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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. A political movement driven by political ideology. Who'd a thunk it? I guess libbbbs have a hard time with that, given they are usually "driven" by either acid flashbacks or trying to get laid by the broad in the dorm next door.
  2. Youre just pissy becuase the NYC Teachers Union lost another bull **** entitlement yesterday.
  3. Only libbys like you think that only groups that have "diversity" have any value. That ole "if its all white, it MUST be bad or racist" line of liberal groupthink, which is pretty bigoted itself, isnt it? I love the story of my beloved, who works in the inner city and was DEMANDED to teach a "diverse curriculum" and when she pointed out that her class is 90% black and 10% hispanic..and thats not exactly "diverse", her ultra lib union loving politically correct (*^*&%^$^#of an Assistant Principal just sat there, squirmed and mumbled to herself. And one more thing, you big ass. Us "teabaggers" arent disputing the DIVERISTY or lack thereof of the Tea Party Movement. We dispute the half-assed scare tactic assumption that Carville and your masters trotted out for you to regurgitate fifty times a day that the group is RACIST. We'd LOVE IT if the group was more diverse, but the sad fact is that any black person who crossed the line to join us will be IMMEDIATLEY outcast in his or her community and to his or her family and labeled as an "Uncle Tom sellout." Do you remember when Michael Steele had Oreo cookies thrown at him when he was camaigning for office, or were you too busy "boning up" at the Fire Island Meat-Pack at the time? But again...in your pea brain Palin obsessed head...."Lack of diversity IS RACISM. PERIOD." There is NO OTHER WAY a group of whites can congregate without a racist intent, is there? Even if the group is from a region where there isnt a person of color present for a 90 mile radius....no brown skinned people in the group MUST mean theres a racist element, right? Talk about narrow-minded.
  4. And Pete Steele died today. UGH...... I was not thrilled with that first episode. I know everyobdy knows Harris passed, but they should have at least acknowledged it. I expected at least Mike Rowe to maybe make a short statement.....something.
  5. So is Octomom. Maybe Barry's right...this Country sucks.
  6. I *WANT* to not like Palin. The screechy voice, the shallowness of her knowledge, etc. But as long as she makes Libs and the media at large her little dogs doing their flips and yapping every time she says "jump", she remains.....AWESOME. For example, there's nothing like watching an elitist c-nt like Mika Brzchnistytytrdzxvc, with her coiffed hair and Cronkite wanna-be temperment lose all composure, drop her eyes and seethe right on TV just at the mere mention of Palin's name. Its entertainment gold.
  7. Tax Day..or as liberals like to call it....Christmas. Wait, they cant say that or they lose the "cool" card with their buddies....Xmas.
  8. Palin asked for a few waterbottles, some bendy straws and a wide seat on an airplane. Everybody.....RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. So am I, but even *IM* smart enough to realize WHY my demographic is the last bastion of accepted hypocrisy when it comes to race. Wake up.
  10. HUGE chasm between "it seems" and "it is true", my boy.
  11. I find it ironic that one of the tenets of atheism, their objection to what they claim is the "perseusions and exclusionionary practices of the faithful", are broken by them on a daily. It seems atheists cannot get by for a second without taking guttersnipes at the Faithful whenever they can. Nor can they just live and let live. Its always "nevermind that the vast majoprity of the people where I live are beleivers....that cross offends ME....SO REMOVE IT NOW!!!" You would think that a group of people who object to a practice wouldnt partake in it themselves.
  12. Oh, do tell...how can "the power of prayer" be "measured scientifically?" Or is this another "Frenkle Absolute" like "all Christians want to see homos killed."?
  13. Getting mad or pissy at the Jets for getting better is like getting mad or pissy at the guy at work who's been there ten years longer than you getting the raise and promotion. The JEts are a good coupla years further along in their rebuilding than the Bills are. There is veritually NO comparison between the two team's respective situations. While I hate Ryan and have to endure Jets fans all around me, I frankly wish them well. Fewer teams in sports has as lousy a history as the Jets have. They have that one game, albiet a big big one, and fourty years of crap. If they have a great team to root for now, good for them.
  14. Like the front office re-org a lot. I admit, Im not sure it will work (who is), but now they got the business guy doing business stuff and the football guys in charge of the football stuff. Like the Nix move, LOVE the assistant GM (Whalen?) move. Strong football men with a keen eye for talent and similar philosophies on how to build teams in a smaller (read: cash strapped) market. Gaily move I DIDNT like, but my take on that is "Talk to me in November." By then we will know if Gailey can build a good program or not. Overall, Im pleased. More sexy hires would have been great but if nothing else, it APPEARS at least in the front office that the proper people are in charge of the things they have the skill sets for.
  15. Im not sure about that. Hes a strict Constitutionalist, so he understand the Seperation Clause better than anyone. And besdies....goverining from a Judeo/Christian ethic does not necessarily mean "bringing more religion into government"
  16. He would wipe the floor with Obama and ANYONE who debates him, he is a master at that. Good orator, too. If it werent for his past, hes be a terrific candidate. But he's too divisive, his "brand" still suffering from the partisan ranklings of the 90s.
  17. Kill kill kill the White man....kill him until he is dead.
  18. I did the Spirit flight to Mrytle last week. Good flight, but the airline is definitely "low cost", thats for sure. Truly a bus with wings.
  19. Im sorry, all I can think of is... "When you control the mail...you control....INFORMATION!" -Newman
  20. Look at the year Jeffcoat was on the Bills, where they went to a 4-3 on passing downs. GOD, that was an amazing defense.
  21. I wonder if the !@#$ writer understands that the typical liberal interpretation that no blacks in an organization means they were puposely "excluded" is in itself racist becuase it implies that unless whites ACTIVELY "recruit" blacks into a public office, or a job or just about anything else, they dont have the mental or physical capacity to to it themselves...that they "need" whites to "show them the way" and a simple open door isnt good enough.
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