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Evil Bastard

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Everything posted by Evil Bastard

  1. Looks like I am busted.
  2. Economic Left/Right: 1.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.87
  3. Sorry, I thought he was talking about the fins game. My bad.
  4. Spikes? Do you mean Bledsoe?
  5. Nope, you just need to put your partisan rhetoric aside long enough to know that I am not a Bush supporter. Just because I am conservative in nature, does not mean I support the Bush administration. Sorry to burst your conspiracy bubble. You mention that silence is competent evidence in court. Can you convict, when silence is your ONLY evidence? If not, then your argument does not carry weight. You reponded to my post. My post was a reponse to someone else, who placed sole balme of 9/11 on Bush just because he was in office at the time. My response was that this stuff was well underway before Bush ever took office. That is not an excuse for the Bush administraion. I know that you desperately want it to be an excuse, but it was not. All I was saying, and all I have been saying, is that you cannot place the blame solely on an administration in office for 9 months, when stuff like this takes years to plan and execute. It takes even longer for the root causes of these plans to happen. This means that this stuff has been festering for more than 8 years and nine months to culminate in 9/11 (hey, that puts things before the Clinton Administration). I can't believe I need to spell this out. I would assume that you had the capabilities to understand these concepts, but I guess I was wrong. Partisanship can have that effect on people. Yup, that obviously means that I am an apologist for the administration. [/sarcasm] Did you ever think that maybe I disagree more with the Democratic views than Republican, but yet still do not support the Bush Administration. Oh, right. That cannot possible happen. Bush Bad. Better? No it did not. Since you seem to be having a little trouble with reading comprehension, I will try again. This is the THIRD time I am posting this statement (mind you, an EXACT quote). Please try to read slower this time: "Stevestojan that is happening now is rooted in policies and decisions made before this administration even took office." Do I need to break it down word by word for you? How do you get that this statement only applies to the eight years before Bush took office? Of course, it can't possibly apply to administrations prior to Clinton. That would throw your whole Republican conspiracy theory down the drain. [/sarcasm] I would love to discuss issues with you, but you are showing that your partisanship is getting in the way of objective discussion. When you can prove to me that you are capable and willing to have objective discussions, then we can continue. If not, don't bother responding. Your response, or lack of response, will tell a lot.
  6. You are obviously not a prosecutor. I can just see you walking into a rape trial and saying to the judge, "Well, your honor. The only evidence I have that the defendant is guilty, is that he has not said that he is not a rapist. I rest my case." Keep trying.
  7. You have got to be kidding. I expect weak responses like this from blzrul, but I thought you were better than this. I was wrong. You have become nothing more than a political hack, just like Rich in Ohio. So, when I say that "Stevestojan that is happening now is rooted in policies and decisions made before this administration even took office," that is excusing all previous republican administrations? You guys are unbelievable. How about I put things in words you will understand, "Bush Bad." Feel better now? Your credibility has taken a shot, with stupidity like this.
  8. You want to point out where I am excusing the present administration or all past republican administrations.
  9. I agree, and it looks like the campaign agrees as well. I have not seen Bush in PA much recently. Laura has been there recently, but hubby has not.
  10. Research? What is that? Can I use this internet thing to see when the next episode of Survivor is on?
  11. Totalinarism?
  12. You still don't get it, do you? Stevestojan that is happening now is rooted in policies and decisions made before this administration even took office. MY GOD, how friggin slow are you people? This is not about a BJ. Put down the TV Guide, and pick up a friggin book.
  13. But yet, when conservatives try to hold the previous administration responsible for their blunders, why to we constantly hear "stop bringing up Clinton!!"? This is not necessarily directed at you, but just a general observation.
  14. Yup, all Republicans need to be in lockstep on every issue. I am not shocked that liberals do not understand the concept of "thinking for yourselves."
  15. This paragraph alone, shows that they are so blinded by partisanship, they they are willing to ignore the facts: Obviously, they did not read the report, because these statements are completely wrong.
  16. Actually, he chimed in before. The soundbite generation was occupied with other things. Can't overload the brain with more than one or two topics at a time.
  17. Yup, pro-lifers want to kill "anyone they want." Another idiotic remark from the dopes on the left. Voting to get rid of assault rifles? You do realize that "assault rifles" are rarely used in the commission of crimes, right? Oh, wait. They are used on TV and in movies, so that must mean that it is reality. You guys amaze me.
  18. VA, did you hear that Democrats are getting themselves into a lather in Philadelphia over the Republicans wanting to move polling places? They sound like blzrul, in saying that "people are being disenfranchised, blah, blah, blah." This is a blatant attempt to instill fear into the electorate, figuring they are too dumb to realize the true intent of the moves. Reality is that the Republicans want the polling places moved because the bulk are handicpped inaccessible (yup, let's make sure we disenfranchise the votes of these people, because they physically cannot make it into the polls). Shameful act by the Democrats. It is too bad the Republicans resort to these tactics as well, which makes them no better than the Democrats. The American people need to stand up, and let these parties know that these acts are disgusting, and they will no longer be tolerated.
  19. Link worked fine for me. I guess that ruins your little conspiracy theory.
  20. Nope. As Tom and Rich mentioned, (OK, anyone else scared that Tom and Rich are agreeing on something?) voting is a priviledge. With that, comes responsibility. It is not the government's responsibility to take the stupid people by the hand and lead them through life. Personal responsibility comes into play. If you do not know where to vote, who is at fault? The government? Nope. The voter is responsible. If there is a question, there are plenty of resources available to get your questions answered. It is not the government's fault that they are either too dumb or too lazy to find out where they should vote.
  21. Don't worry Chef. You were not replying to this poll, but replying to Tom. You are safe.
  22. It sounds good in theory. It is just too bad that liberals do not put it into practice.
  23. Or it could just be the overwhelming hypocrisy of Kerry blasting Bush for job losses, while at the same time telling people that if you elect him you will lose your job.
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