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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I see I spoke too soon. My fault
  2. AMEN! The one last week was laughable. What happened this time?
  3. I thought people said Shelton ran into him and knocked it out of his hands? That didnt happen?
  4. THANK YOU Fez!!! So how is this Drew's fault?
  5. what happened?
  6. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ....they had sold out like 11 in a row while going through 2 sh*tty seasons. Not every team is winning 20 games in a row
  7. a touchback?? wind must be real strong. I cant remember the last time
  8. try espns version....gamecast
  10. Only difference is 7 pts vs. 3 pts. The handling fee for our offense touching the football was -4 pts.
  11. nice to see another team shooting themself in the foot
  12. say what? As for the list, it always pains me to see Jimbo lower than Elway. I feel like Elway was way on his way to being known as the worst of the big 3 83 QBs. He was a whiner and he never got it done in the big game. Then Terrell Davis came along and saved his @ss. I think John was great, but not top 5 great.
  13. Kelly....I miss watching a QB drop back and fire it with such confidence that you just knew it was gonna be a big gain (or the occaisonal INT when he got a little too cocky ) He was a leader and a warrior. In terms of a player I never got to see, OJ. I heard he was maybe the best natural runner "slasher" ever. Would have loved to watch that 73 season. peace
  14. Yeah exactly. Reed looked real good in presesason....he should definitely be on the field now that McGee is out..
  15. thanks! I couldn't even decide. If I was starting a franchise I would take Ray Lewis. I think he impacts the game more than anyone, but I think Fletcher is solid.....i dunno. I just dont know who/what the problem is so I dont know who would help us the most.
  16. There has been a lot of talk about this team lacking a playmaker, a leader, emotion, heart, discipline, etc. If you could trade our worst player (whoever you think that is) for any one player straight up, who would it be?
  17. No joke. I bruised the cartilage in my ribs on Sunday. I can barely get in or out of bed. I can't imagine strappin on pads.
  18. I agree with 1billsfan. As much as it sucks to think that we might have given Dallas a top 3 pick, in all honesty people WHAT would we have used that pick on? Ding, ding, ding.....if you said Quarterback, good for you. Would you rather have Leinhart, Walter, Rogers, etc. next year as a rookie paying them $$$$ up the @ss -or- JP Losman Its not clear cut, but I choose JP. peace
  19. Of course I've never heard it blamed on OJ before.... CURSED
  20. Im sure you all have heard of the strange ghost-like thing in the car ad? Turn those speakers up... Ghost or Smoke?
  21. thanks B)
  22. Can I change my title to whatever I want or am I stuck at Rookie for another 3 years?
  23. is there anything left in life to accomplish?
  24. I'll say it too....I hate Boston, I hate the Sox, the Pats, the Celtics. Maybe its being from the city, maybe I've run into more than my share of obnoxious M@ssholes .....but anyway CONGRATULATIONS on a great season and a dream ride through the playoffs! They deserve it. Of course if you are a college student in Boston, I'd avoid the cops with the riot gear.
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