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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. bart, what if morton anderson had a visor?  is he badass?




    I was trying to think of an example of a totally not-badass player, very nicely done. I think the only Kicker/Punter who is badass enough to wear a visor is our own Brian Moorman.


    Examples of badasses who should wear/should have worn them:




    Derrick Thomas

    Ronnie Lott


    Those who are not badass enough:

    Mark Kelso

    Any kicker not named Moorman

    Jay Fiedler


    BTW- Thanks, I feel like a complete tool for having to say "badass" so many times :)

  2. Well the results of the poll are in.....


    I got killed by a pretty steep margin. However the way I see it, there are over 4500 posters......so with 4606 posters to chose from, over 14% of you said I was the best :blink: So all things being equal, we should each have gotten .02 percent of the vote with means I am 700 times better. :blink:


    Whatever, I dont know what the hell I'm talking about. Great win for the Bills today, feels good to dominate again (even if it is only one game :blink: ).


    Im going home for Thanksgiving tomorrow morning so I may not be around a computer so.... I hope everyone has a VERY happy and safe holiday.


    GO BILLS!!!!



  3. Heh...good first game thread post.


    the Bills will get a ST TD this game.

    Bledsoe will throw 1 TD and 1 INT

    McGahee will get 100 yards

    Sam Aiken will finally have a game

    I'll be right in 3 of 4 of these predictions


    now let's see if this holds up.


    Nodnarb.....killing it again


    How the fugg did you see Aiken coming??? Granted it was a trick play but still :lol:

  4. He plays the high ground here and comes out smelling like a rose.  Because of his indiscretion, he yanks the Detroit fans off the hook.



    This is the truest thing ever. The real shame is that Artest really WAS doing everything to avoid the scuffle. He didn't push Ben back and he didnt involve himself in the skirmish.


    THEN he F*cked it all up.....


    He really had a chance to help his image and the image of bball in general. The Detroit fan who threw the cup would have come out looking the piece of sh*t he/she was that night and RA would have come out with a lot more respect from fans everywhere.


    Im not saying that I might would have acted any differently. Who knows? I might have lost my cool too. The bottom line is that he had a golden opportunity and he didnt take it.


    The silver lining for him though is that Allure and TruWarier records just a got a "Desperate Houswives" dose of free publicity.

  5. Ooops, I have not really seen good video of it yet-I am waiting for Sportscenter. I worked all day, heard all about it and have only seen some poor quality video on the internet.  ONeil should of killed that kid.  I mean he is a monster professional athlete fighting an non athletic spectator.  If he knocked him out cold I take back my comment directed at him.  If thats the case whats the difference between him and Kermit?  IMO ONeils is much worse because it involved a spectator



    Here's my take and obviously you may not agree:


    I think that the players going into the stands were out of line. I can understand getting caught up in the emotion of the game and I do hate obnoxious fans who think they can act however they want just because they paid X dollars for a ticket. However, they (the players) deserve to be punished. You simply cannot go into the stands and start a fist fight. PERIOD.


    Here is where I draw the line....


    The guy JO hit came ONTO THE COURT. Just as I don't think the players should go into the stands, I think it then hypocritical to give a pass to fans coming onto the court seeking players out. One guy came onto the court and started coming at Artest. Ron looked at him and then decked him. Similar situation with JO. I think these guys should get long suspensions but if fans want to come on the court, I have no sympathy for them WHATSOEVER! If that fat dude who JO dropped somehow gets depicted as a victim or godforbid gets some money out of this then in my mind, that is equally as disgraceful as the players jumping into the stands.



  6. So Kermit knew how to throw a punch.  The act should be punished but not the skill.  Just because Jermaine Oneil and his cronies throw punches like Queer Guy for the Straight Guy should not be relevent.  Jermaine Oneil should of killed that kid and steven whatever his name is basically threw a sucker punch.  People that had nothing to do with the beer throwing got hit.  The NBA is 99% punks


    Woah woah woah....JO throws punches like a sissy? I assume you missed his punch to that fat guys chin that knocked him out cold with one hit? Say what you will about the fight, but JO ain't no queer eye dude.

  7. I think we can all agree that this "scandal" has no place being on TV day after day! I am nauseated by the constant bombardment of news reporters some how trying to convince us all that this piece of sh*t "story" is at all newsworthy! Everyone has to chime in with their 2 cents. First it is offensive, then its racist, now the NFL should reconsider who they negotiate their TV deals with.


    There is so much going on in the world and our country right now that this garbage has no place on CNN for chrissakes!

  8. ESPN announced today it's apologizing for the Buffalo Bills' obscene performance on national TV against the New England Patriots on Sunday night.

    "We have heard from many of our viewers about Sunday night's game and we agree that the placement was inappropriate," ESPN said in a statement. "We apologize."

    The NFL called the game "inappropriate and unsuitable for our Sunday Night Football audience."

    There was no word from ESPN on whether it planned to cancel future Bills games on Sunday night.

    "I have to review the film," Buffalo Bills head coach Mike Mularkey said when asked for a comment on ESPN's apology.


    ESPN did later concede though that the silver lining was they were able to ram Boston/New England's collective d*ck a little further down their throat.

  9. Jevon is merely the extension of Brett Favre's arm.  Favre has had dozens of guys like this over his career.  In fact, there was a running gag in my dorm room that Donald Driver was nothing more then the black Bill Schroeder. 


    Never take any GB WR too seriously, ol #4 is the real reason they are any good to begin with.


    While I tend to agree with you about Favre (I believe Sterling Sharpe is probably the only marquee WR Brett ever got to throw to), the same thing could be said about the crazy passing system that Holt plays in. I think both QBs and WRs stats are inflated in STL. I would love to see how Holt would do with another team. Or what if you stuck Walker in the rams system?


    I do give the nod to Holt though.

  10. So far Im surprised Clements22 is the only one who has brought up ERIC Fuggin GAGNE!!


    Beltre led them to the playoffs by himself did he? And Bonds had much more help?? I think the benefit of the best closer in the NL (maybe MLB) might have helped the Dodgers pull out a few games.


    So if MVP means best player: Bonds' numbers were superior to Beltres


    IF MVP means most valuable player to your team: BF if you are saying Beltre single-handedly pulled LA into the playoffs without the help of a future hall of fame closer AND that Bonds had a better team and more help......you are lying to yourself and everyone else.

  11. You answered you own question.  "as long as the parents take good care of the kids"...


    Well, when the kids are 14-15 and getting into trouble and doing things that 14 and 15 year olds do, the mom will be 74 years old...


    I disagree with this to a point because there are many, many kids who grow up being raised by their grandparents. I had a few friends in school that were brought up by their grandparents (usually grandmother) because their real parents were not around for some reason or another. A lot of people cite their grandmother as being their biggest and best influence growing up.


    Now obviously there are more health risks to a 70 year old but I would be more willing to judge her based on her parenting than her age.

  12. This isn't about Miami - ND.  Its about wanting to see Miami - ND where it counts, on the field.



    I too miss the Miami series. I can say that I probably hate Miami more than any other school (well maybe a tie with BC... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: BC) because I grew up watching that series. There have been some amazing games between us. I will say that this may not happen since ND is looking to soften their schedule. Big conference teams can talk all they want but it is no joke to play teams that at one time in the season were ranked:


    #7- Michigan

    #9- Tennessee

    #5- Purdue

    #21- BC

    #1- Southern Cal


    Plus I believe both Pitt and Navy were damn close to being ranked (26-30) and I thought one of them might have cracked the top 25.


    I DO look forward to getting Penn State back though in 2 years. I miss that rivalry as well.



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