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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. Well, I'm not so sure it doesn't have something to do with it. . . . . the wine is probably part of it too. The fact that she spent her money on pot, and not on her kids has a lot to do with it.

    I hear that...but again, that has nothing to do with it. She could have spent her money on twinkies and not her kids.


    She's F'd in the head and this is a bad wagon to try to hitch an anti-drug argument to.

  2. A friend of mine used to get them now and then. There was never really an isolated trigger event that set them off, just an accumulation of little things that would eventually push her into a frenzy.


    Another good buddy of mine had almost the exact situation you described. A bunch of us had gone back to college for a football weekend. He had a rough time from the start. His car broke down on the way out, he lost a bundle on the game, had some big med school exam coming up, etc. The morning we were all leaving, he had like 5 cups of coffee at breakfast. He said he wanted to just take a little walk by himself and the next thing we know, he's blowing up our cells all freaked out and saying he wants an ambulance. When they came they said it was a panic attack. Pretty crazy.


    The only time I've ever experienced anything like that was after I got a concussion. I was waiting in the school infirmary to get checked out. I wasn't worried at all (I didn't even want to go but was pressured by friends to be safe). I was just reading a magazine when all of a sudden I flipped. I got really scared and nervous. I started cold sweating and I had to demand to the nurse that I see someone immediately or go to the ER. It was pretty ridiculous. The ER doctor told me I had a concussion and that sudden panic was a common result. Bizarre.



    1. 14285


    2. Body parts


    Got a couple of softballs today...***EDIT*** since these were so easy, there is third one posted below.



    Cut one letter from each word and "paste" the remaining letters together to spell out a new word.




    2. STOP + DIARY


    3. CATNAP + CULT




    5. INDENT + IFFY






    A rectangular park is enlarged by increasing its length by 30% and width by 20%. What is the resulting percentage increase in the park's area?

  4. Wife and I saw his show in Philly on Friday and it was a blast. I've always liked the guy okay, but his live performance is hilarious. It was a glorified stand-up routine...he basically did an account of his life from a little kid to present. But he had a projector showing slides and videos relating to his story and a few props as well.


    His stories about his interactions with other actors were side-splitting. Steven Seagal, Patrick Swayze, Harrison Ford, Kurt Russell, De Niro, Pacino, Del Toro....I was crying. He nails their voices and mannerisms.


    And the man can dance! He broke the story down by decade and started each segment getting down to James Brown and others. He even did some singing in Spanish (with English subtitles for us whiteys in the crowd).


    Anyway, his show runs in Philly until Wednesday. Anyone in the area...I highly recommend it if you like him at all. The venue is real small (~300 seats) and it's definitely a cool place to see this type of show. No word on future dates/locations. I assume this tour is probably his warmup for a bigger show.



  5. Gotta catch up from the weekend so I'll grace you all with the deuce (that didn't sound right):


    1. ODD MAN OUT


    Seven of the words below have something strongly in common. One of them does not. What is the theme, and which word is the odd man out?














    Think of a five-digit number and call it N. When N has a 7 placed in front of it, the number formed is 5 times as large as when N has a 7 placed after it. What number is N?

  6. ANSWER:


    1. e : PHON = loudness unit (phonograph)

    2. h : FEME = wife (feminine)

    3. g : COCO = palm tree (coconut)

    4. b : FISC = royal treasury (fiscal)

    5. a : GROT = cave (grotto)

    6. f : BACH = live like an unmarried man (bachelor)

    7. c : DEFI = a challenge (defiance)

    8. d : GRUE = shudder of fear (gruesome)


    Well, done Sage, linkfiends and Scott (bonus for nailing gruesome as well).


    Nanker, you and I had the same wrong answer (flip-flopping 7 & 8). I thought GRUE would be "a challenge" as in GRUELING.

  7. Yep.


    It's nothing too complicated. Just mince tomato, onion and jalapeno pepper. Natural juices come from all three ingredients, and you can add a splash of water if you want more moisture. Add a few squeezes of lime juice (or lemon if that's what you have available) and cilantro to taste. Enjoy.

    Word. What kind of rice you using?


    I try to stay away from most extreme sugar sources, but Rita's is an exception every time I travel to Philly or Boston. Stuff can't be beat.


    They put one in Buffalo and it closed down after one season. :thumbsup:

    Rita's is the truth. They had a special going on around Easter when they had Peeps-flavored ice. Awesome.

  8. YESTERDAY: Wedding stuff (although Dan's answer was better :thumbsup: )




    The unusual four-letter words below are all acceptable tournament Scrabble words. Even if you don't know them, see if you can match them with their meaning through your knowledge of common words that contain them.


    1. PHON

    2. FEME

    3. COCO

    4. FISC

    5. GROT

    6. BACH

    7. DEFI

    8. GRUE


    a. cave

    b. royal treasury

    c. a challenge

    d. shudder of fear

    e. loudness unit

    f. live like an unmarried man

    g. palm tree

    h. wife

  9. Apologies...I was out of the office all morning.


    Yesterday's Answer: 480


    Congratulations to SonofWade, Jim in Anchorage, linksfiend and DC Tom.





    "Eventful Rhymes"


    Rhyme each of the words below so that all the answers relate to a certain event.


    1. Kings

    2. Clown

    3. Stake

    4. Charter

    5. Cows

    6. Search

    7. Gusher

    8. Broom

    9. Deception

    10. Fried

    11. Ghost

    12. Sinister

  10. I got one of those daily calendars on my desk and it has a puzzle, word game, trivia, etc. every day. I spend a few minutes on it each morning when I get in. Some are fun, some are stupid. As long as they aren't too dumb, I'll try to post the daily one each day.


    I'll start you off with a pretty easy one from today:



    A sealed rectangular box measuring 8x6x18 contains 864 sugar cubes, each measuring 1x1x1. How many of the sugar cubes are touching the box?

  11. Is mockery part of the grief cycle or do I detect anger?

    C'mon....no mockery or anger. Just a little fun (well, maybe a little mockery too). I shouldn't have deleted the winking smiley face before I posted.


    Your predictive powers were impressive...as we were all reminded several times.


    And, um, take it to a Jets board I guess.

    Oops...my fault. I meant to post that in the Jimmy Spagnola thread. Just got mixed up, I guess...

  12. Just out of curiosity, do you guys think the level of play in the NBA is below, the same, or better than what we had in the 80s and 90s? I grew up watching the Lakers v. Celtics and I was RIVETED by them. The late 80s Pistons, the 90s Bulls and Rockets, the emergence of the Spurs....It just seems like the league is too watered down or the players just aren't as dedicated to the game as they used to be.


    Am I off base here?

    Disclaimer: I wasn't old enough to appreciate the Showtime Lakers or Larry's Celtics...I started watching basketball just as MJ made his rise.


    This is not directed at you, AJ, but I think for the most part, peoples' gripes against the NBA are unfounded, exaggerated and often contradictory. Most arguments seem to fall into three groups:


    (1) Lack of talent

    (2) Thug culture

    (3) Style of play


    (1) Since the mid-2000s, the star quality in the league has vastly increased. LeBron, Wade, Howard, Carmelo, Paul, Rondo, Williams, Durant, Bosh, etc. represent a great depth of young superstars. The elder-statesmen (Kobe, Duncan, Pierce, KG, Allen, Dirk, Nash, etc.) having numerous rings between them and still lead winning teams.


    (2) This was partially legit and partially overblown. A lot of players got in the news for the wrong reasons and the league rightfully paid the price. But a lot of it was an audience's inability to relate to baggy shorts and tattoos. Interestingly, the NFL has never had such a "thug" stigma, but the same kinds of people reviled on the hard-court populate the gridiron.


    (3) This is usually separated into two groups: (a) The NBA is nothing but one-on-one dunking and threes (b) The pace of play is boring. The first one is for the most part wrong, yet it is comically ironic. Usually the people championing this viewpoint are the same ones praising Michael Jordan for being the best player of all-time. His Airness is SOLELY responsible for spawning an entire generation of me-first, one-on-one players who grew up wanting to "Be Like Mike™." He is the tongue-wagging, ****-talking, through-the-legs-dribbling, 40-shot-jacking, GTFO of my way architect of the style of play that so many criticize. If you truly think team basketball is dead, then you can blame it on your hero.


    Now the pace of play argument obviously has no defense; the game has slowed down significantly. More defense, more set plays, less fast breaks. I personally never experienced the time when 145-132 was commonplace so I can't relate. But I could see how the game might seem less exciting to those who lived through that.



    Basically, the NBA has one major weakness right now, and it is really a Catch-22....the league is too nice. After the Palace Brawl, the NBA **** its pants and declared all-out war on its bad image. The results have been mostly great. The culture has been cleaned up significantly and faces of the league are seemingly good guys. But it lost an edge when this happened. The players are all buddies! Everyone hugs after games and hits the clubs together. If two guys so much as glare at each other, referees fall over each other to issues Double-Technicals (the scourge of the league!). While a lot of this is great, the intensity suffers and the fans become less invested. No more MJ choking Reggie Miller after two hours of jawing at each other. No more Charles Oakley clotheslining someone when the come into the lane. Hell, last year when LeBron didn't shake everyone's hand after the Magic loss, David Stern seemed about ready to check him into rehab! What a joke.


    It's great that everyone is buddy-buddy, but I miss animosity and bad blood. It's part of sports. The NBA has artificially removed it because it is scared to death of another Brawl. But it makes the game unnatural and wishy-washy. And realistically, they are in a tough spot. People pine for the old days but as soon as a few fights start, the same ignorant "thug" card will be brought up again.


    But overall, the quality of play and quality of players has been very good for the past few years...and the future looks bright. A lockout is probably all but certain, but nothing new there (or unique from other sports).

  13. Hi everyone.

    I recently fired all my pay TV subscriptions

    I have nothing helpful to add, but I just wanted to say that I love how you phrased this. FIRED! :thumbsup:


    I'm definitely going to start saying that for subscriptions as well...far more satisfying than canceling, discontinuing, etc.


    "ESPN Insider has been giving me useless information so I fired its worthless ass. And GQ magazine? It showed up late last month so I fired the bastard too!" B-)

  14. Ahh...last game of the year. Always kind of sad on the last day of any sport.


    I'd be pretty shocked if the Lakers didn't sew this up. Losing Game 7 on your court is pretty ugly. And as much as I think Perkins is a scowl-making crybaby, his loss is huge. At best, it evens the up the front court with Bynum being semi-useless. At worst, it allows the Lakers to pound on Baby and KG.


    But.....I'm feeling Boston +7. That's a lot of points to give to a prideful team of veteran champions in the biggest game of the year.


    Hopefully we get some fireworks and not a replay of either of the last 2 games.

  15. Who cares about the Redskins changing their defense or not?? Haynesworth really thinks its reasonable to sign a multi-year deal and be guaranteed that his role will never change?


    What a joke!


    Sure Albert....here's $100MM. And since that is not enough, we cross-our-heart pinky-promise that the exact same coaching staff and scheme will remain static for the better part of a decade. Just as long as you're happy. :mellow:



    Bottom line: The guy wanted "Snyder Money" and could have given two-***** about his "role" when he signed on the dotted line at exactly 12:00:01 midnight on Free Agency day 2009. !@#$ him.

  16. The obvious solution is (and always has been) to pay college athletes a modest salary for the time and work they put into the school. "Student"-athletes in moneymaking sports (Football, Men's BB) create a financial windfall for the universities they attend that is severely under-compensated. This whole Big 10, Big XII, Pac-10 fizzled-shake-up was just a huge money-grab for the conferences. I don't agree with the "free education" argument because the behavior of the parties involved belies its equity. Every college football program in the country uses up their scholarship allotment because they know it's a steal on ROI. And scholarships have been the standard compensation for generations. Yet the amount of money generated by the sports has increased astronomically.


    Cases like Reggie Bush are extreme and I'd wager that the vast majority of misconduct (or temptation to engage in it) occurs with players who have nothing and want just a little. It's easy to cast them as spoiled and greedy with their free education, room and board and perks of being an athlete. But it sucks having no money in college (anytime actually). I knew guys at ND who were ballin on the field but didn't have 10 bucks to grab a pizza. They can't get jobs, FOOTBALL is their job and I guarantee it's like working 40 hours and going to school full-time. How tempting would it be to take $1500 from a booster when you're scoring TDs every week but can't afford to take your girl to dinner and a movie? I don't condone it, but I understand it.


    Paying for condos and buying kids cars is not the reality of college cheating. It's the 1K payments, the plane tickets or the cushy no-show job. Let's say you work at the Gap in college 35-40 hrs/week...you might pull in $1000 a month. I bet if colleges paid players that amount there would be a huge drop in impropriety among NCAA athletes.


    The only obstacle (and it's pretty major) is Title IX and how you would deal with only compensating athletes from revenue-generating sports. I'm not sure how to answer that. But the system we are in is broken...it survives only because people don't care enough to upset the status quo.

  17. Blue, I don't see how Texas is as big a loser as you'd think. If Chip Brown is to be believed (and I think he is despite the fact that he is now spinning away for UT since his source was from within them), it looks like UT faced a tough spot and got the most out of it. They aren't the shining knight who saved the Big XII, but they didn't want to be blamed for its demise. Supposedly, the UT network would still be a few years away and it wouldn't show football, but it is still a step in the right direction of independently guiding your own brand. I think UT's schedule will be just fine with some good OOC games (there has been talk of an ND series for awhile and further talk that ND's AD Jack Swarbrick was involved in this whole Big XII revival).


    As a Notre Dame guy, of course I'm pro-Independence and I think Texas has put themselves in a very good situation going forward. There were plenty of reasons why the Pac-10 was a bad idea (fuzzy $$ numbers, lack of geographical fit, opening recruiting beds to West Coast schools, playing in a ridiculous 16-team conference, etc.). The Big XII is definitely weaker now, but UT isn't.

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