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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Rooting for a guy named "Chan" would make anybody ticked off. Almost as bad as guys named Todd.
  2. Jim...you missed the whole point. One culture's "perverse" is another's "mainstream"
  3. Actually, what Im talking about started with Ted Marchibroda. Bills sucked when he was on the sidelines, didnt they?
  4. Anyone planning on watching Keith Olbermann EXPLODE over this tonight like he did with Rush and Robertson? Yeah, me neither.
  5. Anyone planning on watching Keith Olbermann EXPLODE over this tonight? Yeah, me neither.
  6. Now Overdorf is the guy who "has to go". I love Bills fans...they allllways gotta have petty hatred for SOMEONE, right? I swear, the Bills could literally fire EVERYONE, and there would be window-lickers calling WGR and posting thinks like: "Ya know...that cleaning lady who empties the pails in the Fieldhouse bathrooms, shes gotta be fired NOW!!!!!!!"
  7. Way to miss the point, dummy. I "expect greatness" out of the things in my life I can control and I measure my success in life on those things, not on the "success" of a bunch of athletes or rich owners who could give a crap less about me. You think Trent Edwards spends his weekend wearing a shirt with 'Beerstm' on the back of it? Last I checked, being a fan of a sports team doesnt mean I have to sell my soul to it. I get great pleasure out of watching my favorite sports teams, but Im NEVER getting to the point where their success or failure becomes a barometer for my OWN life. Never.
  8. Id be shocked if they went the delay route. Even a ton of Democrats consider that political suicide.
  9. Good work, libs...keep calling us obscene names and ignoring the very real concerns of the public. As proven tonight, it gets you far!
  10. This aint "my team"...I dont own them. They are simply my chosen team to root for. Lose the deep emotional connection to your favorite sports team and enjoy them for what they are...some Sunday entertainment and a vehicle to spend good times with family and friends, win or lose. Try it......Its quite liberating to do.
  11. Gotta admit...Im MUCH more interested in posting about this than posting over at TSW about that Gailey disaster.
  12. For the first time in my adult lifetime...I am proud of the people of Massachussetts.
  13. For the first time in my adult lifetime...I am proud of the people of Massachussetts.
  14. Meh..... Think about it...youre going to hire someone to run YOUR organization who you dont like and who rubs you the wrong way? I know I wouldnt.
  15. And if I may sound like a flag waving jingoistic turd for a minute, this is the USA. I dont want to be "like Sweden" or "like France." This Country was FOUNDED on the priciple of individual liberty and freedom from the tyranny of overintrusive government.
  16. Dont worry, NG..Im done with this silly crusade.
  17. BINGO. Evidently, Bills fans can poke fun of old men, surfers, educated men, short guys, fat guys, on and on..but NOT guys with Southern accents. Silly. And hypocritical. I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE if Chan Gailey doesnt do well, we will here a BARAGE of off color and anti-South comments.
  18. No one has a gun to your head or anyone's head. If the Bills are that hard to root for, there are 31 other teams. RKF
  19. It was a joke, dumbass...how many !@#$ing times do I have to say it?
  20. Making fun of a guy from california(RJ)...thats ok. A guy with an Ivy League education....thats OK, too. A fat guy (Wade)....no problem. Old people.....Total permitted...and condoned Making fun of a Southern Accent.....BAD!!!!! Your making yourself look stupid.
  21. It IS true though, NG. I dont need to be lectured about "class"..not from some people who post some pretty nasty ****, themselves. Not saying YOU...but you know what Im talking about.
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