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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Goodell better be careful here. There comes a point where the game might get overlegislated and it will turn off a lot of fans. The NBA has suffered from this.
  2. That ad was so....nothing. If it didnt say "choose life" at the end, you wouldnt even know what it was advocating, which seems to NOT be to outlaw abortion, but if you have to make a choice, to "choose life." What a terrible, sexist, racist, homophobic, intolerant message THAT is.
  3. Youre competitve and in the playoffs year after year...stop your !@#$ing bitching.
  4. China....whining about flooding thier market with "cheap goods." Thats the ultimate "pot meet kettle" right there.
  5. LEARN HOW TO OPERATE YOUR VEHICLE. BECOME ACCOSTOMED TO ITS CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS. END OF STORY. The problem is not me...its YOU...people who forget they are operating a mechanical vehicle and think what they have is their own personal ballwashing machine...taking for granted everything from how to safely operate it to the fact things might break from time to time. And how the !@#$ am I a "toyota fanboy" when I said I drive a Honda (Acura)??!!??
  6. Ive been watching what I eat all week in anticipation of the ribs Im going to rub down and slow cook Sunday.
  7. You dummies...its called an "anti-lock braking system." If you dont know how to operate your vehicle and the onboard systems its equipped with, then turn in your keys and license. If you buy a high tech vehicle and youre shocked...SHOCKED it doesnt "feel" like your old 76 Buick, then you need to open your hood and lick one of the orange cables. My TSX does the same thing...youre on the brakes, you go over some rough road, the ABS kicks in and the car actually "feels" like the brakes are losing the ability to stop the car. They arent...and it took about thirty seconds after I picked up the car in 07 to realize this is a design feature of the advanced ABS onboard and for me to adjust to how they work. Learn how to operate your !@#$ing vehicles.
  8. You need FIVE days worth of food... ....for those FOUR HOURS you MIGHT be "stuck" in the house.
  9. Well.....Whitner is...and Wood is......ya know.
  10. Up next...Bills fans take offense that someone doesnt like Jenna the stripper at Pure Plats.
  11. Meanwhile, a black guy looks to commit a crime in a white neighborhood, gets his ass kicked for it and its a "hate crime" and people are going to jail. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=howard...wbeachcover.jpg These double standards are whats keeping race relations so tense, IMO.
  12. Oh yeah...thats a real poll. Libs are trumpeting this dreck left and right today. The same libs who think Rassmussen Reports is a "fraud." Comical.
  13. Well, Im starting to think that RW kept his promise of a FO overhaul. Very good.
  14. Not to mention the fact Tom SAW THE !@#$ING PLANE. Maybe HE'S part of this "grand conspiracy"
  15. Im talking more of those mills, Jim. They are advertised in Aviation Week and some of the other trades...where you go in one end of the school building not knowing what a "flap" is and you walk out the other end of the building x months later with a twin engine liscense and a job offering at a regional carrier.
  16. I watched a piece of that last night. And if you take the word of that little "Loose Change" pipsqueak and Jesse Ventura as anything resembling "truth", then, well, youre a !@#$ing moron.
  17. I think you just nailed a HUGE problem. I beleive flight schools are emphasising "flight systems management" more than they are teaching actual flying
  18. You can even say that with 9/11, right? That was just the final tipping point in a LONG escalation.
  19. Maybe the agents kept saying to themselves "We should have shotguns for this type of deal."
  20. Jim Kelly....so blue collar....so white.....man, he was perfect!
  21. Until Tomorrow. If things dont improve by tomorrow, you can call WGR and start screaming for Nix' firing, with the rest of the mongos.
  22. Vicks a better overall talent, cheaper, younger, and hungry. McNabb is looking for a place to lay out his final years. Donovan WHO?
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