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  1. Look, there are always going to be fans who act like jerks. But the jerks represent a small minorityof the fan base. I'm sorry about the treatment MM's family received. But I hope Mike's not using it as a reason for his quitting. If he can't take the heat, he'll never be a head coach in this league again.
  2. Let me get this straight - MM quits his job, then negotiates a buyout of his contract with Ralph? What gives? IMHO, if the guy resigns for "personal reasons" he should be entitled to NOTHING in compensation from the Bills. He is, by his own choice, not fufilling the terms of his contract. I can't see where the Bills owe him anything. If I were to quit my lousy job today, I'm sure my employer would not offer me anything in return. And why should they? BTW, good riddance Mike. With your "quitter" attitude, it's no wonder the Bills sucked. I guess it's true that a team is a reflection of the head coach...
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