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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. yeah i realized about 2 seconds after I typed it that I may have just jinxed it. But I have confidence in Willis over myself in this matter.
  2. ZERO fumbles by our RBs!! I love Henry to death but it was hard to watch him put it on the turf every other game. He seemed to finally get that problem handled early this season, and then he got hurt. Then Willis steps in and in addition to great running and excellent pass blocking, he doesn't lose the rock either. The closest thing I've seen to a McGahee fumble was yesterday when he dried desperately to jam the ball into the right front corner of the endzone on that run. But seriously, zero fumbles by our RBs....its a thing of beauty.
  3. I was gonna post something about that. I thought he was drunk. Game seems to be passing him by....
  4. eh? sorry "guest"....makin a joke. Its pretty early on a Monday AFTER a Bills win to be pissy bud. Have another cup of coffee.
  5. Oh you must not have heard...DC Tom isn't clever, he's F'N SMART Darin though....eh clever is good enough I think.
  6. IT was real nice that Tasker and Crique were giving him his due. I believe Crique said something like "there is a lot of speculation that Moorman is having a season worthy of a probowl." Its nice because I feel like he could have an entire career like this so far...one where he never makes the probowl because some entrenched player is making it mostly on rep. Lechler, Hentrich and co. couldn't punt over the LOS in the Buffalo wind.
  7. Maybe this was discussed before, but have any of you who have watched the game far longer than I ever seen a team do that before? IMO, that was one of the best playcalls I have ever seen at any level of football in my life. A lot of teams half-expect the playaction so a hand-off doesn't always make everyone sellout. But everyone and their mother thought that Drew was gonna try to plunge for it at first. B-E-A-utiful...I see big things on the horizon for the Buffalo Bills. peace
  8. The RUN STOPPING defense. What f*ckin badasses these guys have been. I remember the last few years longing for the days of the late 90s when teams were scared to run against us. Besides the NE game where Dillon torched us, our boys have been unreal. We have shut down the best runners in the game WEEK after WEEK. It is the worst, most gut-wrenching feeling in football (IMO) to watch a team break off 6-10 yd. runs against you time after time. I love when we gang tackle Shaun Alexander, Marshall Faulk, Fred Taylor and Curtis Martin (twice) in the backfield. GREAT win today. Best back-to-back wins since Weeks 1-2 last year.
  9. I leave this place for a few hours and I miss the post of the year?? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: very very nice.
  10. Thank you both
  11. How the hell does this work? How do you read other peoples? How how how??
  12. Congrats man....I thought the date was Dec. 22? Well it's great to hear that everything went over smoothly. Best wishes to you, your wife and your new son.
  13. Thurman's helmet just likes to come here and piss in the cornflakes. PERIOD. No matter what is going on, he has come negative or smart@ss comment. When were beating the sh*t out of Arizona (our first enjoyable game in a year and a half) he comes over here and complains that its not even a sellout game. AND this was like a day or two after the Sox won the fuggin World Series. I tell you what TT, if I ever live to see the Bills win 2 out of 3 Super Bowls and on their way to a 3rd, 4th etc..., I would not be so miserable to fans of another team who is 4-6 and hasn't seen the playoffs in a few years. Go enjoy yourself. What satisfaction do you get being a constant dick over here?
  14. This brings up another good point about getting rid of Moulds. A lot of people here think that this is the path the Bills should take in the offseason. But IF you do that and you consider Reed a bust (which again many do), here is what you are left with: -Evans -Aiken -Reed -Freddie Not exactly the WR corp I would like to have when we turn the reigns over to JP. It would be nice to give him some targets so he doesn't get killed or lose confidence.
  15. What a pitiful effort by our DBs. If you had told me that we would get 180 yds rushing, control the clock AND have zero turnovers, I'd have said we had a shot. Hey our pass defense gave Palmer the Heisman 2 years ago...why not continue that tradition. BTW- ICE, if I was to give the Heisman to a Sooner, I'd give it to AP. He has opened up the offense tremendously for White. I'd give him just as much credit for their undefeated season as White.
  16. I disagree ICE. I think the primary reason we all chalked this up as a loss was because Seattle was being called as maybe the NFC favorite. So many "experts" were poppin wood over Hasselback and Alexander. There were many "Philly vs. Seattle" NFC Championship predictions. Now obviously we haven't been as good either but IMO, Seattle has been a much bigger disapointment.
  17. wait...hot brunettes? are we forgetting Rosie O'Donnell or are we just conceding 1st place to her and trying to figure out who comes in 2nd?
  18. Ive had the album for 3 weeks. I thought it was a little weak too at first but it grows on you big time. Got some great songs and finally he is having some fun again. Give it some time...the title track (Encore) is real tight. And also Dre produced almost every song on this album....
  19. I don't like that this game means more to Bledsoe than usual (through the hometown connection). It seems everytime he gets jacked up to play a game that means more to him*, he fuggs it up. The man does not need any extra pressure or excitement. *See vs./at New England
  20. Man you see that double move Julius threw on TWO bears defenders? Great to see him back in action and kicking @ss!!
  21. Iceman, you pick fights like this...why? Tell me that you believe both of these statements: 1.) Willis McGahee has 100% of his burst back and will not get any more. 2.) McGahee has more burst than Kevin Jones. I can't believe that you would agree with either of those let alone both. IF you don't, then why start a fight? You are in agreement.
  22. Eh? Are you drinking early?
  23. Well, I guess I've been put in my place. I did not know that Detroit and Dallas were the only ones who would do it. Knowing that, then I agree, it does belong to them. I had just figured that it was like one of those "they did it first so they will keep doing it." I do like watching any football on Thanksgiving. I just thought it would add some special meaning if the Bills were doing it too. Happy Thanksgiving All! Bart
  24. What is this horsesh*t that we have to watch the fuggin Cowboys and Lions EVERY goddamn year?? First off, why the hell are they so special that they get this national game every year at HOME no less?? It's disgusting. We get ONE national game per year (albeit we do sh*t our pants everytime) and these teams get a guaranteed home one every year. At least we don't have to watch Madden circling the turkey wings at every stoppage in play like Michael Jackson drooling at a day care. And it is especially vomit-inducing now because the games totally suck! At least when Dallas was good and had a good opponent it was interesting. This year we have 2 gems: Indy @ Detroit -Oh yeah! What's the line...Colts -9? Hah take that bet people. Lets watch another Manning expo where the game is over by the middle of the second quarter!! Let's hear the announcers slobber again and again over how he calls his own plays. Big deal dude, see Jim Kelly 1990 for the book on that. Chicago @ Dallas -Boy if I don't start to get a little nauseuos just thinking about this. Krenzel vs. Testaverde. LUCKY US!! What a stellar matchup. There's nothing I'd rather see than a 7-6 shootout in Big D. Gut wrenching. It's about time the NFL made this holiday a rotating national game like any other. I love tradition but this one is stupid.
  25. per ESPN http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1931415 I will say though that ANYONE who doesn't believe what Clarett said about OSU is either ridiculously naive or has blinders on. That kind of sh*t happens everywhere and IF the NCAA does investigate (AGAIN ) and they don't find anything again, I will have lost a lot of respect for the integrity of College Football. It's one thing to act like you don't know about these kinds of things but when you actually go looking for it and then "can't find it" you are either A.) entirely incompetent or B.) a lying sack of sh*t. but FWIW, it should be interesting.
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