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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. I have to believe he already decided on Miami awhile ago and both Wade and Bosh know it.


    If he wants to win multiple championships, he really has two choices...Miami or Chicago. Teaming up with Amar'e in NY doesn't make them much better than Miami (maybe even worse). Staying in Cleveland is a great story, but its a losing proposition. Going to NJ/Brooklyn is stupid.


    Chicago with Rose, Boozer and Noah would be pretty filthy. And as I mentioned in another thread, it's his best chance to win and not tarnish his brand. If he goes to Miami and wins 6 rings, people are still going to always make the argument that, at best, he needed Wade and/or Bosh, and at worst, Wade was actually the driving force.


    And while I sort of agree that this whole thing is a little ridiculous (the announcement special), remember that he will announce within the first 10 mins. It won't be 59 minutes of lead-up. And honestly, if there weren't crazy ass people to watch these kinds of things (myself included), there wouldn't be a market for it. Buftex, I agree that this would be an unnecessary kick in the nuts for Cleveland if he spurns them. But I also don't think it really matters that much. If he's leaving, it will devastate that city and its fans...the method in which they hear about it won't really make that much of a difference.

  2. haha, not that i saw, not sure he counts as the "best"


    "why dont you make like a tree.... and get out of here" :)

    Forget Biff, but I'd have thrown in a vote for his great-grandfather:


    "Mad Dog? I hate that name. I hate it. You hear? Nobody calls me "Mad Dog", especially not some duded-up, egg-suckin' gutter trash."


    Love those movies! :unsure:

  3. 3.


    Each movie title below contains the name of an element in the periodic table. However, we've abbreviated every non-element word by giving its first two letters only and for each element, we've given its symbol. Solve the movie titles.


    1. TH MA IN THE Fe MA


    2. As AN OL LA


    3. UL au


    4. Ag ST


    5. Pt BL


    6. Sn CU

  4. 2.


    Toni has 10 identical blue socks, 14 identical green socks and 4 identical red socks in a drawer. She removes socks from the drawer one at a time at random without looking. What is the fewest number of socks that Toni needs to pull out to be sure of having 4 pairs of socks all of the same color?



    Car loan. Yeah, it was a little weak too I think. But you guys nailed it.




    With the holiday coming up, I figured I'd give you a few extra. I think these are a good mix. Good luck! ***AND GENERAL ANNOUCEMENT - Maybe you could put your answers in yellow so people who want to do it don't accidentally see yours. If you want...***

    1. (These instructions might not make the most sense, but hopefully you'll follow).


    You get five clues to name a category. Look at the clues (1-5) one at a time and make a guess at what you think the category is before you look at the clue. If you get the category right, add up the points in parenthesis starting with your first correct guess. A total of 50 is passable, 100 is very good, over 100 is remarkable. To keep you from looking ahead at the next clues, I've put them in yellow. Highlight the next one when you've made your previous guess.


    Game 1


    1. cold (100 pts)

    2. fish (80)

    3. a train (50)

    4. a Frisbee (25)

    5. some z's (10)


    Game 2


    1. hot (100)

    2. sweat (80)

    3. fancy (50)

    4. cargo (25)

    5. smarty (10)

  6. Reincarnation is the worst. I would hate to wake up as a cow in India.

    I'd be cool with being a sacred animal for a few years. I wouldn't mind doing a run as a dog too...as long as I'm not some frou frou puss dog like a Bichon.


    You guys ever see Defending Your Life? Funny Albert Brooks movie about what happens when you die.

    Very funny movie...classic Albert Brooks.

  7. :rolleyes:


    You know, I admire your persistence. And I suppose this would make you an honest atheist. Because an honest atheist wouldn't fear death if there isn't anything beyond. To that (rare) person, death's just an endless sleep.

    I think, if anything, that is a reason to fear death (depending on what you mean by "fear").


    The logic part of me thinks that is exactly what happens when you die...NOTHING. And I think that sucks a lot. Beyond believing in some form of hell, I can't think of anything worse than ceasing to exist after 70-80 years of life. Life is pretty fun, even when it sucks. I'd hope we'd get more than one ride on the roller coaster.

  8. Hello everyone! My name is Andy and I live in Albany, NY - lifelong Bills fan in a family of Giants fans. I am 26 and I have made it to a game in Orchard park every year (and will again this year). Also as a note of personal greatness my wonderful girlfriend was a Dolfan when we met (because she liked Dan Marino in Ace Ventura but knew nothing about football) but I have converted her with the story of the great hapless Bills and all our heart wrenching moments! She was intrigued, then fast forward to the first game of last season. When we lost to New England she cried and I knew she understood. GO BILLS!!!!

    What an evil thing to do to a person...especially someone you love. :P



  9. I'm torn between Miami and Chicago. I think NY and NJ are out of play already.


    I think if he teams up with Wade and Bosh in Miami, his legacy ceiling gets dropped. He's played 7 years and the closest he's come to a ring is getting slapped around by the Spurs 4 years ago. Everything has been on his shoulders in Cleveland and it's not really fair call him a failure because he had to be perfect all the time. But his performance in the playoffs was so bizarre that I think it put a (small) permanent black mark on his career. The Boston series might very well have proven that he will never be Michael Jordan. He's not a killer. Maybe his hunger will grow, but the time to win is right now.


    The reason this is all important is because if he joins with Wade and Bosh and wins 3, 4, 5, 6 rings...there will always be the question of whether he needed an unprecedented teaming of superstars (in their prime) to be dominant. Jordan had Pippen and Rodman, he didn't have Barkley and Ewing. Every dynasty has had multiple stars, but it would be hard to find a parallel to teaming up with Bosh and Wade in their primes. And let's set aside the fact that pairing with Wade is not the best match at all.


    I think LeBron knows all this and I think if he is truly smart, he will take Bosh with him to Chicago. There he would have the best assemblage of talent bar none AND no question about who is the alpha-dog that drove the championships. But something also tells me despite all this, the MIA trio just might happen.


    If I had to lay it all out I'd go:


    LeBron: CHI

    Wade: MIA

    Bosh: CHI

    Dirk: DAL

    Johnson: NYK

    Pierce: BOS (LAC darkhorse)

    Amar'e: MIA

    Boozer: NYK or NJ

  10. YESTERDAY: Y (Stylish, Eyelet, Century, Nymph)





    List the five Canadian provinces that end in a vowel. Next, take the second letter of each of those provinces and add those five letters to the two-letter Internet domain code for Canada after the dot. Then rearrange all seven letters to get a two-word phrase that identifies what you might need to take out in order to drive across Canada.



    (Note: Cheaters will be captured, dressed up like the Peter Pan guy and laughed at by all of TBD)

  11. The reason why I want Paraguay to win and why I want Argentina not to win :)




    Would ya? :thumbsup:


    Diego Maradona has promised to run naked through the streets of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the 2010 World Cup. Larissa Riquelme, most famous as the "busty Paraguay fan", has stepped up to match Maradona's pledge, and is throwing in some patriotic body paint for good measure.



    Team Paraguay




    This could turn into a nice bidding war though. Your turn Argentina...I'm sure some gorgeous Argentine model can step up and make this a challenge.

  12. ugh, i didnt even notice that. pitiful.


    that whole term is played out.



    I didn't notice that at first glance either. Wow.


    And worse, if they are going to have such a stupid category...don't botch it up. If there is one player on this team who defines swagger its Kawika Mitchell. They give him less than Trent? Boo!

  13. By the way, bart-shan, thanks for these daily puzzles. They're hard enough to be challenging, but simple enough to not be incredibly frustrating.


    Do you use a web-site that posts these things, or do you write them yourself?

    They come from one of those Daily desk calendars. I got this puzzle one as a stocking stuffer for Christmas last year and it's been great. I completely agree with your assessment...some are too easy and there are some kick my ass (especially some trivia-type ones) but for the most part they are a fun challenge.


    Well done on today. I got the "Y" but I had no idea eyelet was a word so I couldn't finish it off. I guess you Cornell kids are smarter than us domers. :thumbsup:

  14. Sounds legit...I'm in!


    Sort of related to that is a story I read in some magazine years ago (GQ maybe?) about crashing NBA events and picking up hot gold diggers. The article interviewed some guys who basically said if you are a tall, somewhat athletic black guy all you had to do was invest in a nice $1000-2000 suit and show up and act the part. The guys said it worked like a charm. I always wanted to give it a try (minus the tall, black and nice suit part).

  15. YESTERDAY: July 28th


    Congrats to Eryn who nailed the date and time of day. Although I have a sneaking suspicion he cheated...I just cant' prove it. B-):wallbash:


    On to the next one...



    Add the same letter to each of the letters in each group below and then rearrange them to form a common English word for each group. What is the letter and what are the four words?


    1. H L I T S S


    2. L E T E E


    3. N E T C R U


    4. H P N M

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