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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Youre right....next time a 767 pumps itself into the side of a skyscraper, I can think to myselfd "well, at least we didnt splash water on the face of the pilot's brother"
  2. Why is it that for every other country how they treat their scum is "their business", but how the US treats theirs is "the Worlds" business?
  3. Behar, O'Donnell (SHES back...AWESOME!!!!!), Garafalo, Maher...whatever. Just those open, tolerant, enlightened folks providing thought filled, calm, polite and classy political debate and discourse on the subjects of the day.
  4. Youre right. Only liberals pride themselves on being dishonest degenerates. Funny though...you get really huffy when someone trots out a Union stereotype, but you have ZERO problem using them yourself.
  5. So I was blasting thyough the channels last night and was "lucky" enough to catch theever classy Joy Behar on some show getting into the Rove book, andhaving some choice words about the family issues Rove revealed about his mother's suicide and him being adopted. Classy and open minded as ever, Behar rippedinto Rove and his family with some pretty vulgar comments about Rove and his family. So....what timne TODAY does Behar give us her comments about the "hate filled rhetoric" of those on the right and lectures us all on "tolerance and open-minded debate"?
  6. The liberals are shocked that men spend money on seeing naked WOMEN. Telling.
  7. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/35152.html Lets see all the libby talking heads and clowns show the same outrage and bloviate about "hate" like they did a few days ago when one of their Congressmen had some spittle land on him. I wont hold my breath.
  8. Looks like the daily lineup from MSNBC....whats yer beef? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/ns/msnbc_tv
  9. Well.....there goes Beck's drunk hack sportswriter vote...Im sure hes upset. Just joshin' ya!
  10. It is NOT primarily used by the Teamsters, you dolt. Every union in NYC, from Sheetmetal workers, to electric Local 3, to the Dockbuilders, Steamfitters, to the Carpetry Union use that !@#$ing ridiculous thing every time a non-union worker does as much as steps NEAR a job site. You dont even know the true workings of what you carry a flag so high for! LOL.
  11. Thats a completely !@#$ing ridiculous example to disprove what Im saying and you know it. And I DID was I was "GUESSING" at what the ACTUAL "ratio" would be. So stop.
  12. Its kind of simplistic to think that if abortion was illegal, all those babies that would "have to" be born would be "unwanted." Im guessing that at LEAST 9/10 of those so called "unwanted" kids would move into the "wanted" column once the mom looks into that kid's eyes for the first time. Parenthood and protection of one's newborn and child is a pretty powerful !@#$ing thing. One of the basic instincts of nature.
  13. Word down here on Long Island is that all the off-Island out of town crews that came in to help take care of the over 260,000 power outages were treated like **** by the local LIPA guys becuase those out of town crews were "stealing" the LIPA guy's overtime. Theres your typical union mentality.....keep people in the dark a few days longer and keep those "rats" out, right? Who cares if families have to sleep in 45 degree pitch black houses for a few extra nights? !@#$ you AND your unions, pal.
  14. LOL: Submitted: Slur: !@#$ing moron Represents: Anyone who takes this list seriously Reasons/Origins: PC !@#$s like you E-mail Address: !@#$you@youre a liberalpc!@#$tard.org Your submission has been received and will be reviewed in due time (as in: whenever i feel like it). Thanks.
  15. God, I wish CNN would give him more airtime. And dont assume Im saying that just becuase hes down on the Democrats right now. Remember this is the same Cafferty who skewers the right. I want "that guy", too.
  16. Theres the core difference between libs and cons. Conseratives want the liberal jackbags to go away by becoming irrelevant in the marketplace, due to nobody listening to them. Libs want conservative tards to go away by method of government intrusion.
  17. Lets see some claim from Houle, himself about that, please.
  18. But those minions who drool and sit slack jawed while the likes of Bill Maher spew HIS lines of bull **** are A-OK, right? !@#$ing loser. From Anni'es latest: But, reportedly, a Canadian crowd hasn't been this excited since they opened a new Tim Hortons. Local reporters couldn't make out what the crowd was chanting, but it was something about "Molson" and a "sled dog." LOLOLOLOLOL. And more.... If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech – which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech – is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech. Either Francois goes to jail or the Human Rights Commission is a hoax and a fraud. POINT...SET....MATCH.
  19. Bait you? You started the !@#$ing thread, you moron. Holy ****.
  20. How dare those astroturfing, fraud, racist, teabagging paranoid angry nut bag whackos break down the rules of decorum and act like this?
  21. Back in those days, "homo" would be the nicest thing some of these politicians heard. Learn yourself some history, RI. And dontya love how the same morons who go on about "Faux News" count Arianna Huffington's escapade in liberal stupidity a "real" news source? !@#$ing comcial.
  22. This bill is going nowhere. It will be signed into law, about 30 state AGs are going to file a lawsuit on the bills Consitutionality regarding both whats in it and how it was passed, and eventually the SCOTUS is going to rule it completely UNconstitutional and kill it deader than a doornail.
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