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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. To all those libs who thinks decorum isnt that important for events like this all I can say is: "YOU LIE!" On the "idiot" thing, after reading the posts after my question, I realize I asked a bunch of socially inept lunatics for a response. THAT...was "idiotic"
  2. OK, can someone NOT from the Planet Mongo now answer?
  3. I have to ask you all...do I sound this this idiot when I post?
  4. Obama is like Boss Tweed in Scorses's "Gangs of New York." He tries to play the middle so much, all he does is wind up pissing EVERYBODY off. WRT the Israelis, this move is pretty lowbrow.
  5. You puke this up and have the nerve to get on my ass a while ago about knowing the ins and outs of aviation? LOL
  6. I find it a bit troubling that a sports reporter employed by the AP can be so ignorant about what being a professional athlete really entails. Thats a pretty bad job out of you, john. All he did was "throw a baseball"? Really, john?
  7. With FOUR mainstays of the team home grown. Checkmate...shut up. But just to play your stupid game for a minue, are you that mindless to think that the team with probably the smallest revenue streams in the NFL somehow has the revenue streams to compete with the team wit hthe biggest revenue streams in all of pro sports? Or is Mr. Wilson supposed to just pull the money out of his behind?
  8. This post reads like the letter "Ralphie" wrote to his teacher in order to lobby for the Red Ryder BB Gun.
  9. I love rap videos...they are ALL the same.... A) FLASH the CASH B) Flash the whip (car) C) Flash the booty Rinse repeat. The bands and producers KNOW the "formula" for their success and DONT try to change a good thing, like WHITE PEOPLE LOVE to do.
  10. Sorry, this **** only counts when a Republican does it.
  11. Dead balls accurate...the folks Im talking about.....quite a few....are all Jamaican. Funny though, we invite them for dinner or to a family thing like a Christening and the first question always is "We on black people time or white people time for this?" Point of all this...labeling the practice of pointing out benign cultural differences as somehow "racist" is pretty !@#$ing stupid.
  12. Dont start with me and that "I have a black friend" card, ok?
  13. Black people are also notoriously late to EVERYTHING. Invite them to something and they wont show up for two hours after the start of the event. Im just sayin'
  14. Yeah, thats where they lose me. EVERYONE knows costs are out of control for ALL Americans. You think were having this debate just so Juan can repair the leg he broke jumping the border or so 18 year old Michelle from Macungie can get a free abortion?
  15. Im sorry, you lost me at Megyn Kelly. This thing axtually isnt bad. At least everyoen is in the same room and is TALKING to one another. I know...thats not too promising...but you have to start somewhere.
  16. WHEW! Its a damned good thing we got guys like Doug Turner bringing civility back into the debate, especially with haters like Coulter, Limbaugh, Beck et al. running wild!!!! On a SERIOUS note, I hear a lot about how Glenn Beck "spews hate." Now Im hearing he's a skinhead (!!!). Could some of our liberal friends please provide examples of this? I dont watch too much Beck, but what Ive seen of the guy, Im not getting where this "spewing of hate" is coming from. Hes kinda goofy, kinda nuts, maybe ytou dont agree with his strict Consititutionalist views. But "hate"? Where? Examples, please?
  17. Of course making VIPs walk through garbage piles and giving the Queen an iPod would make sense to you.
  18. Nick Yemana...lololol. Look, not the BIGGEST deal, I admit. But it seems to be the MO of this White House staff to make gaffe after gaffe.
  19. They could hire Jesus H Christ to be the waterboy. Im not getting turned on by this team until they win a few games. And by "a few" I mean more than five or six a season.
  20. http://www.gettyimages.co.nz/detail/96834730/AFP Incompetence. I wonder if that razor sharp Chief of Staff called the idiots who send a man of this stature out the back door "!@#$ing retards."
  21. Hey Cat...I see your kids survived the abortion? They sure look like it. Ba bum pum.
  22. Big Cat's mother is a half-wit trailer trash retard. Ba Bum Pum.
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