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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Youre right. Lets begin. Obama's daughters. When do the pimp get dem workin? Ba-bum-pum!
  2. Oh yeah...some unknown voiceover artist has the right to comment on the "sense of humor" of somepne who has had a target on her back and has endured ridicule from all angles like Palin has. Thats like a low ranking Nazi soldier telling a Jew to "just get over it"
  3. And the media is not liking this one bit. They are complaining that he wont take questions and even questioning the timing. !@#$ them. Despite what people think, this is STILL a private issue between him and his family. This is not a governor who took off on the public's dime and time to screw around. Despite his celebrity, this man is still a private citizen dealing with a private issue and unlike Clinton or Spitzer or Sanford, Woods is beholden to NOBODY excpet his family and his employer (PGA, Sponsors, etc.). Everyone else, including the media, can go pound sand.
  4. Point taken. Just not my cup of tea, thats all. I guess its a good thing, too. Wouldnt want to go around all comatose like the rest of the Olympians....especially the cyclists in the Summer, right beerball?
  5. Im sorry, I cant deal with the pseudo-hippy like dude attitude of these boarders, who act like a bunch of stoners spending a weekend at Stowe showing off for their girlfriends. And White's good, but hes gotta drop the "Im just a humble boarder from Cali, dude" schtick. Hey redhead...you get more support and training than an front line MLB pitcher. You got your own private training facility built for you by one of your Sponsors. You BETTER go up there and win. Flame away.
  6. Poking fun of groups as a whole (muslims, blacks) is the same as having a personal attack mades against your own family??!!?? What the !@#$ kind of bull ****, insane laaahjik is THAT?
  7. So now youre saying that Huffington Post DOES have an element of hate to it. Not only are you ignorant ON PURPOSE, you cant make up your mind.
  8. Stupid and unable to comprehend stuff is bad enough...but CHOOSING to be ignorant is on a whole 'nother level...and Ive NEVER seen anyone who is as purposely ignorant as you.
  9. Next time take the brownies and just go see a screening of Return of the Jedi or something. Avatar....PFFT....I got no time for Cameron's typical hollywood "American military bad!!!" dreck, no matter how subtle he tries to make it.
  10. What the !@#$ was so "incoherent" about saying "people gravitate to Palin becuase they can relate to her and dont like being put down by the elites"??!!??
  11. And another left leaning guy illustrates PERFECTLY why Palin is a true cult of personality. Its becuase every sneer, every put down, every time some left-wing dude on Olbermann or Maher giggles at the "stupidity" of the everyman, those "idiots" (also known as 95% of the Country), gravitate TO Palin, the ONE person who says "Im on YOUR side". Right or wrong, no matter who is saying it, people tend to gravitate towards others who actually act like they LIKE them. So who is the real "stupid people" here? The ones who are gravitating towards someone who empathises and listens with them? Or the ones who wonder why those they put down reject them? Oh...and by the way....YOU would follow a monkey into a bucket of **** if it had a "AFL/CIO" sticker on its ass, so Id stop accusing OTHERS of being "puppets" if I were you.
  12. The difference, OC, is that behind that facade, Reagan had a brain. Im as right wing as they come..and I think the attack on Palin are disgusting and petty. I mean, now people are picking on her choice of jewelry and trying to find hidden meaning in it. Its getting a little bit nuts now. But she is NOT Presidential material. At all.
  13. SO !@#$ing true. I went to a community meeting to discuss a new construction proposal in our town and the Teamsters and their WIVES, all dressed up in their cute teamster jackets, started cheering and go nuts and threatenting to FIGHT the pople in the room who were against the proposal. They looked like abunch of drunk Jets fans. They got so rowdy, I got some lip from one and told him to outside and get his blowup rat. He didnt like that very much.....lol.
  14. Ein...I dont have a Toyota, I drive an Acura(Honda). Told you that already. So stop calling me an "apologist."
  15. "Mommy...the car doesnt work right!!!! Its not...its not.....PERFECT!!!! Whaaaaaaa!!!!" Im not going to minimize the TRUE safety recalls going on...but if you think this recent rash of news stories and teeth gnashing about recalls isnt the result of a silly mix of consumer ignorance and media hyped hysteria put out to sell a few papers and web banner clicks, youre !@#$ing blind. And if you think humankind can design a mechanical item, produce millions of them, and its going to be 100% free of defects, youre !@#$ing retarded.
  16. +1,0000000000000. Outstanding, PTR. Although your "go find another team to root for" mantra is getting a bit repetititve.
  17. The comment about RW being a "leech" is WAY out of line and this article loses ALL creidibility with that comment. Where was this clown when RW was buying the last 5,000 unsold tickets week after week IN THE GOOD YEARS OF THE 90s to make sure the game wasnt blacked out???!!!?? Trash article from a trash guy.
  18. Just as the only time you hear about a "birther" is when a lib (or the President now!) mentions them, the only one bringing up disrespecting Murtha....is YOU. And Im sure the day Bush, even Papa Bush, kicks the bucket, the lib blogs will be models of decorum, right?
  19. Nuke test? Or would spy sattelites pick up prep activities for such an event? ****, could they be even close to a real test?
  20. Like someone else said Berman is a goofy shell of himself. If I want to hear "WHOOOP WHOOOOP WHOOOP" for an hour, Ill stand outside a firehouse.
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