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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Robosexual!
  2. My take is that the amount of heat Apple has received is a result of 3 factors: 1. They are top dog in terms of visibility. As you've made clear, they can't touch RIM in worldwide market share and are still lagging domestically. But the iphone is the most visible, recognizable phone in the country (maybe the world? I have no idea). If you asked any person at random on the street to give you the name of the first cellphone to pop into their head, I'd have to believe the iPhone would crush overwhelmingly. 2. Their initial response was terrible in terms of PR. They blamed software (at best a peripheral problem, at worst a bold faced lie). They blamed the CONSUMER ("you're holding it wrong"). And finally they offered a "solution" of letting you buy that butt ugly case for $30. Terrible series of missteps and I think they deserve the backlash. They finally made good on it, but some damage was done. 3. Apple has built entire marketing empire on the idea that their products are cool and easy to use. They are directly responsible for the widespread ad campaign tactic that everyone uses now (OUR product is a cool, hip smart guy and YOUR product is a fat/awkward/nerdy/stupid guy). So when they F up and then react badly, it sticks out more. I mean, Jobs blaming how people hold the phone was exactly like something "PC" would say to "MAC" in one of those commercials. I own an iPhone (3GS) and I love it. My dad just bought the iPhone4, and while he had some initial concerns over all this, he has had no problems and now loves it too. So I'm not just bashing. I just think they handled this poorly and the backlash makes sense for a variety of reasons (some self-inflicted, some not).
  3. I just noticed they have a show coming up Nashville in September. What's that, like a 4 hour drive for you? Definitely worth it for the chance to see living rock and roll legends in their prime.
  4. What do you mean a "low limit low interest card?" Credit cards don't require minimum balances; you always have the right to pay off the entire balance each month so you don't accrue any interest. The best way to establish credit would be to apply for a card with no annual fee and simply use it regularly and pay off the entire balance each month. If you're leery, just use it for something small and simple like buying gas each month. As long as you budget the cash you would have used to pay it off, you will incur no interest charges and it will simply feel like a debit card. Meanwhile, a steady history of even minor transactions and on-time payments each month will build your credit rating. It will take a long time, but it's the first step.
  5. Thoughts and prayers with you both!
  6. So what happened on Friday? I finally got you?? Only links gave it any sort of a shot. Disappointing. So I'm posting it again to give you a shot at redemption... TODAY: 1. Try Again 2. Two-thirds of the people at a concert are wearing hats. Of those who don't wear hats, three-fifths wear T-shirts. If the number of people at the concert without a hat or t-shirt is 200, how many people attended the concert?
  7. Tell whoever's been driving you to let you up for air once and awhile. I'm sure it seems longer when the scenery doesn't change.
  8. I just realized I missed a great opportunity with the 5 Albums Only thread. Wow...an all-Nickelback iPod....ahhhhhh!
  9. Double !@#$! EDITED AGAIN!! Maybe I should just sit out the next few plays...
  10. I, uh.....!@#$. I don't think I worded that very well.
  11. Jesus Christ. She steals a laptop, crashes the car, sets it on fire, breaks her arm, runs away, tells police lie #1 that makes no sense, tells police lie #2 that makes even less sense AND makes her look like a weird slut and then finally admits to everything just in time to get charged with multiple felonies. Wow. You'd think she'd rather just take the rap for burglary than be known as the girl who drove into town, picked up and blew a random dude and then destroyed her dad's car.
  12. Ah....I layed it on a little too thick there, didn't I? I was hoping to get another hit from DrDank...I know how much he loves Chad Kroeger and co. This thread started a little too serious so I did what I could to help. But, full disclosure, I do like Nickelback. I've never bought a CD, but I got no qualms about enjoying some catchy radio songs. If that "Rockstar" song comes on the radio on my drive home, I'm gonna crank that MF'er up!
  13. Vanilla? No way. You can't serve only Vanilla ice cream for a decade and still be widely revered as the best restaurant of your kind. Nickelback has redefined themselves over and over without straying too far from what makes them great. It's not like they have been putting out the same song for all these years. It's a very rare quality only found in bands with the kind of staying power that has kept them in the penthouse for so long. It's not an accident that pretty much everyone at least has great respect for them (even if they aren't your personal favorite). You wouldn't argue that, I'm sure...
  14. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5385835 Right now the NBA is a lockout next year as well...and its actually working like it should. Players are scared to death for what might be in the CBA next year so they are locking up long term deals now for less money. Shouldn't St. Louis tell Bradford to take pretty much what Stafford got last year or go roll the dice with potential rookie pay scales?
  15. I do feel bad for the 400 or so actual Heat fans who will have to fight for tickets with all the mouth breathers who just found out Miami had a pro team.
  16. I'd say they are pretty rare. It's a big burden to be universally considered the best in your genre and most bands crack under the pressure. (Look at Creed...they were passed the torch and while they burned very bright, it didn't last long). Nickelback picked up the baton and never looked back. It takes talent and creativity (a real "thinking outside the box" mentality) to hold the crown as long as they have. I don't think that is arguable.
  17. Haters! I mean, look, we obviously all have different tastes. I'm not saying Nickelback is everyone's favorite. We all have other 'guilty pleasures' that aren't as good but we like them more. I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain ever since Scott Stapp an co. flamed out.
  18. Whether your like them or not, I don't think anyone would disagree that Nickelback is a great, great rock band (maybe the best since Creed's heyday). Losing them would set back the genre.
  19. So I thought yesterday's might trip people up, but linksfiend ended that with another 1st Round KO. The guy's an animal. YESTERDAY: 17 minutes. LF's answer explained it. TODAY: I'm doing something a little different since today's puzzle can't be translated into text. I took a picture with my phone and uploaded it to tinypic. POTD - 7/16
  20. YESTERDAY: 1. 1. Seek and ye shall find 2. Mind your P's and Q's. 3. No man is an island 4. Opposites attract 5. To the victor belong the spoils 6. Many a true word is spoken in jest 2. 18 minues TODAY: Four people wish to cross a long bridge in the dark of night, but the bridge will only support a maximum of two people at a time. Furthermore, it's so dark that any bridge-crossers need to carry a flashlight to guide them, and the four people have only one flashlight to use. Walking alone, the four people would take 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes, respectively, to cross the bridge one way. If two people travel together with the flashlight, they must go as the speed of the slower person. Remember that the flashlight must be brought back across the bridge by someone each time. What is the shortest amount of time it will take to get all four across?
  21. I love that concept! What an interesting idea for an article. It's refreshing when an sports outlet actually put the time into releasing something beyond the 4000 prediction stories or power rankings. I won't pretend that I know much about more than 3-4 of those players so I don't know if any Bills deserve a spot. Nelson started 12 games so he is out. I think Brohm would be out best shot, seeing the Chase Daniel made the list. I mean, didn't the Packers somewhat try to keep him around? He has some potential-value. EDIT: Brohm doesn't qualify...thanks DC). After him the cupboard is bare. Hardy? Could you make the argument that he caught a few TDs in '08 and learned a lot during his injury. Probably not... If this list came out last year, I think we would have had a surefire top 5 guy in Fred Jackson. He would have qualified and he was coming off a very impressive year spelling Lynch.
  22. Agreed...number 6 was tough. I appreciate you coloring it, but I'm thinking navy blue wasn't exactly the best choice to blend in with the white background.
  23. Yo put your answer in some light font, or I'm going to have to start calling you eryntheruinsmypuzzles.
  24. YESTERDAY: 1. Pick Pink, Valve Value, Sealed Seabed, Impress Empress, Prisoner Poisoner, Phonograph Photograph 2. TOOTH, booth (or toots), boots, boats, brats, brass, brash, BRUSH I almost had yall stumped for the first time, but of course Mr. Roberta had to step in and ruin it (well done, though...that ish was tricky for sure). TODAY: 1. Read the sentences aloud to decipher these adages. 1. SECANT YEESH ALF HIND 2. MINE DIOR PIECE HANK NEWS 3. NOME ANACIN NIGH LENT 4. HOBBY ZITS HUT WRACKED 5. TOOTH EVICT HOPALONG THUS BOILS 6. MANIA DREW HERDERS BO CANNON CHEST 2. If 9 boys fix 9 toys in 9 minutes, how long will it take 10 boys to fix 20 toys?
  25. Just a quick Corolla corollary (sorry )....did anyone here with a Toyota get the gas pedal fix last spring? My wife has a '09 Corolla so she took hers in. The people were great and friendly and fixed it right away. However, ever since the fix, the gas pedal makes a faint mechanical whirrring noise when it is depressed to a certain level. Usually happens when you have been accelerating for a bit and then you ease your foot off the gas. There is no difference in performance...just this annoying buzz/whirr. I told her to take it back in, but she said she didn't really care enough to do it so I didn't twist her arm. Just curious if anyone else experienced this. I did some googling back when we got it done but found nothing.
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