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Generation ME

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Everything posted by Generation ME

  1. No one can block him when the bartender yells " Last Call " .
  2. He's tall . Maybe he's scared to get up from the TV couch. Gives him vertigo.
  3. 14. Survivor is pre-empted for a Presidential debate
  4. 11. TV Breaking 12. Beer Shortage 13. TSW Is Down Again
  5. Um, I'm new to this board and honestly don't know any of your sparing partners. Still, after just several days of reading, I know a right wing wacko Dittohead when I see one. Seems to be a board of extremes with very little moderate positions. You and that Blzrl (sp) poster should have a duel like Burr and Hamilton. If both hit the mark, the winner would be everyone else. The bombastic drivel you two post is less than impressive. Can't say I blame some posters for ripping into your positions. Rational discussion is not part of your vocabulary. I think both political parties are brutal thieves and the giant flushing sound is this country going down with them. I look for insight and an exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, I wind up reading this crap that a high school sophmore could cut and paste. I find it humorous that you accuse others of being unable to compete with you intellectually. Then you call other posters "butt buddy" ? Follow that dream, Rush.
  6. Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle
  7. He'll decide what to do with Teddy K. over some beers.
  8. I'm hoping to pass out before it begins. Beers over/under is 14.
  9. I think Bush could run faster.
  10. Isn't that the UK's version of The Onion ?
  11. I fill the inside of my bag with nacho cheese.
  12. Pop goes the Weasel
  13. So just ignore it, it will all go away. Sage advice. and now, back to our dreamworld.
  14. Only 700 times. And it's still stupid.
  15. I'd rather watch Desperate Housewives. Plenty of good MILF's.
  16. I keep watching them, so I guess I'm stupid. I could be watching " Cops " instead.
  17. Blah,blah,blah. I heard you the first time. Thanks for the edjamacation.
  18. Dude, you've been stealing my beers ? Dolphins suck.
  19. Dude, you rock ! I'm on board.
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