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Generation ME

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Everything posted by Generation ME

  1. Exactly. I see you agree.
  2. Bryant McKinnie. I saw the Minny-GB game Sunday. He's on par with Mike Williams ( Bad ) . " Pick your poison " comes to mind instantly.
  3. tar - check feathers- check kerosine- check rifle with scope- check beer - check O.K., I'm off to find the grassy knoll at OBD. I is a TSW genius.
  4. BradytoGivens ? So that's the new item in the Pats locker room ? Too much information.
  5. They distracted the handcuffed man with a blinding display of white surrender hankys. Then they cursed him in hushed tones behind his back after he was apprehended.
  6. The police did the right thing. The child was in a situation where self harm was a real possibility. Obviously, a 6 year old could be overpowered with force but something far worse could have happened. Some of you folks should have been ACLU Lawyers. You're great at defending the " poor " victims.
  7. Minor details. Next theory. 4 TE's.
  8. For the fans of head trauma, anyone remember the 58 second KO by Ken Norton Sr. over Duane Bobick ?
  9. He was never known to double dribble . I guess he had a dark side.
  10. Nice detective work, Holmes. Professor Moriarity called and said he gives up. I'm not G. Host. Stick to Reality TV and episodes of Lost. It's your speed.
  11. Pffffft. I've thrown up on better. A French libber. Oh boy, where does the line form ?
  12. So Evans is emerging with clutch catches and we're suddenly winning games. Evans had a knee injury his senior year at Wisconson. Shouldn't we just give him 2 touches a game and rest him more. Aren't all the Doctors quacks for clearing him to play ? I mean, is winning really all that important ?
  13. I'll take a pass on that pompous bandwagon. It usually takes a header over the emotional cliff, like the coyote in the roadrunner cartoons. Do you own stock in ACME ?
  14. The Bills ARE doing something. Improving the offense with key lineup changes and better plays. The last 2 weeks has given the entire team a confidence boost and has them entering the New England game on an upswing. 5-3 or 6-2 to finish the season is not a reach, even if they stumble next Sunday. The Bills can't erase the 1st 4 games of the year but can only learn and improve. Whether you are personally pleased with them means nothing to most here. Your posting style is to fan flames and whine. Your disciples are of the same ilk.
  15. Good luck with your homework and that endless quest for a sense of humor.
  16. Absolute zero. Did I get it right ?
  17. I thought it was Reality TV and Hot Pockets ? ( ding ! ) Gotta go.
  18. Someone should send Mr. Moore some Nair for that peach fuzz mess all over his mug. One look at him should indicate the " Starving Artist " look won't work.
  19. The Patriots would have never won 2 SB's with DB at the helm. Bradys' play has energized that entire team while Bledsoes' play has deflated the Bills more often than not. There is a reason why the Pats had no qualms about trading Bledsoe within the division. Once the Bills swung a trade to draft Losman, they basically showed their concern about Bledsoes ability to take this team to the next level. His play has declined rapidly since Nov. 2002 and the future is JP Losman. When he's ready, he'll start and Bledsoes' days in Buffalo will be over. That could happen in the next month.
  20. So Arizona hasn't won any games this season and we basically beat them by forfeit ? Gosh, I learn so much here. Where do I get the Kool-aid ?
  21. How else would he get rid of the Billy goat ?
  22. Yes, his hygiene,honesty and snappy dress will be quite the draw card.
  23. If the Dems think Hillary ( Ha ! ) is the answer in 2008, the Republicans will hold power until at least 2016. They need a fresh face.
  24. To a lesser degree, Thurman was a dice roll also. Hurt in high school and again his junior year at Oklahoma St. ( tore 2 ligaments ) . I'm willing to give Willis a chance.
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