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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Thats what finals week will do to you.
  2. Oh and while you think about that, I wanted to thank you for using one of your seven total posts to call me out. Nothing like positively contributing to this place...
  3. Gotta love those terribly executed and poorly timed halfback option passes. Lucky for the Skins, Portis' pass was soooo bad, even the CBs had no play on it. Greggo had to have made the call
  4. Haha....actually I'm takin my last philo next semester. Some of my friends took him and they liked him. The one class that would have fit my schedule though is restricted. Oh well.... I do hope that Weis thing is true just so we can have an answer finally.
  5. Well we just cut off the porn and started doing some mad chanel surfing. There was a a report that he accepted the job yesterday but as far I was concerned it was just a rumor. Im sure ND will make Weis leave immediately for recruiting. Thats what they wanted Gruden and Meyer to do. But who knows if thats even possible. GREAT news for a ND and Bills fan!
  6. ICE, you are fuggin ridiculous (as if this statement needed to be made). You accuse so many here of being homers and blindly following the Bills. I have never seen someone make as many stupid and ridiculous claims reagrding a sports team as you do with OU. Last year you claimed OU could beat the Bills. (I guess then that since OU lost to Kansas St. and LSU that both those teams could beat Buffalo too huh?) Now you claim that Adrian Peterson has outperformed Cedric Benson?? Lets see how the facts hold up. AP Stats: YPG:141.8 TDs: 15 Avg. 5.9 Rec: 2 YDs: 6 TDs: 0 CB Stats:* YPG: 160.4 TDs: 19 Avg. 5.8 Rec: 22 YDs: 179 TDs: 1 *Cedric Benson played one less game than Adrian Peterson. So how exactly does AP outperform Cedric? The one instance where he outperformed him was in their head to head matchup. And if you want to argue that Texas has anywhere near that same defense that OU has, then you are even crazier. Do you even check your sh-- out before you spout off?
  7. Don't tease me
  8. I could see it happening also. Cincy is hungry and they are fighting for their playoff lives. So many of you are sure that the Bills will beat Pittsburgh if we go into that game 9-6. But a similar game with just as much on the line for the Bengals is a no brainer? Seeing NE lose would not surprise me.
  9. Until they determine that there was alcohol in the jello shots, this story is a waste of time. You are not allowed to bring in alcohol look-alikes?? Well its a good thing too. Because if the school did allow such an atrocity to occur, every single 4th grader in that class would probably grow up to be an alcoholic. And when asked what turned them to being dependent on booze, they would all say it started in 4th grade with the jello shots. Kinda like how every kid who ate candy cigarettes ended up being a chain smoker.... And yes tater, I agree she was undercharging.
  10. I'm off campus. We got a house on Cleveland Rd., right off Juniper, north of campus. Around where Castle Point is. I used to live in Stanford.
  11. I don't think they have. That's my biggest beef with the media portrayal of ND right now. Everyone is saying that basically by firing Ty, we don't care about academic excellence anymore. As if the next coach we get is gonna turn us into Miami. To be a ND coach, you have to do TWO jobs: 1.) Maintain the academic excellence of the student athletes. 2.) Win football games. Ty did #1, he did NOT do #2. It pisses me off that just because we let him go for one of the reasons, it means that both aren't important anymore.
  12. It's nice to hear someone put it that way.
  13. Those numbers have to be wrong. There is no way in the world that: Lousville's overall grad rate: 33% Boise St. overall grad rate: 26%
  14. That actually did cause some excitement around here....for about an hour. They have a big sign that says "#1" and it is placed on top of one of the tallest building on campus. It is lit when any of our teams is currently #1 in the country in their sport. I yearned for the day it was on for something other than fencing. Guess I got my wish.... No actually it was cool to see them win a title. I just think the mood around here is permanently bleak after the debacle. Add to that how we keep getting beaten over the head with it by ESPN and every other sports station. Right after they fired Ty, my girlfriend said they should get Regis to coach (alum). That choice is looking better and better each day.
  15. Cleveland: Samwiched between an exhilirating win over a division rival, and an away game against a team that is basically our clone right now. IF, IF we win these next 2, San Fran has the potential to be an even bigger trap. The Worst team in the league samwiched between potentially the biggest win of the season and the game that decides if we get in the playoffs. Man this last quarter is gonna be exciting! I'll tell you this though, I am soooo glad we have the coaching staff we do now. They really seem to take things one step at a time. Game by game, half by half. Who whoulda thought there would be this much excitement around here in December? It feels great!
  16. I think this is the more interesting quote.....ICE I have NEVER once heard you say that TH was worth more than spit. What possesed you to think we could get a high 1st PLUS a great TE??
  17. I keep telling my friends here that this is probably gonna happen. The stevestojantty thing is that I don't like it from either standpoint. Clements is in no way a proven head coach and people here aren't too thrilled that he may be the best choice left. PLUS I would be pissed if the Bills lost him. I dunno, the only great advantage I see to having him here is that he is a former player and star so I think he would be more inclined to actively recruit rather than sit back and let the ND "mystique" reccruit for us like the previous 2 coaches.
  18. Doesn;t it mean that there is like a big fuggin pole right in front of your seat or something like that?
  19. the first track, "We Don't Care" is about dealing drugs. And the entire album he talks about chicks (Workout Plan, Get Em High, etc.). He even has a line that says "Here I am rappin bout money, hos and rims again. I mean its much more tongue-in-cheek and he is not as blatantly discriminate but he still does it.
  20. well actually he does rap about drugs and bitches. What he doesnt rap about is killing. He raps about God, dropping out of college and living his own life, society. But he has some funny jams too.
  21. Big time rapper/producer who came on the scene last spring. Actually very refreshing for people who are tired of gangster/thug rap. More intellectual along the lines of Blackstar.
  22. To those who now say that signing Vincent was stupid, I bet you are the same people who IF TD had not locked down a top-quality CB, would have been bitching. He has been hurt the whole year, give him a chance. Imagine our secondary with him in it.
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