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Rich in Ohiо

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohiо

  1. Yes, I am a thief, and a weak values person. But I get satellite TV for free. You're just jealous because you cam't compete with me intelectually.
  2. Typical leftist liberal hatred. Calling me a criminal is uncreatve and dishonest. Why don't you let your husband use the computer while you go into the kitchen and cook him dinner like a good woman should.
  3. Derwood, you are pathetic. You have to create a new alias to respond to me? Couldn't you get your butt buddy tommy to help defend you? It's ok Derwood, everybody knows you can't compete with me intellectually. Admit it and you'll feel better. Have a nice day.
  4. Look out, sweetpea. Mickey wants to be assmonkey of the weak, too. Typical liberal wacko.
  5. No offense, but I don't need an open mind to see the truth. Fox News told me so. Have a nice day.
  6. Yea nice response there AD. Spoken like a true elitist who thinks that they are superior to everyone else. Who in the Hell are you to judge me you horse's ass? You do nothing more then sit around all day looking for people to make these stupid statements to. Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants.
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