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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. When it comes to home buying, you ALWAYS but the smaller home in the BETTER neighborhood. A cape in a nice neighborhood is worht a lot more than a Tudor in a lousy one. In football, the players are the house, the coach is the neighborhood. He provides the credibility, the image, and the personna. He is what you see FIRST and sets the tone for how the franchise is seen and what its "worth" from a credibility standpoint. The Bills just bought a house in a pretty bland neighborhood.
  2. Voted #2. I wanted a guy with experience over another 1st time HC...this is what Ive been puking up to anyone who would listen to my sorry ass, so I cant change now. VERY uninspiring pick for HC though.
  3. THIS. Ill always deep down be a fan, but life is WAY too short to drop tons of money and time into incompetent money sucking businesses who act like they are doing you a favor. Would you continue to eat somewhere with bad food and lousy service?
  4. We talking coordinators or scouting assistants?
  5. Ah, so for this regime, its age. If its not a headband...or a headset, or height, or a pair of gloves, its gotta be SOMETHING, right?
  6. I swear to !@#$ing God, I want a headband wearing, headset ignoring, surfing, glove wearing, mullet having 75 year old coaching this team. I figure it would make 2/3 of Bills fans and media's heads collectively explode and the avg. IQ of the city would instantly rise by about 75 points. Uninspired choice...Im not thrilled, if true. But the team is doomed to failure becuase of it? Come on.
  7. The one time the Bills went to the Super Bowl, the HC was HOW OLD? !@#$ing moron.
  8. This aint a bad resume to be sure.
  9. Bishop Hedd...sounds like the name of a gay porno actor.
  10. We got a Kenmore and its great. http://www.kenmore.com/shc/s/p_10154_12604...Upright+Vacuums Very powerful, long hose, a bit heavy though. All in all a very good vacuum. Dyson's were nice but they are WAY overpriced. A Dyson similar to this Kenmore we got would be about $500. Eff that.
  11. All the Jets fans are taking the win yesterday with the class and grace of a professional wrestler. THAT, and they think that luck had NOTHING to do with this run. Somehow, the opposing team missing FIVE FGs (three in San Diego, two in Cincy) in their own building is expected. Eff them.
  12. They are a solid physical team, but lets face it....FIVE missed FGs by the opposition in two weeks? Thats some good luck they got going. And what does "blue collar" mean vis a vis a football team, anyway?
  13. Thats right...fire the whole organization. Thats going to do a ton for productivity. Really gonna help speed up the process of getting a new HC in here with all of OBD's offices sitting empty.
  14. Youre wrong...tis just a bunch of misguided cleveland steamers who are upset over the war or something.
  15. In the Fox thread, someone asked me "Who is Ed Schultz?" THIS is Ed Schultz: Nice, huh?
  16. Im sure one of the reasons the Bills are getting rejected is the questionable future ownership situation. Maybe RW will realize this and it will force him to put SOME KIND of succession plan in place.
  17. Of course not. Not from THIS Administration..or any other one. China's allowed to do whatever it wants. Pollute...make substandard products, increase their military as they see fit, manipulate economic rules to fit their needs, whatever they want. They are "catching up", you see.
  18. YES! Wish he would wrestle again instead of these silly movies. He was close to Hogan in stature and entertainment value, IMO. nWo reuniting on TNA is kinda fun. Nostalgic. Nothing beats pro wrestling for over the top outlandish guilty pleasure TV entertainment.
  19. But Joe Scarborogh, usually the SOLE GOP voice on his show and that entire MSNBC network.....hes OK, right? JESUS !@#$ING CHRIST....what does it take to get people to realize the EXACT SAME !@#$ING GAME is being played here???!!!??? Its like a bunch of !@#$ing cigar smokers complaining about the second hand smoke from the dude smoking a Parliament at the other side of the bar.
  20. This all proves inane douchbaggery knows no ideology or religion.
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