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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Missing the game again.... So far McGee=sick MF AJ Feely torching our secondary??
  2. It's a good thing you have those Lions to root for! Ya know, since we suck so bad and they are heading towards greatness
  3. While I agree with you in principle, the football team here (and other places) brings in a ton of money to the school. That money can be used for academic purposes. If you have the chance to nab a coach that can get you to a BCS bowl (12-14 million per team payout) and you can get him for 2 million a year, I'd say that is a pretty good investment for the university.
  4. So if Stoops can turn a program around, why couldn't a great coach do that here? You say how does ND expect to get anyone to coach them....how did OU get Stoops? There IS talent on this team, not as much as there once was, but still some. A great coach could bring us back to the elite.
  5. If its true, White needs to be hung from a tree here on the quad, beaten like a pinata by every student and fan that wants a turn, and then shot. im not bitter
  6. If that is true then the level of absurdity around south bend has hit an all-time high. Tyrone made more than 1 mill per season. White should have done what it took. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. Who do you think gets the talent? Yes the academic standards are high, but we aren't so talentless that we couldn't beat Tennessee, Florida St., and Michigan (TWICE) during Ty's tenure. There is some good talent here, maybe not as much as we used to have, but some nonetheless. And the point is, Urban should be able to recruit better players and then COACH them to be great players. He took the easy way out.... Do you think someone other than Stoops is responsible for OU coming back on the scene?
  8. Yes. My vote goes for Kevin White screwed up again. He is so worthless. IF Urban is the man you are banking on, then when you go to Utah, you make him an offer he can't refuse. You don't pussyfoot around and risk another national embarrassment.
  9. You're kidding right? im just messin with ya
  10. It is true though that the history/tradition card is played way too often when recruiting here. The recruits have this rammed down their throats. ND needs to stop living off of its' tradtion, and that goes beyond the football field. Maybe I'm just in a foul mood now
  11. We won in 88 and we finished #2 in 94. FSU, whom we beat that year, finished #1.
  12. Well while that is an extreme exaggeration, we sure are a joke today.
  13. I definitely second that. Tim Tindale was breakin off runs for godsake.
  14. It was never going to be a good, lengthy thread. That hope died after the first post.
  15. Again, I do not know what you mean. How does it not "cut it"? Im not tryin to be smart, just curious.
  16. yeah no sh--. Egg all over our faces just like 3 years ago. What a screwup. Even if we do land Butch Davis, who is a good college coach, it is just the principle that ND swung and whiffed AGAIN. Embarrassing....
  17. While I totally agree with the living off of tradtion point, what does playing in a conference have to do with it?
  18. Yeah I guess thats the play now. Though I am not that hot on bringing in that POS after he quit on the players on his 2 last teams. F all this. I am glad I am gettin out now.
  19. heres the link http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1937879
  20. Well ND has fvcked itself in the @ss again. Good job Kevin White on locking down Urban :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. I agree Tom. I guess it wasn't really directed at you. More at the ones who have supposedly never committed a crime of any sort in their life, but still condone killing someone over a DVD and getting away with it. These threads suck, but hey, that's life. People want to fight, prove their right, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I just think people are too quick to be hurtful, especially against fellow Bills fans.
  22. and I read the....whole....thing. What's become of my life? I am a little confused though as to how some of you think it immoral to steal but moral to kill a harmless doof like BF for stealing a DVD.
  23. I just watched it. That really was a sweet version of the game. Loved all the alternate camera angle replays. Ahhhhhhhhh. I could watch that 24 hours a day.
  24. I say the colts can beat one of those 2 teams, most likely the Steelers. I do not see them getting past BOTH on the road. IF for some reason they got homefield, then yes I would agree.
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