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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. I have a been a Notre Dame fan since I was a little kid. I was able to get tickets for this weekends game against Pitt after having no luck for years. Making the 8 hour dive from WNY to South Bend and wanted to know if anyone has been there and if so where to go before and after the game. 


    I heard the Linebacker club is a good time. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


    Mustang....welcome to the Bend. You picked a great one to come out to since the last home game of the year is always pretty crazy and we are coming off a sweet win.


    For before the game, I would suggest tailgating at the parking lots closest to the stadium. Look for a building in the middle of the parking lot, its a bar called Legends. You can hang out in there for awhile and get some brews before the game or just walk around the lot: there is a lot of action around there. We are trying to throw together a tailgate in the student lot (by the radio tower) but that is pretty far away.


    After the game, yeah the linebacker is probably the place to go. Alumni love it and it becomes the most popular bar after home games. Its pretty grimy but a great time. Other bars: Boat Club, Finnigans, Corby's...a few more.


    Hope you enjoy your time. I am a senior and this is my last home game and it is really sad to realize that I won't have "season tickets" next year. Although we haven't had the kind of success ND is accustomed to, I wouldn't trade anything for the 20+ games I have seen in that stadium. Let me know if you need anything else.


    GO IRISH!!!




    BTW - I didnt think of it because it is not all that appealing as a student, but I agree with what the others said about walking around the campus. Its a very awe-inspiring place if you have never been here (at least I thought I was when I first got here). And definitely check out the bookstore....its like the Nordstroms of bookstores. It has everything ND you could dream of.....if you dont mind payin about a 400% markup :D

  2. I like you assessment. I think our hope for the Steelers game is that the way they are playing, they could already have locked up home-field (we could help this cause by beating the Pats). If they have their bye and want to rest their players, who know what could happen.

  3. There has been a lot of speculation that maybe the whipping boy (Drew) wasn't really the problem. Maybe it was Travis that wasn't getting the job done. Before anyone singles out these two players, couldn't there be a slight chance that it was the coaching?


    Look, it seems we all expected MM and crew to hit the ground running. BUT didn't everyone say before the season that:


    A.) this is a playoff team if Mularkey can get his sh*t in gear from day 1


    B.) This year could be a struggle if Mularkey has growing pains.



    I think Willis has added a spark and I think Drew is playing better. But I also think the o-line is playing better, the d-line is playing better and the coaching has generally improved. The uses of Bannan on OL, very creative and pretty effective. Putting Evans in the starting lineup and giving him a larger role.


    Honestly guys, I just think we got choice B. It took MM some time to get his sh*t together and it took some time for our players to gel and adjust to his system. I mean hell, half of them must have almost died from shock the first time we RAN IT on a 3rd and short in practice :D ...( :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Gilbride).


    I dont know if Drew is the answer or the anti-christ he is made out to be. I don't truly know if McGahee is the only reason we are winning. But I do notice that ON THE WHOLE, this team is playing much better and is learning how to win. I think that is a testament of the progression of a new coach.



  4. I dont know how many of you watch Notre Dame but I think the difference is exactly like those between Ryan Grant & Darius Walker.


    Grant /Henry: picks a spot and hits it. He runs as hard as he can and if there is a hole there, great....if not :D . When he gets a full head of steam he can run people over but he also runs himself down.


    Walker/McGahee: much better vision. patient and selective but CONSTANTLY moving. There is no stopping an looking for another whole. They both run the designed play but if something looks better, they take it. This vision allow for the big gains because they arent just banging their head into a wall and hoping it will fall down. They are being creative and exploiting weaknesses they see.


    I will add though that they are both great backs. I wish TH luck whatever happens to him.

  5. YOu know I'd like to chalk that one up to the "New England Rules" as well but I just see a sickening trend of unnecessary PF calls on the QB. They are not made of glass!! They wear helmets and pads too. Too much cheap sh*t is let got (eg. Abrahams little tantrum today) and they treat the QBs like Gods.

  6. We won't make the playoffs--I wish you people will give up on that.  We're so far behind in the conference, it's not funny.  A lot of other AFC teams must totally collapse down the stretch for that to happen too.


    I am praying we are at least 8-8.



    Why do you "wish we give up on that?" Im not saying that I am calling for the playoffs but what is the sense of pessimism? Do you "wish the players give up on that" too? Cmon man, this team has the potential to at least make it interesting.

  7. I will say that I believe he is not 100% yet simply because I think it is conventional wisdom that these types of injuries take more time to heal completely. Having said that, I am VERY excited about the prospect of him getting even better :D:huh::huh:


    And about the backup RB thing, I totally agree. However, we will never sign a backup as good as Travis Henry so I think he should be getting some more carries now. Id feel better about giving Wills 25-27 and Henry 7-12 than I would trusting another backup next year.


    But it is HARD to take the ball out of McGahee's hands when he has brought so much excitement.

  8. Oh for sure...I tend to agree with both of you. I guess my true point was that it was once commonly thought that we had traded that Cowgirls a top 5 pick and that IF we got a 1st rounder from them it would be their ORIGINAL 1st rounder 15-25 range).


    Now it is looking like that could go in the other direction. Maybe if we gave them TH and our 3rd? TH + Drew?

  9. It seems that we just may be able to get it back. I dont know really know if they would give up a 1st for Henry but it is looking like their original pick may be a higher one than ours. Both 3-5 but heading in opposite directions.


    About the game:


    GREAT O-line play....Opened up holes for McGahee, protected Drew very nicely. Controlled the LOS.


    Drew....another not great, but solid, mistake free football game. And tell me that little spin and 16 yd run wasnt sweet :D


    Willis....nothing to say here.


    Rushing defense.....GAMEBALL! 8 games in a row with NO 100 yd rushers. Sh*t BOTH of the Jets' RBs got 100+ last week.


    Evans....keep em comin baby! He is learning on the fly. And Moulds keeps performing (what a CATCH he had in the 1st half by the sideline)


    Weaknesses: Terrible clock management on that final 1st half drive disaster. And allowed another big play on defense at the end. Other than that, GREAT WIN!


    GO BILLS!!!!!

  10. damn bro.....


    His predictions:


    1. Bills will beat the Jets by two scores.

    2. We'll see Losman for the first time, in a goal line situation only. Touchdown.

    3. McGahee will keep his start/100 yards thing going.

    4. Lee Evans will play a big role in the game.

    5. Sam Adams and Ron Edwards will continue their backfield menacing.

    6. Milloy will get a pick.

    7. Kelsay will get a sack.

    8. Drew won't be terrible.

    9. Mike Williams will have a good game.

    10. Terrence McGee won't score, but he'll lead the league in KR yards again. ??


    Not bad at all my man....especially on the Kelsay sack/Milloy pick/Lee Evans.

  11. This has been a running debate among me and my friends.  A girl's showing her cleavage.  How are you supposed to avoid looking?  Don't you look MORE when you're trying not to?  It gets worse - suppose she starts covering it with her hand while she's talking.  Then, you try even harder not to look, and in so doing you look EVEN MORE.  Some of my girl friends have told me that when a girl starts putting her hand up to her cleavage, it's because she WANTS you to look.  What's the answer?


    If a girl is showing something, then you have a right looking. Any girl who shows a lot and gets pissed if you look, should wear something else. Its like girls who wear shirts with lettering across the chest or short with lettering on their @ss. If you didnt want me to look, then dont put something there to look at.

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