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Everything posted by nucci

  1. How much do you have in your savings? I may take that bet
  2. Can't be..he's out for 3-4 weeks....and if not he needs to sit at least another month until he's fully healthy..even if it takes all year
  3. These are really getting old and they were never funny
  4. It's hard not to.....this combination of things is part of the reason the ratings are down
  5. Why? Because you need them to get to the playoffs.......let's just sit everyone until next season....just to be sure they are all healthy......
  6. and Bears GM would probably get fired for that trade
  7. ok, I have an unconfirmed rumor he's going to play
  8. So you don't foresee a drop off from McCoy to Gillisee? This also has a big effect on depth when he has to come out....
  9. Shaq was not on IR...he jsut came off of PUP list...different than IR so yes you are correct
  10. we should but what if we don't? He is our best offensive player....why do so many assume we can win without him?
  11. He's been pretty much our whole offense.....will not be close to that good without him
  12. Why? What if they're ready to play? Everyone here sounds like this is a guaranteed win so sit everyone this week......with McCoy and Woods possibly out we need the defense more than ever So it could go either way?
  13. Others made the point about Cornelius Bennett...Put Lawson and in and tell him to rush the QB....it's not hard.......I'm guessing he plays and plays a lot in obvious passing downs
  14. he's not being rushed back...he was eligible to practice this week...probably ready earlier...no reason not to play him
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