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Everything posted by Satan

  1. For the future, you should consider a Pay Pal account. You give Pay Pal your CC # and then they pay the seller directly (upon your instructions). It takes about 3 mouse clicks to complete the ebay transaction.
  2. I'd have voted for him over Bush or Kerry.
  3. Amazing how quickly things can turn sour in the playoffs!
  4. (In my best Mr. Burns voice......) Egggggcellent.
  5. How pissed can you get when it's true? The record speak for itself. As for locker room material, that would require the Bills to have the heart to respond. They haven't shown that yet, hopefully they will one of these days.
  6. Darrin Stephens
  7. It'll all be taken care of.....I have some friends....
  8. Yup...sitting there in section 334 after the Bills took the lead 14-13, I was able to confidently reassure all the Jet fans that they would indeed win the game. Didn't really have a doubt about it either.
  9. The worst team in football is a lock over the best team in football? Not enough points in the world to make that statement true.
  10. Particularly galling considering they are playing the Jets today. For those who remember last year's game at the Meadowlands, this clown couldn't possibily have played a worse game. He better be a damn sight better today! Hey Nate, put up or :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. I hate it. Bet your house.
  12. Such a better format. They had a panel who took turns asking questions where they hammer on one point, the panelists ask follow up questions, etc. The candidates can't pull a John Edwards and answer every question with "Haliburton!" Man, our process has really fallen a long way in 20 years. But Mondale is still an idiot.
  13. So your "take" was based on zero understand of any facts involved at all. You simply took some implied comment by Kerry as hard fact and extrapolated that into a negative opinion about Bush. Nothing like listening with an open mind, huh Tracy
  14. Hasselbeck at 11? Behind Rothenslingbergergenson and his two career starts???
  15. Yes it is. Especially when it's such a stupid quote.
  16. Deep down, you know how this will all end up. It will be easier if you don't try to fight it.
  17. Really? Since when?
  18. Probably, even though they did nothing wrong. God forbid we expect adults to be responsible for thier own conduct, people might get the idea that we support freedom in this country.
  19. You mean like you support the current CIC?
  20. $2400 for a relocation? Boy, that's some windfall Yet another area you obviously have a huge amount of experience with.
  21. Yeah, and if it does happen, you'll be crying about how Bush let it happen like all the other dumb sheep.
  22. The Ravens are expecting a two game suspension which will include the Bills game. p.s. Go Dodgers.
  23. Marquis out of the game in the fourth inning? He got hammered like a frat boy during hell week!! I'll be here to post good news on the Dodgers all night folks!
  24. I bet Butt F%& in Indiana didn't think so!
  25. Oh yeah...we had a great laugh about THAT little meltdown in our locker room after game 7. Ahh, 1985, such fond memories!
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