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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. You get Honorable Mention. EiN....I was actually referring more tothe Patriot Act than Iraq.
  2. Im neither a mechanic nor a porn star, but if you think infidelity doesnt cross all social classes, youre nuts. Infidelity is a B word. Makes for good newspaper copy and dinner conversation for the drivers by, but the for the people on the side of the road whose marriage is in the ditch, its a !@#$ing nightmare.
  3. Good answers, but not the ones Im looking for.
  4. How come you chide to this day the Bush Administration for employing the philosophy of "any means necessary" to defend this Country in the wake of the worst attack against its citizenry, yet you have no problem with the Obama Administration using the same philosophy to pass this Health Care abortion? How do you reconcile bitching about how wiretapping some raghead who acumulated 100,000 frequent flyer miles going between Yemen and JFK in six months is "not America" and violating the spirit of the Constitution, but ramming through a major piece of legislation through loopholes and buyouts is OK with you.
  5. Wanna get really pissed off about teachers and their bull **** union tactics(hi pbills!)? Google "NYC teacher rubber room"
  6. Thats not the point. Its his JOB to try to improve his sport, no matter what. Especially since hes the Commish of a sport on the verge of irrelevance, save for a core fanbase. And here he had an event where his game was played that got HUGE attention (and always does) from OUTside that core fanbase, and he just outright dismisses the possibility of learning ANYTHING from that event? Thats got nothing to do with the Sport, itself...thats just piss poor management right there. Which was my point. Bettman is a poor manager.
  7. Oh, God. Go away. I do have to say, though...why is this a story? The State gets 10-20 emails a week on this? Whoopee. They probably get 10-20 emails a week asking where Don Ho took a **** and where to buy a Eukelele.
  8. +1 "Why are the Bills only getting "good" players." I WANT SUPERSTARRRRRSSS!!!!!!! WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hockey is !@#$ed becuase of Bettman. I heard him on WFAN the day after the Olympics and he was asked if the NHL can learn anything from the Olympic tournament. His answer? "Ahhhh.....no." Nice.
  10. DId a project for the BBC and just unloaded the entrie FC DVD set on ebay. Never got into them.
  11. You said "we are doing little to offer their potentials an alternative to becoming terrorists" Can you clarify what you meant?
  12. So its up to "us" to give THEM "alternatives" to pumping 767s into buildings??!!!!?? What kind of !@#$ed up logic is THAT??!!!??
  13. To be fair, even a lot of hard core libs I know loathe Pelosi, too,
  14. The proper question is... Has this one tactic helped at all reach the overall objective of making terrorism (not terrorISTS) go away. The answer to that question would then tell you whether or not the tactic should continue to be used. In warfare you judge tactics by their effectiveness, not how "good" they feel carrying them out.
  15. The slaughter of hundreds or thousands (terrorism) cannot be "fought" by (ok, Ill use the word) using 'torture' on ONE man? Please reconcile.
  16. Writing crazy posts like this is like watching rasslin'
  17. Im sure if we didnt "sink to their level" we would have easily defeated Japan and Germany. Tom's right though. The requirement to perform an act doesnt always come with "pride" in tow.
  18. Ill never be able to reconcile how making someone who plans to carry out a slaughter of innocent people "scared and uncomfortable" in an effort to get him or his cohorts to stop said slaughter is morally wrong.
  19. All the libs and so-called "elites" go on about how "troubling" it would have been to have Palin a 'heartbeat away" from the WH. But its OK to have that !@#$ing psycho dim bulb delusional crackhead blinking botox queen Pelosi TWO heartbeats away? Oh thats right. Joe Biden comes first. Yeah, THATS reassuring. [Author's Note: This Hedd-like rant brought to you by 24 oz. of extra coffee this AM. Carry on.]
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