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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Bingo. That is a point I was trying to make as well. It will always suck when a team gets left out. There will be crying and bitching and complaining and often, it won't be fair. There is no way to eliminate this element of unfairness, the only thing you can do is make the tragedy less severe. The farther you get from the top, the less of a big deal it is. In my scenario, 5 teams get in. I guarantee you there will never be a year in college football where 6 teams go undefeated in 1-A. The 6th team will get left out, it sucks. But better them than the 3rd team. Think about the NCAA basketball tourney. Every year there are teams "on the bubble" that don't make it. It sucks, but it sucks less because since there are so many teams that make it, the bubble teams aren't really considered to be legitimate title contenders. So it is not the end of the world if they are shuffled off to the NIT. I mean to really put into perspective how ridiculous the current NCAA football system is, think about it if they did it that way in basketball. What if there was no tournament and the championship of the entire country was decided in a championship game between the #1 and #2 ranked teams. It's hard to even imagine such an assinine system. Yet, we are living it.
  2. The BCS has been flawed since it's beginning. It was an improvement on the archaic system that preceded it, but it will never be the system that works. People will always complain about it, because even when it does what it's supposed to do (decide the championship game when it isn't obvious), it is not viewed with enough respect to be considered legit (e.g. 2004 When LSU beat OU but USC was still voted #1 by AP). This shouldn't happen. The BCS should be the ultimate authority in college football. But because of its problems, people will never look at it this way. The obvious solution has been a playoff system. This has been considered for years and almost everyone believes it is the best way to handle the disputes. The reason it has not happened is: A). $$$$$$$ B). Can't decide on a system thats "fair." The NCAA loves to spout off about how they care about the student athlete and the don't believe that it would be fair to add a few more weeks to the schedule to include a playoff. Please. The same "student"-athlete that they exploit to make countless millions. Funny how the lower divisions have playoffs and no one really seems to mind. So I was curious how you all felt about this and if you had a playoff scheme, how would it work. Something to do while our Bills pull their heads out of their arses. Here's mine: Here's the start. There are no public polls until week 8. There is no reason in hell to base a serious sport's destiny on what some AP writer or coach thought in August. Look at this year's Week 1 Top 5: USC--------------1 Texas------------2 Michigan---------NR Tennessee-------25 Oklahoma--------NR No one knows how it's gonna be in August. Wait until you have an idea, then make the rankings. I realize this will be hard because the writers probably will be ranking all along, but I think if at least it wasn't public, then it might be better. You do a 5 team playoff. You still use the BCS. Necessary evil because you can't have two conflicting polls. I'm no expert on how to modify it so that it would be "better." It's not ideal to use it, but at least it ends at the playoff. After that, the teams decide the champion. There is a play in game between #4 and #5. So there are 4 total games. I did this because it allows the 4 major bowls to remain the heavy hitters. This is the biggest obstacle I believe. No one wants to give up the millions to be made on corporate sponsorships. This would solve that, and I believe it would actually make more money because more people would watch these games. What would you watch....Georgia v. Alabama or a sweet matchup from last year like Utah vs. Pitt. You rotate the BCS bowls in terms of which game gets to be the play-in game, which one gets to be the Championship, as it is done now. You eliminate conference championships and excess byes. There is no need for teams to have 3 byes in a season and then wait 2+ more weeks to play their bowl game. It's ridiculous. There are 10-12 games per year. One bye MAX. One week off at the end of the season (maybe) and then start the playoff. Teams ranked 6-?? can still be selected for the regular bowls as they are now. I know this wouldn't be perfect (the #6 team would still always be screaming) but at least it wouldn't be the #3 team. I would like to expand it to 8 teams but I thought this would be a good first step. Any thoughts?
  3. Charlie Weis is never leaving us (ND). He has his rings, he had his NFL career. He's home now and he has stated this publicly I believe. As far as the buyout option, if anyone thinks ND would be stupid enough to screw up another coaching decision, well then......ummm, sh--. I will say this as far as Weis goes, I am sooo glad ND didn't listen to the vocal alums who wanted Tom Clements. I shudder thinking about him running the Irish while Weis remains in New England for at least another year.
  4. By far the most exciting and emotional event I have ever attended (including SB XXV). The entire weekend was unreal. From the pep rally in the stadium (had to be 50,000+) to the final seconds of the game. The collective emotional swing that was felt in the stadium was unlike any feeling I've ever experienced. We thought we had it. We saw the seconds tick to zero. I felt like I was about to cry from elation and then cry from disbelief. An all-time great game in the history of football and I am damn proud to say that I was there. We're back. GO IRISH!!!! Bart
  5. You run Willis on 1st, 2nd and 3rd down. If that doesn't work, send in Travis for 4th.
  6. ---I will preface this by saying that I was/am not really in favor of him starting for reasons that I'm sure have been discussed ad nauseum here for the better part of a week--- But I just read the AP article linked on the TBD homepage LINK and I will say that I was very impressed with his comments and general attitude. He seemed to have a good balance of wanting to start vs. knowing that it is a delicate situation. I would not want a guy here who was happy being a backup, but he also seems to understand (from Cleveland experience I'm sure) how to handle the media in a situation like this. I'm sure the team is already divided somewhat and the coaches being secretive about it all probably doesn't help. The last thing we need is him or JP to pour gas on the flames by spouting off something negative. We just won a divisional, rivalry game and things could get clicking again. Who knows if this is how he really feels or acts when the cameras are off? He could just be spewing media rhetoric and athlete cliches because he is a veteran and he knows the game. But I was just very impressed with it all. ~bart
  7. I gotta say, I miss AW taking down TEs and big RBs every week and the look on their face after some 5'8" 165 lber would stop them dead in their tracks. But McGee is really starting to impress me in the same department. He consistently comes up with a "big" hit which is really just very, very solid tackling, technique-wise. He gets low and doesn't let guys get past him. In fact he is starting to remind me of AW very much in every way, except that he is an elite KR and get's more picks. He's not quite there yet on the tackling, and he gets beat a little more often, but he is getting better all the time. I would love to lock him down during the season because I believe his price tag goes up every game. and one more note on great tackling.....Jabari Greer on special teams. WOW. Every week he is the first man down there on punts and every week he is good for at least one great tackle where he flies by the returner and gets enough of him to knock him off his feet. The 65 yd. punt, 1 yd. return yesterday by Welker (a great returner himself) was a prime example. bart
  8. While I always take extra pleasure in watching ND take em down a few pegs, I do root for the Lions and it is great to see them playing ball they way they should. I remember when I first saw that ND had put them back on the schedule....a friend of mine (PSU grad) and I joked that it would really be an insult to their rivalry...since both programs were about 2-5 at the time. Glad to see we are both heading back in the right direction. Can't wait to take on a legit Penn St. squad next year in South Bend. ....btw and speaking of my boys: B-E-A-utiful tonight. Now rest up...you got the game of your life in 2 weeks. GO IRISH!!! GO LIONS!
  9. That was very, very odd looking. I thought the exact same thing. He basically lateralled him the ball.
  10. I'll be there. Our offense better be ready to run, cause USC will hang 35+ on us. If we beat Purdue, should be a real tough one, and we go into that game top 12 or so, it will be a madhouse. Can't wait. AD: You're damn right about MSU. They have been sh-- on in the polls since preseason. Bet they beat Michigan....
  11. disclaimer: I'm not saying I would or would not approach it the same way, but: Because it makes a bigger impression. If he screams at him behind closed doors, Willis can tell him to get fvcked and walk away. When he puts it out in the open, Willis has to deal with it, whether he likes it or not. And maybe it will piss him off that his coach did this to him. And maybe thats what he needs.... maybe
  12. It's already in the works, my friend. My roommate last year (Electrical Engineer) had to do a senior design project where they basically had to invent something. They chose that, and the professor said there was already research into that area. They were still allowed to do it, I'm actually not sure how it turned out.
  13. Give MSU a lot of credit. Stanton is a GREAT QB and he knew how to exploit us. Our defense played great at times, and pretty sh------- at others. We made two REALLY BIG mistakes that cost us the game...though I do believe the ball crossed the plain when our FB fumbled, but whatever...he should never have stuck it out. Quinn still pisses me off. You see his stat line...485 yds...5 TDs and you think all-world, but, to me, he is just an above average QB. He will never be an elite QB and forget NFL. His lack of touch on the deep ball cost us plenty of points today and that INT for a TD what a terrible throw. Then he hit the same guy in the hands the next drive too. I just think after the string of terrible QBs we've had, when someone with any talent at all comes around, it's hard to see him for what he is. When we have a really good QB, this team will win a NATL title. My first criticism of Charlie Weis....where was Rashon Powers-Neal? I really hope he was hurt (well not really) because if that freshman is getting his snaps then I think that is a terrible move. Rashon is a much stronger and polished runner. He would not have fumbled at the goal line and I think he is a much bigger offensive threat. Stovall still can't catch the ball with his hands....same story for the last 4 years. Yes, he put up a great stat line, but the bottom line is all the balls he caught were balls he was supposed to catch. And the drops were not difficult. Catch the ball with your hands Mo, not your body. We are gonna miss Ray Ray if it really is an ACL. All in all, amazing game and we almost pulled it off after shooting ourselves in the foot for about the entire 3rd quarter. I thought when we forced that fumble with a minute left that fate was on our side....but it wasn't meant to be today. We'll get em next week at UW. peace and GO BILLS!!!!
  14. Thats where I want him. I would love to see him and Evans stretch the outside and let Moulds back in the slot, where I have always thought he is at his best. I honestly think that EM would benefit more from that switch than would Roscoe. Plus it would prevent him, Parrish, from being trucked by some MLB who has 75 lbs. on him. Absolutely LOVE Moulds in the slot, coming across the middle.
  15. I'm not counting my chickens yet....but I will say I am excited about the possibility of an unbeaten showdown with the #1 team in the country. And that possibility is looking a lot better than it did this time last week.
  16. Link That's great. I can't imagine the elation he felt when he found out. I couldn't fathom believing that two brothers and possibly my dad were dead for a couple of days. Then when he found out they were safe....he must be walking on air. Nice to hear these kinds of stories amidst all the tragedy and negativity...
  17. I figured after an ND win, I was last person you'd want to see...
  18. Thief Ridiculous. I was arrested at a Notre Dame tailgate for underage drinking. I had to pay a $250 fine, do 50 hours of community service and was put on probation for 1 year. He commits THREE counts of grand larceny and the only difference is more community service and 6 mos more probation?? The man robbed fellow students of $11,000 worth of merchandise and tried to sell it. Give me a break. And I loved this gem from his lawyer: woah taunts and hostility!! That is punishment enough. I'm shocked they bothered with the probation and service. Taunts and hostility is probably worse than jail! Why didn't I think of that defense when I was sitting before the judge? "But your honor, if I go home my family and friends will make fun of me for getting caught with beer! The punishment is there!" jesus christ...
  19. There were some great guys around me and my dad. I love when you have people around you that you've never met but you can talk to like old friends by the end of the 1st quarter. We were all screaming our asses off every play the Texans had the ball. To answer a posters question, yes the heat did take its toll by the 3rd quarter. That and the fact that they cutoff beer sales at halftime. I was planning on reloading at like the 12 minute mark of the 3rd only to get shutout! Anway, I only stood up during big play situations because I don't think its necessary to stand the whole time. I can be plently loud sitting on the edge of my seat. And also I did this as I got a feel for the crowd around me. I noticed I tended to stand up earlier and more often than most people around me. If others had been leading the charge, I would have followed suit. I go with the flow...for the most part It's such a different mentality though coming from 4 years of attending college football games though. At ND, like many other schools im sure, we stood the whole game on the wooden bleachers. We would jump all over each other and push each other into other rows at every score or turnover. If you could speak or walk straight after the game, you were doing something wrong. It was just chaos and I miss it so much. But I can respect the enjoyment from both venues. There weren't 6 year old girls in the ND student section, nor were there senior citizens who don't want to have to get up everytime someone in front of them stands. You act accordingly. I hate people who sit still the whole game and shoot you looks everytime you get loud, but I equally dislike the mentality that the more obnoxious you are, the bigger and better fan you are. Next year I'm gonna have to get in with this tailgate and sit with you all. yeah and fucck the wave
  20. Is it just me, or have there been an insane amount of marquee matchups already? I feel like a whole seasons worth of great games have already been played... Tennessee hasn't looked that sharp and while I hate UF, being at the swamp will def give them the edge. Florida. Fvck BC....My most hated team in college sports. I hope FSU kicks the everloving sh-- out of them. FSU all the way. Very nervous about MSU. I think they are highly underrated and if this game was in East Lansing, I'd be shitting my pants. But I think the crowd will be so juiced and we are the better team. I just hope we haven't gotten cocky....havent won a damn thing yet. ND I think this may turn out to be the best game of the bunch...or Miami may flatten them. I think Miami is a great squad, and if they can get it together, they will dominate. I'm not making any sense but I do know I would not touch this game with any kind of action. Miami I don't trust OU anymore than the average person, but there is talent on the team and Stoops is a great coach. AP knows that this is his team and if he can carry them, he may just win the Heisman. OU. Honestly don't know too much about either of these teams...haven't gotten to see anything more than highlights of Fresno and nothing of Oregon. My gut goes with Fresno St. GREAT year so far!!
  21. Well had to get back to visiting anyway. Too bad though, I was excited to meet many of you and put back a few brews.
  22. I wish I coulda made it. Was visiting sick Gramps up at Buffalo General and didnt really make it to Abbot Rd. until about 12. Figured it was too late....probably walked right by and didnt even know it... Hope everyone had a great time...I know I did (minus the ridiculous sunburn on my face...thats what you get for sitting visitors side w/o block or a hat ) Great game...I'll make it on of these times btw...A+ for the beer selection at the stadium. Because I was tied up all morning, didnt get to do any tailgating but several 24OZers helped me make it through... )
  23. Thank you NG...it was a great game. Couldn't relax until 1:30 left. Our defense (which I have said is our weakness) was amazing. Big play after big play. Our LBs are badasses and even our secondary held up well against a talented UM offense. I especially loved shutting down Breaston on ST. We kicked it right to him each time, and then shut him down. Offense was pretty quiet after that first drive and basically non-existant in the 2nd half. I think they really clammed up and became overly conservative. But we did what it took to win.... Can't wait to return to South Bend for Southern Cal....
  24. Just got back from Buffalo....what a weekend for football!!! Michigan...good squad. Pretty much shut us down after the 1st drive. Navarre, i mean Henne, single handedly chucked this one away. Terrible redzone decisions and really was one DB mixup from being shutout. There are still a lot of kinks....but I love where this is going.
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