebron is going to have a monster game, the Cavs will still lose, and his Cavs career ends tonight?

    I honestly have no possible clue what will happen. Tuesday's game was such a bizarre event, I still can't quite get my head around it.


    My gut says there is no way LeBron doesn't go down blazing. But a week ago, I would have bet every dollar that he'd never have a game like Game 5.


    I haven't looked forward to an NBA game like this in awhile.

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