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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. He was a good Bill, and a fixture with the Franchise. Godspeed.
  2. Im gonna send ya a bike. Maybe he can take up cycling on the local paths and keep that heart in check! Best excersise in the world!
  3. Imagine Wade's 95-97 defense with that 90-92 offense. Wowza.
  4. I think that Bills defense just gave up another 3rd and Long.
  5. First of all, if you dont like "fly by wire" controls, then I guess you dont fly. Becuase mechanical aircraft controls went the way of the do do a long, long time ago. And they are much more reliable than youre letting on. #2, its NOT about "cost cutting"......DRIVE by tire greatly simplifies the pollution control mechanisms of a gas motor. It allows for a hugely simplified automobile. Unless you loved all those vacuum hoses and those great "efficient" engines of the late 70s, early 80s.
  6. +1. Its so stupid it looks like a Sat Night Life gag. I cant picture GLAAD seriously trying to defend it.
  7. The ad wasnt rejected becuase of 'discrimination', it was rejected because its lowbrow and immature. Even the same of the Sponsor is stupid. "ManCrunch"...seriously. I have faith that if the ad was lets say a mirror image of one of those eHarmony ads, it would have been approved.
  8. Wait a second...the left went batshcitt over maneuvers like this for decades. NOW, its ok?
  9. If yer talking pure talent, it begins and ends with Bruce Smith. All the other players are great...but Bruce is an all world great.
  10. God...this thread is like wondering if theres too much chorine in the Playboy Mansion Grotto.
  11. Is it me, or is a pre-requisite for running either the 46 or a variant of it that you have to be an arrogant blowhard dooosh? Buddy Ryan, Rex Ryan, Greggo, even Jeff Fischer aint exactly Mr. Nice Guy.
  12. This is bull ****...we all know that "only a small minority" of anti-abortionists participate in these 'man-caused murders.' And ya know, maybe these "isolated extremists" wouldnt exist if those "arrogant, self-aggrandising" abortionists would just be more.....humble and stop with all that 'abortionist exceptionalism" nonsense. Who likes an Ugly Abortionist, anyways?
  13. I simply asked you to clarify your statement. Im not the only one who didnt get it. No need to get crazy, Plainview.
  14. Soldiers are "tortured" for graduating flight school and for "who they are" all the time. What are you talking about Darin?
  15. Talk to me in December. Im not done with this team. But Im done with blind faith and optimism.
  16. I understand a gay perosn desire to be able to come out....but I also hope that all the folks pining for dont ask dont tell to go away realize that even HETEROsexual relations in the military will get your ass severely reprimanded.
  17. The only thing that bothers me about this whole thing is not Edward's behavior, but all the folks who are feigning outrage while hiding a bunch of "questionable" cell phone numbers and text messages of their own.
  18. And "we" couldnt wait to run Gilbride out of town. All hes done since leaving is guide an offense to a Super Bowl win.
  19. Inspiring children is a "waste of time" on what planet?
  20. Thanks Jim for pointing out feigned stupidity and why people like Obama need a teleprompter to even take a dump. Because idiots like you will jump on every misspoken word, phrase and letter and use it for some half-assed political advantage..
  21. I know he doesnt EXACTLY play Rock and Roll, but B.B King has some great chops and plays with more soul than all the other guitarists listed, combined. AND hes pushing 90 and still touring about 100 days/year.
  22. I dunno whats worse.. Being an ineffectual kitty or a balls out nut who hamfists everything. Theres GOT to be some middleground somewhere.
  23. He is an idiot. He masterminded the greatest conspiracy of mankind. But yes...hes an idiot.
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