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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. We shall find out tomorrow. I will say this though, they BETTER score 27 if they want to win this game. Our D still makes me reach for the maalox....
  2. Exactly my point. So now he makes a poorly timed comment and all of that is wiped away? He is now "no smarter than the average rapper?" That happened in 30 seconds? wow.... edit: and while you are thinking about that....who was the last rapper to kill a cop or "rape a honey?" you know, since you don't stereotype....
  3. My sentiments exactly....except that I will add that it shouldn't be nearly as big of a deal as people make it to be. There seems to be almost as much anguish over his 30 second TV bit than over the entire debacle.
  4. I'm curious, why would people have thought that?
  5. Could've been worse... The King could have juked Eddie Robinson out of his jock I'm waiting for McD's to come back with their own ad where we kick off to Ronald McDonald and he laterals it FORWARD to the Hamburgler who take it in for a score. Wouldn't that be nice
  6. Glad you are safe bud.....and, uh, yeah....like the others said...skip the preseason games. And, I know I probably don't have to tell you this, but maybe also skip everything that was said here after those games. Hope everything is coming back together for you...
  7. Humpbacks....straight up. Bet the kids tuition on it...
  8. if i were a betting man, and i am, i would throw it all down on Cinnci -3.5 @ Cleveland. There is no way that game will be close. Cleveland will be lucky to score on Cinncy's D and Carson, Chad and Rudy are gonna have their way.... time to double up folks....pay for those opener tix. gamblers in the house, who you got? watch those bastards prove me wrong now....
  9. I try to look at this disaster in a different way. Now, every time we are inside the 40 yd. line, we have an extra down. We should just gameplan to get a first down in 4 plays instead of 3. Be like the Rams that game years ago when Wilkins got hurt and they went for it every 4th down and every 2pt. conversion (set the record). We should just assume we have no kicker and give our offense an extra down to play with. Worse case scenario, we turn the ball over. Better than turing the ball over AND giving up 7 more yds. when Lindell biffs the kick.
  10. Last minute plans, might be coming up. Grandpa, in Buffalo, is not doing too well so we are having a little family visit. If I'm in Buffalo, I'm definitely going to the game. Probably just be me and my dad, but I would love to come by and meet a lot of you... of course if ND gets pounded, I may just find a corner and drink alone... EDIT: btw....how do these TBD tailgates work? People get name tags and stuff? Didn't people sign some wall or something at one of these? I mean, it sounds great to meet a lot of people here....
  11. A grandpa and grandson were on grandpa's boat fishing one day. The grandpa takes out a cigarette and lights up. "Grandpa, asks the little boy, can I have some of your cigarette?" The Grandfather asks him,"can you touch your @sshole with your penis?" "No," answers the boy. Well then, says Grandpa, you are not old enough. A short time later the grandfather takes a beer out of his cooler. "Grandpa, asks the little boy, can i have some of your beer?" Again the grandpa asks, "Can you touch your @sshole with your penis?" "No," replies the little boy. "Well, says grandpa, then you are not old enough." Two hours later, the little boy is hungry and takes out a bag of cookies from his lunchbox. The grandpa looks at the cookies and says,"boy, those cookies look and smell so good, can grandpa have some?" The little boy asks, Grandpa, can you touch your @sshole with your penis?" "Why I most certainly can!" boasts the grandpa. The little boy replies "Well..then go !@#$ yourself, these are MY cookies!"
  12. Im psyched bro.....I can't remember the last time we beat Michigan twice in a row
  13. WEEK 2 I will start by saying that I hate that polls even take place this early in the year. I hate preseason polls and I hate that teams may get locked out of a big bowl simply because of where some AP writer or coach "thought" they should be in August. Having said that: -ND cracked it at #23. Not sure if I agree with that kind of jump (they were like 40th or something last week) but I'll take it. Next week will show whether or not we belong. -I liked that they switched Tennessee and Michigan. I hate how sometimes they are afraid to mix up the order of the top teams if no one loses. Tennessee did NOT look like the 3rd best team in the nation last week, IMO. Michigan, which still had their flaws, was superior and I think they deserve the swtich. -I think TCU should have gotten in. They beat a solid OU team AT Norman and its not like they are chumps. They have a decent team and a win like that should be enough to get them in the top 25. -I would have liked to see Georgia move up a few more spots after that ass whipping they laid on Boise St. A lot of people expected a drop off with Greene gone, and to me, that was a statement game. Maybe Boise is out of their league with the big boys, but I still think it was impressive nonetheless. A few other minor issues, but thats why its fun to discuss....thoughts? EDIT: AP Poll also released while I was writing this! WEEK 2 - AP I agree with the AP poll a lot more. -They bumped Tennessee down even further (3 to 6) -Promoted OSU to 4th (and kept them ahead of VT) -Included TCU (22) and Clemson (25) -Dropped OU further (18) -Put ND higher (20) Discuss...
  14. There we can agree....although I was real young the last time they played, I used to love the Miami game.
  15. No problem...we will try to squeeze you in somewhere between the #1, #3 and #4 teams in the nation....that is if we aren't afraid. You'll get your turn soon enough...
  16. I wasn't really trying to attack the player, you do what you gotta do I guess and I know worse things happen during those 60 minutes. My point was that the announcer was heaping praise on him like he had just made a big play. GREAT WIN!
  17. I agree man. I'm not booking my hotel in Pasadena. I'm just saying that I do not believe this team, under Weis, will be blown out by anyone. We will struggle and we will lose. But embarrassments like 37-0 at home won't happen again. My feelings on this are less from the game last weekend and more from the general feel I get from Weis and hearing him talk. But we shall see...
  18. No doubt. I have the utmost respect for Southern Cal. But if they couldn't beat us 52-10 LAST year with "Sunday-Friday" as our coach, they sure as hell aren't going to come close to that this year. We will give them a game......and I guarantee NO ONE embarrasses us this year.
  19. Yeah we sure are one to shy away from tough opponents.
  20. I was at the Big House for the 38-0 disaster 2 years ago. Walking into that stadium was unreal. ND is pretty intense, but when you enter at what you think is ground level and then realize there are 60 rows below you and like 50 more on top, you almost get dizzy. Besides the game though, Ann Arbor was a great road trip. Had so much fun that weekend. And you're right....it will be lights out
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