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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Lets call a spade a spade....what Clements did was fugging CHEAP. Not only that, he did it during a play that Holt would never have expected (being on DEFENSE and nowhere near the ball). I'd like to believe Clements' story about Holt doing it first but I'm not sure what to think. Even if it is true, then Clements should not have retaliated. That would not have flown on Levy's watch. On the other two, Martz is absolutely full of sh*t. Basically what happened is there was one cheap shot the whole game (Holt/Clements) which everybody saw. So being the p*ssy sore loser who takes no responsibiliy that he is, he tried to turn two other CB injuries into cheap shots because he thought people would believe him after seeing what Nate did so clearly on TV. Like DC said, he was basically trying to deflect the blame from his piss-poor coaching and put it on us for "cheap-shotting" them out of the game. Loser
  2. Oh you got a family? Well guess what, I eat cottage cheese for dinner....with salt and pepper. Ya understand?
  3. Hogboy + 3 of his "friends" like Combo, Lenny in Sloan, Miami Don Johnson..... DC Tom - I hear he's pretty f'n smart BF - Dude says some crazy things ICE - How could ANYONE who has not met ICE leave him off the list?? The man is mind boggling Rockpile - Never met but seems like a genuinely nice guy. Sh*t I'd like to meet any of you all. I need to make a tailgate one year. On a side note....where are all you who voted for me in my poll??? No love...no love
  4. Oh this is getting good. I rented a few movies tonight for me and the girl, but I think im just gonna pop some popcorn and watch this.... But if you guys wouldn't mind, maybe in like a half hour you could up the intensity into some JSP vs. ICE type of sh*t.
  5. ICE....I wasn't trying to hate on you or single you out. I'm just sayin that at the time Kelly retired there were mixed feelings. A LOT of people thought it was the right move....and a LOT were real pissed. Honestly, if we had extended JK 3 more years, would you have been happy to have our 2nd round pick/successor sitting on the bench for the entire length of his contract? Furthermore you keep saying playoffs. Jim Kelly is my favorite player of all-time but when he went, a lot more went too. Hull, Levy a year later....Butler had begun to make his mark. I mean the team was changing as a whole, and obviously almost a decade years later we can say that it really wasn't changing for the best.
  6. Puh-lease. IF there had been a TWOBILLSDRIVE in 1996, ICE you would be calling for JKs head saying that he had passed his prime and that if we drafted his replacement (Collins) they why the hell is he rotting on the bench?? In addition, I believe people in general (not just you) would have been less tolerant of Kelly playing at a diminished skill level THEN than NOW. Reason being we were playing at a consistent high-level (SBs, Playoffs, Dominating Wins) and there was less tolerance for "sub-standard play." The way Drew has played the last few years would have brought about his end way before now IF he had been JKs replacement instead of Rob Johnsons. Hell we were platooning QBs in 1997. AVP one game, Clod the next. IF Ralph had extended JKs contract, there would have been clamor that we were wasting his promising replacement on the bench and also that we were wasting valuable $$$ that could have been spent on other FAs.
  7. EXACTLY Just like the poster who once asked us all for PRAYERS for her son but instead we got 100 jackazzes who instead of complying decided this was their chance for the soapbox. Newsflash: Dude doesn't care about your personal or moral opinions of divorce. I'm sure he also doesn't need to hear people say in not so many words "no way am I helping you." IF you can't/won't help him then dont reply.
  8. You know I thought of that guy and I was hesitant to name Moorman as the only one because of him. I just couldnt remember his name. Maybe we should give Drew a visor?
  9. hahahahaha I was trying to think of an example of a totally not-badass player, very nicely done. I think the only Kicker/Punter who is badass enough to wear a visor is our own Brian Moorman. Examples of badasses who should wear/should have worn them: TKO Willis LT Derrick Thomas Ronnie Lott Those who are not badass enough: Mark Kelso Any kicker not named Moorman Jay Fiedler BTW- Thanks, I feel like a complete tool for having to say "badass" so many times
  10. I think those visors are badass. But only if it is on a badass player.
  11. Who the hell keeps voting for me? BTW- I appreciate it, if I ever make it to a tailgate I will buy you all a beer.
  12. Well the results of the poll are in..... I got killed by a pretty steep margin. However the way I see it, there are over 4500 posters......so with 4606 posters to chose from, over 14% of you said I was the best So all things being equal, we should each have gotten .02 percent of the vote with means I am 700 times better. Whatever, I dont know what the hell I'm talking about. Great win for the Bills today, feels good to dominate again (even if it is only one game ). Im going home for Thanksgiving tomorrow morning so I may not be around a computer so.... I hope everyone has a VERY happy and safe holiday. GO BILLS!!!! ~Bart
  13. Are we just throwin mad DB blitzes now? Never seemed to have this kind of success before. How did they look? 3rd and longs? Let me know
  14. Damn I wish we hadnt let him go
  15. Nodnarb.....killing it again How the fugg did you see Aiken coming??? Granted it was a trick play but still
  16. This is the truest thing ever. The real shame is that Artest really WAS doing everything to avoid the scuffle. He didn't push Ben back and he didnt involve himself in the skirmish. THEN he F*cked it all up..... He really had a chance to help his image and the image of bball in general. The Detroit fan who threw the cup would have come out looking the piece of sh*t he/she was that night and RA would have come out with a lot more respect from fans everywhere. Im not saying that I might would have acted any differently. Who knows? I might have lost my cool too. The bottom line is that he had a golden opportunity and he didnt take it. The silver lining for him though is that Allure and TruWarier records just a got a "Desperate Houswives" dose of free publicity.
  17. Here's my take and obviously you may not agree: I think that the players going into the stands were out of line. I can understand getting caught up in the emotion of the game and I do hate obnoxious fans who think they can act however they want just because they paid X dollars for a ticket. However, they (the players) deserve to be punished. You simply cannot go into the stands and start a fist fight. PERIOD. Here is where I draw the line.... The guy JO hit came ONTO THE COURT. Just as I don't think the players should go into the stands, I think it then hypocritical to give a pass to fans coming onto the court seeking players out. One guy came onto the court and started coming at Artest. Ron looked at him and then decked him. Similar situation with JO. I think these guys should get long suspensions but if fans want to come on the court, I have no sympathy for them WHATSOEVER! If that fat dude who JO dropped somehow gets depicted as a victim or godforbid gets some money out of this then in my mind, that is equally as disgraceful as the players jumping into the stands. peace
  18. Woah woah woah....JO throws punches like a sissy? I assume you missed his punch to that fat guys chin that knocked him out cold with one hit? Say what you will about the fight, but JO ain't no queer eye dude.
  19. I'll tell you what, that boy Ginn is a bad MF. He runs like a gazelle. That one punt return (the one where he didnt score but spun out of 2 tackles) was sick.
  20. Damn I'm gettin killed!! Its okay, its still early. I like those 3 votes I got though...keep em comin people
  21. In light of all the look at me posts.....
  22. I think we can all agree that this "scandal" has no place being on TV day after day! I am nauseated by the constant bombardment of news reporters some how trying to convince us all that this piece of sh*t "story" is at all newsworthy! Everyone has to chime in with their 2 cents. First it is offensive, then its racist, now the NFL should reconsider who they negotiate their TV deals with. There is so much going on in the world and our country right now that this garbage has no place on CNN for chrissakes!
  23. I love Christmas. I notice as I get older, some traditions that used to be special or magical to me as a child have faded in their importance and significance to me, but Christmas hasn't lost a bit of its luster. I hope that never changes.
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