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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I think, if anything, that is a reason to fear death (depending on what you mean by "fear"). The logic part of me thinks that is exactly what happens when you die...NOTHING. And I think that sucks a lot. Beyond believing in some form of hell, I can't think of anything worse than ceasing to exist after 70-80 years of life. Life is pretty fun, even when it sucks. I'd hope we'd get more than one ride on the roller coaster.
  2. What an evil thing to do to a person...especially someone you love. Welcome!
  3. I'm torn between Miami and Chicago. I think NY and NJ are out of play already. I think if he teams up with Wade and Bosh in Miami, his legacy ceiling gets dropped. He's played 7 years and the closest he's come to a ring is getting slapped around by the Spurs 4 years ago. Everything has been on his shoulders in Cleveland and it's not really fair call him a failure because he had to be perfect all the time. But his performance in the playoffs was so bizarre that I think it put a (small) permanent black mark on his career. The Boston series might very well have proven that he will never be Michael Jordan. He's not a killer. Maybe his hunger will grow, but the time to win is right now. The reason this is all important is because if he joins with Wade and Bosh and wins 3, 4, 5, 6 rings...there will always be the question of whether he needed an unprecedented teaming of superstars (in their prime) to be dominant. Jordan had Pippen and Rodman, he didn't have Barkley and Ewing. Every dynasty has had multiple stars, but it would be hard to find a parallel to teaming up with Bosh and Wade in their primes. And let's set aside the fact that pairing with Wade is not the best match at all. I think LeBron knows all this and I think if he is truly smart, he will take Bosh with him to Chicago. There he would have the best assemblage of talent bar none AND no question about who is the alpha-dog that drove the championships. But something also tells me despite all this, the MIA trio just might happen. If I had to lay it all out I'd go: LeBron: CHI Wade: MIA Bosh: CHI Dirk: DAL Johnson: NYK Pierce: BOS (LAC darkhorse) Amar'e: MIA Boozer: NYK or NJ
  4. YESTERDAY: Y (Stylish, Eyelet, Century, Nymph) TODAY: List the five Canadian provinces that end in a vowel. Next, take the second letter of each of those provinces and add those five letters to the two-letter Internet domain code for Canada after the dot. Then rearrange all seven letters to get a two-word phrase that identifies what you might need to take out in order to drive across Canada. (Note: Cheaters will be captured, dressed up like the Peter Pan guy and laughed at by all of TBD)
  5. Team Paraguay meazza Bart This could turn into a nice bidding war though. Your turn Argentina...I'm sure some gorgeous Argentine model can step up and make this a challenge.
  6. I didn't notice that at first glance either. Wow. And worse, if they are going to have such a stupid category...don't botch it up. If there is one player on this team who defines swagger its Kawika Mitchell. They give him less than Trent? Boo!
  7. No doubt...been a Girl Talk fan for awhile. That was exactly my thinking. His CDs have like 300 songs on them
  8. 1. Eminem - The Slim Shady LP 2. T.I. - Urban Legend 3. Stone Temple Pilots - Core 4. Collective Soul - Collective Soul 5. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals If we were allowed compilations/greatest hits... Jimmy Buffett - Songs You Know By Heart Rolling Stones - 40 Licks Beatles - 1
  9. They come from one of those Daily desk calendars. I got this puzzle one as a stocking stuffer for Christmas last year and it's been great. I completely agree with your assessment...some are too easy and there are some kick my ass (especially some trivia-type ones) but for the most part they are a fun challenge. Well done on today. I got the "Y" but I had no idea eyelet was a word so I couldn't finish it off. I guess you Cornell kids are smarter than us domers.
  10. It was probably a goth kid being mistaken for a vampire. Poor goths...
  11. It's a great idea...the part about bumping the age back. It's an obvious solution to an obvious failure in a system that is going to die if nothing is done. It doesn't get much more simpler. Reading the comments on that article is mind-numbing.
  12. Sounds legit...I'm in! Sort of related to that is a story I read in some magazine years ago (GQ maybe?) about crashing NBA events and picking up hot gold diggers. The article interviewed some guys who basically said if you are a tall, somewhat athletic black guy all you had to do was invest in a nice $1000-2000 suit and show up and act the part. The guys said it worked like a charm. I always wanted to give it a try (minus the tall, black and nice suit part).
  13. YESTERDAY: July 28th Congrats to Eryn who nailed the date and time of day. Although I have a sneaking suspicion he cheated...I just cant' prove it. On to the next one... Add the same letter to each of the letters in each group below and then rearrange them to form a common English word for each group. What is the letter and what are the four words? 1. H L I T S S 2. L E T E E 3. N E T C R U 4. H P N M
  14. F Flozell. Dirty player, old, broken down, etc. And it's not like we have a valuable QB to protect...(I keed I keed...kind of)
  15. I hear that...but again, that has nothing to do with it. She could have spent her money on twinkies and not her kids. She's F'd in the head and this is a bad wagon to try to hitch an anti-drug argument to.
  16. C'mon man...pick your battles. Should we ban wine too since that was mentioned in the article? Marijuana had nothing to do with this woman being a selfish piece of **** who likely ruined 2 kids lives permanently.
  17. Um...Go Greece Lightning.
  18. A friend of mine used to get them now and then. There was never really an isolated trigger event that set them off, just an accumulation of little things that would eventually push her into a frenzy. Another good buddy of mine had almost the exact situation you described. A bunch of us had gone back to college for a football weekend. He had a rough time from the start. His car broke down on the way out, he lost a bundle on the game, had some big med school exam coming up, etc. The morning we were all leaving, he had like 5 cups of coffee at breakfast. He said he wanted to just take a little walk by himself and the next thing we know, he's blowing up our cells all freaked out and saying he wants an ambulance. When they came they said it was a panic attack. Pretty crazy. The only time I've ever experienced anything like that was after I got a concussion. I was waiting in the school infirmary to get checked out. I wasn't worried at all (I didn't even want to go but was pressured by friends to be safe). I was just reading a magazine when all of a sudden I flipped. I got really scared and nervous. I started cold sweating and I had to demand to the nurse that I see someone immediately or go to the ER. It was pretty ridiculous. The ER doctor told me I had a concussion and that sudden panic was a common result. Bizarre.
  19. You know what....agreed. I shouldn't have even bothered with them. Here's an older one that might be a little more of a challenge: On what calendar date in 2010 will this year be 300,000 minutes old?
  20. YESTERDAY: 1. 14285 2. Body parts Got a couple of softballs today...***EDIT*** since these were so easy, there is third one posted below. 1. Cut one letter from each word and "paste" the remaining letters together to spell out a new word. 1. WITCH + STRAND 2. STOP + DIARY 3. CATNAP + CULT 4. TANGO + ERMINE 5. INDENT + IFFY 6. DISHING + TENUOUS 2. A rectangular park is enlarged by increasing its length by 30% and width by 20%. What is the resulting percentage increase in the park's area?
  21. Wife and I saw his show in Philly on Friday and it was a blast. I've always liked the guy okay, but his live performance is hilarious. It was a glorified stand-up routine...he basically did an account of his life from a little kid to present. But he had a projector showing slides and videos relating to his story and a few props as well. His stories about his interactions with other actors were side-splitting. Steven Seagal, Patrick Swayze, Harrison Ford, Kurt Russell, De Niro, Pacino, Del Toro....I was crying. He nails their voices and mannerisms. And the man can dance! He broke the story down by decade and started each segment getting down to James Brown and others. He even did some singing in Spanish (with English subtitles for us whiteys in the crowd). Anyway, his show runs in Philly until Wednesday. Anyone in the area...I highly recommend it if you like him at all. The venue is real small (~300 seats) and it's definitely a cool place to see this type of show. No word on future dates/locations. I assume this tour is probably his warmup for a bigger show. http://leguizamo.ning.com/events
  22. All Hail Sriracha....the Chosen One.
  23. Gotta catch up from the weekend so I'll grace you all with the deuce (that didn't sound right): 1. ODD MAN OUT Seven of the words below have something strongly in common. One of them does not. What is the theme, and which word is the odd man out? URCHIN SHIP WHEEL CURFEW SWARM POTATOES SURFACE RANKLE 2. Think of a five-digit number and call it N. When N has a 7 placed in front of it, the number formed is 5 times as large as when N has a 7 placed after it. What number is N?
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