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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. As soon as Manning wins 4 superbowls for his team like Montana did then you might have something.


    Records don't mean stevestojan if you don't have a ring.  Ask Dan Marino if he would give up all his records for 1 ring and i bet he would say yes.


    Actually they did ask him that question (and Chris Carter) on Inside the NFL this season. The question was Hall of Fame career vs. One ring. Both said Hall of Fame career and I totally agree. There are a lot of players in the NFL with superbowl rings (Rob Johnson for example). And there are a lot of players who did directly help their team win ONE superbowl. Do you think Dan would change places with Doug Johnson or Kurt Warner? Didn't think so.


    But about Manning...I do agree. He accounts for so much money on the Colts salary. They will never be able to build a good defense. But he may win one, he's still got a lot of football left in him. But until he does, he does not belong amongst the greats.

  2. 16-13. And one of the best games I've ever seen. The Bills were getting some payback for the "throwback" from the previous year. You know the one or two hits in each game that are celebrated and played over and over? Well, it was like that on nearly every play. I don't recall any "look at me" dances either - these hits looked like they hurt as much to deal out as they did on the receiving end. The hitting was so hard and so relentless on both sides of the ball, that Dan Patrick, Paul McGuire and Joe Theisman were eventually shocked speechless. How many times have you seen that happen?


    I was at that game. Last regular season Bills game I have been able to attend. <_< It sure was exciting. Newman was flying all over the field....what a sweet win.

  3. Meyer's never actually recruited his own team.  He took over someone elses team at Bowling Green, same at Utah.  He really has no track record as a recruiter and if he goes to UF it'll be Zook's team which is decent.  If he goes to ND he inherits a bad team with serious recruiting problems.  Petrino'd be a decent fit at UF, he built a strong team at Louisville and got a good number of solid recruits on his own.  Butch Davis would e good too.  Lots of cred in Fla. from the Canes days, he was an OUTSTANDING recruiter...he built that dynasty that Larry Coker took over.


    You can also say that Meyer then did a lot with players that a previous coach could not do.


    Bowling Green 2000: 2-9


    Bowling Green 2001: 8-3

    2002: 9-3


    Utah 3 years before Meyer: 4-7, 8-4, 5-6

    With Meyer: 10-2, 11-0


    IF the problem at ND is talent (which some suggest) then perhaps Meyer can do something with it.


    Either way...there are plenty of options. I would love to see Urban here though

  4. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/playoffrace/notes


    Opponents winning percentage is .579 for Buffalo tied with Oakland in third place. Only Kansas City at .595 and Cleveland at .612 have a more difficult schedule right now.


    Well 2 of our opponents are a combined 30-3 so that does help. It such a shame though that was lost the easy games this year. We would be looking so good at 7-4 and now just hitting stride. oh well...im jacked for the phins game

  5. uhh. No... I am sure that Davie got his full five years as did Faust.


    Re Davie:


    Yes and no. He did get 5 years, but he was in the middle of his contract and was fired. He got a 5 year extension during his original contract and then was fired in the middle of that. So in essence, yes, he did get to coach out the length of his original contract. BUT he was fired while he still was under contract.

  6. The sad part of this is he inherited crap.  He has worked his backside off to bring in his type football player and will never see the fruits of his labor.  First time in ND history that thet the school has not let a coaches contract paly out. 


    My bet is Butch Davis is named Wednesday, timing is everything.


    Its not the first time. Davie was fired mid-contract as well.


    I think they would have let Ty have a fourth year if they didn't KNOW that they could grab a good coach now. After the last coach hiring debacle, I dont think they are going to mess around this time.


    And hey I loved Ty. I defended him against roommates and friends here for 3 years. But this is the hardest job in football and he couldn't do it. He was dreadfully inconsistent, we lost 3 in a row to BC (twice at home), we have suffered some of the worst defeats in school history on his watch and we have lost by at least 21 points EIGHT times in his three years here. I would have been willing to give him a 4th year but when you get a chance to land someone like Urban Meyer or Butch Davis, I think you take it.

  7. does that mean hes the coach till the end of his contract, but it wont be extended?? or hes out after this year?? i dont think ND has EVER fired a coach befor the end of his first contract...


    It means they will fire him after the bowl game. This will be only the second time ND has fired a coach mid-contract. The first was Bob Davie. Not a great string of coaches we have goin here after Lou...kinda like Buffalo QBs after Kelly. :lol:

  8. 6.  As I stated after the Jets game, McGee is going to be a good corner once he gets a little experience and his instincts catch up with his athleticism.  Look for the game to slow down significantly for him by the middle of next season.  Props to Lawyer Milloy for having the awareness not to try and steal that INT.  Imagine, two BILLS secondary players actually in position to pick off a pass.


    As much as I hate Troy Vincent nursing himself back to health (as he did here in Philly), I really think that may have been a blessing in disguise (provided it doesn't end up being the factor that costs us the season). Throwing McGee to the wolves FORCED him to learn on the fly and face very good WRs. I know that he will be better for it.

  9. The first highlight I saw from the game just makes it more obvious that Willis is far superior to Henry.


    The first touchdown, he runs up the gut, and had it been Henry, end of play.


    But instead, Willis BOUNCES off the line, to the left, inexplicably  avoids getting tackled, and scores the TD.


    Man, I can't wait for next year.


    TD better sign this kid to a nice extended contract, and do it this off season.


    You missed 2 games in a row? :blush:

  10. ZERO fumbles by our RBs!! I love Henry to death but it was hard to watch him put it on the turf every other game. He seemed to finally get that problem handled early this season, and then he got hurt. Then Willis steps in and in addition to great running and excellent pass blocking, he doesn't lose the rock either. The closest thing I've seen to a McGahee fumble was yesterday when he dried desperately to jam the ball into the right front corner of the endzone on that run.


    But seriously, zero fumbles by our RBs....its a thing of beauty.

  11. How's he ever gonna make the Pro Bowl if we keep have games like that? :)


    IT was real nice that Tasker and Crique were giving him his due. I believe Crique said something like "there is a lot of speculation that Moorman is having a season worthy of a probowl." Its nice because I feel like he could have an entire career like this so far...one where he never makes the probowl because some entrenched player is making it mostly on rep.


    Lechler, Hentrich and co. couldn't punt over the LOS in the Buffalo wind. :blush:

  12. Maybe this was discussed before, but have any of you who have watched the game far longer than I ever seen a team do that before? IMO, that was one of the best playcalls I have ever seen at any level of football in my life. A lot of teams half-expect the playaction so a hand-off doesn't always make everyone sellout. But everyone and their mother thought that Drew was gonna try to plunge for it at first. B-E-A-utiful...I see big things on the horizon for the Buffalo Bills.



  13. The RUN STOPPING defense. What f*ckin badasses these guys have been. I remember the last few years longing for the days of the late 90s when teams were scared to run against us. Besides the NE game where Dillon torched us, our boys have been unreal. We have shut down the best runners in the game WEEK after WEEK. It is the worst, most gut-wrenching feeling in football (IMO) to watch a team break off 6-10 yd. runs against you time after time. I love when we gang tackle Shaun Alexander, Marshall Faulk, Fred Taylor and Curtis Martin (twice) in the backfield.


    GREAT win today. Best back-to-back wins since Weeks 1-2 last year.

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