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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I actually agree very much. He did have a very disappointing season. However, he does have the tools, and his potential is sky high. But you are correct, he is going to have to decide to get his head in the game more. If he can step up and be the man with Santonio gone next year, then I'd feel confident that he has turned the corner.
  2. You don't make the plays, you don't win the game. Our defense was exposed and once again, my good friend Ambrose "Toast" Wooden proved that he belongs on the sidelines. I really hope Charlie is recruiting some big time CBs. Officiating was terrible, IMO. First, I really thought it was a fumble. He caught it, got TWO feet down and then bobbled it. I must have TiVo re-wound it 40 times. That play completely changed the game. Also agree with Darin, numerous holding calls completely ignored for both teams. I thought it especially humorous when the sideline announcer was reviewing the last TD run for OSU and he heaped praise on the the WR blocking downfield and meanwhile he had a fistful of jersey. But whatever....also thought the personal foul penalties were all BS. It's football. The most obvious one of the game (helmet to helmet on Quinn during last scoring drive) was not called however. Go figure. Ginn is an animal and Smith played one of the best games I've ever seen for a college QB. He made all the right plays at all the right times. Only two blemishes were the fumbles (both were his fault IMO even though one was probably charged to the RB). We had our chances and despite our defensive struggles, I really was disappointed that the offense couldn't find its touch. We could have won this game despite giving up 34. Last point, Brent Musburger has been moved up significantly on my list of annoying, jackass announcers. My favorite gem from him tonight: "They've really shut down Samardzija. It is obvious that their gameplan was to hit him immediately every time he catches the ball." Brilliant Brent.....as opposed to the the other players whom I'm assuming they were trying to let run around for awhile before they hit them. Future is looking bright....could see this as a re-match next year....for the NATL Championship. peace Bart
  3. Been a great year, far better than I would have imagined for my boys. I think we can take OSU down, no one besides Michigan has yet to slow our offense. And most importantly, its hard to bet against Charlie Weis with a month to prepare. GO IRISH! Bart
  4. Mostly in line with you SnJ: Notre Dame 31-21 Georgia 38-17 Penn State 17-6 USC 42-31
  5. My fault for the re-post. That is awesome though. I was wondering how they put it together. I would love to see it do a bunch more songs.
  6. I disagree about Ngata. He won't get to play in the Senior Bowl (obviously) so the East-West Shrine might be his last time to shine. If he tears it up there and then puts up the combine #s that people expect he might, he will go top 5 no problem I think.
  7. It really has been a conditioned respone for me...Every time an opposing player gets tackled within two yards of the yellow line, I automatically think "Another fvcking 1st down." But I never would have dreamed that it was 100%....wow. wow.
  8. Sterling Sharpe made a comment that when we stopped Denver on 4th and 1, it was the FIRST TIME all season that we had successfully prevented our opponent from converting a 3rd and 1 or 4th and 1. Every team playing us all year had converted every single 3rd and 1 they attempted. HOLY sh--!!! One good thing tonight....loved the white pants with the home jerseys. Enough with the blue and blue....disgusting.
  9. I could never change loyalties from my football teams...ND and Buffalo. Plus knowing my luck, as soon as I "switched" teams, Buffalo would win the damn SB. I would, however, have no problem taking money from someone stupid enough to bid on it. A fool and his money are soon parted....
  10. Good pickup! I actually was trying to start a PC/theological debate and at the same time offend a lot of people. That was whole point of the post...not to make a few people laugh
  11. I'd go for it. I mean, it is a risk but it's also a shot at something even more memorable than a Super Bowl. And I really think it is underrated the damage it could do to the team if the players wanted to go for it and Dungy sat them and they ended up losing. These guys have such a competitive drive...it's not really something you can turn on and off.
  12. I think everyone will agree that Mike Williams has been a big disappointment. But is he really not even good enough to be playing for the worst line in football? (save Houston...maybe) I liked the LG experiment just because at least it was action. Bennie sucks and I liked that the coaches actually tried to do something about it...albeit it was a failure. I like Jason Peters and I think he can continually develop, but as others have stated, I do not believe it is any coincidence that our running game has completely shut down since Mike has been on the bench. The man CAN run block better than most...and aren't we supposed to be a RUNNING team? Bottom line, of course his cap number is waaaay too high for next year and needs to be adjusted, but should he be shown the door? Can he really not be of service to this putrid excuse for a line? And does anyone else feel that keeping your highest paid player on the bench for the rest of the season is tantamount to him not being in your future plans at all?
  13. I think Mularkey made the right choice. Look at how well our team performs in the 4th quarter. That's conditioning baby....
  14. Well while I have not had the chance to research any of the players on your list (besides Ngata) I will say this: I absolutely LOVE the positions you are drafting in RDs 1-3.
  15. And the energy wasted discussing the discussions....
  16. I agree he choked then and he is a choker in general, but did you read the article? It was very strange....
  17. I agree. What a dumbass...definitely some of the most bizarre criticism I've ever heard. Here is the link: Dumbass Give TO some of his money??? Jesus.
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