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Generation ME

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Everything posted by Generation ME

  1. Yet another reason why WNY drinks heavily is solved.
  2. TD is thinking Special Olympics.
  3. What about your flask purse ?
  4. Be A Man, Admit You Were Wrong - by Whiteboy Who just changed my board settings to Rap ?
  5. Rooting for the Dolphins, under any circumstance is just plain wrong. Every time I see their uniform, crosshairs form in my eyes.
  6. Al Qaeda is our enemy ? What a revelation ! So is Iraq and much of the UN. Proven economic strategist ? A new Era of " The Unknown Plan " This sounds like happy talk with no details. Keep perpetuating the hysteria with little more than partisan drivel. Go punch a chad.
  7. I'm watching a tape of Survivor and eating a hot pocket. Post back and give me a 5 second summary with as few details as possible. Vote Kerry !
  8. God help us all.
  9. Bledsoe blames the ticket office. He stated they failed to execute.
  10. That one Ravens CB had to leave the field after Willis delivered that left jab to his head. He turns no gain into a 4 yard pickup, just like that. It's a big " If " but what if this guy actually gains more of his speed back ? He has already displayed his strength and ability to move the pile. One can picture him just hammering the opposition in the 4th quarter. I'm hoping he touches the ball 25 times this Sunday. If so, the Bills win.
  11. Citicorp will send him an application for a home equity loan and a free toaster.
  12. Are you inviting him to the lime green couch ?
  13. Did you sing " You're 16, you're beautiful and you're mine " to her ?
  14. Let's hope that's what MM is refering to. With our luck, he's talking about making Shelton and Joe Burns " Co-Starters " at FB .
  15. What about that other guy who jumped on the Yankees bandwagon ? You called him J-Bone, or something like that.
  16. He'd probably apologize for not executing better.
  17. I'd be stressed too if I coughed up hairballs. Either that or gay.
  18. How about a group piss on a pile of #11 jerseys ? The feces idea will probably occur at your upcoming sex party.
  19. Halloween will pack them in. Travis will be giving candy out to the kids.
  20. Hmm. Did they find a Democratic Party charter in those crypts ? The similarities are stunning.
  21. I hear they perfected the harmonica.
  22. So their women only stood belt high ? Great. I missed out on Paradise.
  23. Hmm. Interesting Coach= No Balls QB= No Brains OL= No Heart TD= Bad Wizard Man, this is one bad yellow brick road.
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