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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Same here, buddy. I cant count on all my fingers and toes all the "Die Ralph" and other tastless disgusting bull **** that gets posted on this board. All of a sudden everyones got a huge dose of morality and class? PLease.
  2. We are just !@#$ing around...calm down Mr. Politically correct. We are just pissed off at this move and cracking tasteless jokes to try and vent. Honestly and seriously I could care less that hes from the South....although I DO HIGHLY suspect the "ole boy" network drove this decision to hire Gailey. And that sucks.
  3. "We got the right guy fir US, and I got someone to go to da Klan meetin's with." OK, that was over the top....Ill stop now.
  4. Youre quite naive if you think the fact that Gailey is a "southern guy" did NOT affect Nix's decision process. QUITE naive.
  5. Its not the accent.....its the fact that old school retread nepotism is ruling the day.
  6. Come on...the black guy had a GREAT shot of getting the job over Gailey!
  7. I dont give a !@#$..Im pissed off that the ole Southern "good ole boy" Network has been installed at OBD.
  8. Bomberewski? What is this? 1977? !@#$ you, ya redneck.
  9. GOOD OLE BOYS!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crystal !@#$ing CLEAR why this guy was hired.
  10. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. This clown looks and sounds like a cop in a Smokey and the Bandit movie.
  12. Listen to the accents of Nix and Gailey. GOOD OLE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Jay..hang around THIS board....A LOT of mongos are saying age is a big reason this move is bad.
  14. We dont "need" smashmouth , but we sure as **** dont need Martz gimmicks and 60 passes per game.
  15. Make it Martz and Herm and give me the bull **** trifecta!
  16. Lay down on your backs and open up wide, libs....youre about to get "teabagged."
  17. I wanted an "experience" guy over a coordinator, so I gotta eat some crow here. But the LAST guy I thought they would bring in is someone like Gailey.
  18. Holy !@#$ this guy is awful. Awful and incompetent. Maybe Ralph can hire him.
  19. Credit scores are a bull **** measuring device of someone's reliability and charachter becuase not everything that negitively affects your rating has to do with one poorly following terms of credit cards and loans.
  20. Yeah, Marv Levy was a young spry guy. Age? THATS what makes this a bad move? Please. Rex Ryan is !@#$ing almost FIFTY.
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