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  1. Eagles and Chiefs and their fans wanted it.
  2. because they rushed 4 DL and never blitzed. Easy to play zone when dropping 7 in to coverage....literally
  3. just that there is a thread already discussing this
  4. Kay Stephenson, to be clearer
  5. 2 AFL Championships
  6. and lost all 4
  7. You can't do the same things you do in the regular season. Have to add new stuff and we don't
  8. that would make too much sense...better to have your best RB on the bench for important plays
  9. or maybe give to Cook....Chiefs didn't stop him all game.
  10. inactive list released 90 minutes before kickoff...why don't people know this?
  11. because the team hasn't said anything and they don't have to. Wait till inactives are announced
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