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Generation ME

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Everything posted by Generation ME

  1. Haslett could wax nostalgic with that horrible gossip he spread about Kent Hull doing roids. That went over real well with the Buffalo fanbase. Haslett is a PR trainwreck.
  2. "Take the Money and Run" by Steve Miller, playing in the background...
  3. I hear Martz puts his heart into his work.
  4. That Cliff from Cheers is pretty smart. Maybe he could be GM.
  5. Rawley Goodfellow - Center - Oglethorpe University Go Stormy Petrels !
  6. DVD's galore A Thumb To The Eye - The Scientific Art of Pro Wrestling Home and Gardens' World of Quilting This Old Trailer - Season 1 Tom Arnold - Live at Buddakon Al Sharpton - For Sale
  7. Weren't the Jets 19 point dogs to Baltimore in SB III ? I read it on a beer can.
  8. Is Oxford lovely in the spring ?
  9. Will Marv call 74 year old Ted Marchibroda back as Coach ? He could give scout Dwight Adams a call, who I understand wants back in the NFL. I see an " On Golden Pond " moment coming.
  10. You haven't watched our games lately.
  11. Quick, sign Victor Allatoy !
  12. http://www.zerotoys.com/newsite/products.htm I have some questions concerning that girl and her " Wizard Stick "
  13. He probably cried the same way that morning, when his mom told him she was out of grits and Skoal.
  14. What about " The Lover of LAMP's " ? .
  15. I heard the Philly NAACP now called for a boycott of Chunky Soup.
  16. McGahee On Saturday Night ? He's hosting ? Cool. Who's the band ? 50 Cent ?
  17. I see a 3 Million advance from Simon and Schuster for the book. An appearence on Oprah within the year. The world loves a good freak show involving incest.
  18. who does he consult Either Marv or Ms. Cleo.
  19. Red blood, green vomit. Seasonal colors. Caroling should ring from the stands, although " Hey,Hey, Goodbye " isn't really a Christmas melody.
  20. TD gets smarter by the minute He's choosing between happy,slightly drunk fans and 50,000 alcoholics having the DT's by the 2nd quarter. Imagine the mop up after that mess. You'll see more paramedics in the stands than fans. Sharp thinking.
  21. O.J. was proven innocent in a court of law (snicker) . He was searching for the real killer today and almost made it to that Elvis idiot in row 1 before security removed him. I heard he has inside info on that Elvis guy and will tell us so in an upcoming DVD, costing $29.95.
  22. Most drink from the fountain of knowledge; you only gargle. Takes you 10 hours to watch 60 Minutes. You're one neuron short of a synapse. You obviously got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
  23. Didn't Mike Williams just take a 2 million plus reduction, bringing his cap figure down to around 6.7,6.8 million ? I believe I read this in about 3 articles in the last week. So the whole 9-10 million rant is moot. McGahee ran to the right most plays last year. Who did he run behind ? Williams, right ? With a little more mobility from the QB position, I'm less worried about LT. Jennings was just average and couldn't stay healthy anyhow. The Bills shouldn't be picking in the top 10 anytime soon so they won't have to overpay a rookie again. Wow. Looking at that list of top 10 picks, I see more lemons than good players. It just shows what a dice roll the draft is. At least our Tackle is starting and making a positive contribution. Many of those players just took a huge salary and didn't do anything.
  24. How does one get a mouth full of Pepsi off a computer screen ? Little help, please.
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