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Everything posted by nucci

  1. but that's not what you said
  2. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone after a loss
  3. you're not the first to say the team is struggling and you can't compare us to a Superbowl winner facing adversity because we haven't won a Superbowl
  4. I hate when announcers say a team scored too fast. One of the dumbest comments ever created
  5. probably last night
  6. Should be the GMs call on the HC.
  7. No one is giving up a draft pick for McDermott
  8. I wouldn't spend that on a PSL regardless of how much money I have. It's one of the biggest scams out there. $20K and then the cost of the ticket?
  9. next gen stats are stupid. watching games where they post win probability at 90% and that team ends up losing
  10. yep, that's worked well so far. Though I believe it's time for McDermott
  11. I changed after 4 Superbowl losses. This sucks but nothing worse than those
  12. Maybe but he's about to ask fans to spend $5-10K on PSLs for the new stadium
  13. The Buffalo sports mentality....losing on purpose...outstanding
  14. not just the calls...play design...we just line up 5 wide shotgun every play
  15. what do you want to happen, bench him? Yes they are his fault
  16. why were we stopping the clock for the Broncos?
  17. why so complex...why do people like to make football so complicated? It's a simple game.
  18. 6-3 is a better record than 6-4 and there are 2 non division leaders at 6-3...
  19. what would be different? He will be calling the same plays
  20. doesn't matter where you coach from....it's how you coach
  21. the guy who kicked the XP to tie instead of going for the win...why is he called riverboat?
  22. I kinda remember. Went to my first game in '68
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