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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. it isn't working when 50 million people are on food stamps. it isn't working when over 1 million school kids are reported by their schools to be homeless. it isn't working when millions more go hungry on a regular basis. it isn't working when all this is going on and wealth is becoming even more concentrated.

    Im sorry, that "food stamp" number and it being used to show who is really poor and hungry is a complete line of propaganda. I REFUSE to believe its accuracy when the FDA is running COMMERICALS to ENCOURAGE people to get on Food Stamps for nothing else but to "improve" their diet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1nv8G6UFfc

  2. getting back to the main point, the U.S. is seeing increasing wealth and income inequality together with decreasing social mobility and you'd have to be a dunce not to see that as a problem in a country who's basic narrative is anti-aristocracy , pragmatically increasing concentrations of wealth mean increasing concentrations of political power with that power being decreasingly disconnected with the plights of the masses. Under such conditions large numbers of the middle-class and below will feel increasingly disenfranchised from the normal political processes leading to everything from extreme apathy to extreme social unrest.

    So the solution is higher taxes and suffocating fees for govt services on the middle class, an increased set of regulations that make even your kid opening a lemonade stand impossible, coupled with more and more handouts to people who don't contribute Dime One to the "system?" How does THAT compute?
  3. while i feel for his frustrations, part of me was very irked by the "i didnt sign up for...."


    likely a lot of people that signed up right after 9/11 feel the same way, but there has to be a certain realization that when you sign up for the military you sign up for a lot of things you might not believe in and you need to consider that BEFORE you enlist.

    Not in today's America. EVERYTHING is someone else's fault. Everything.
  4. Big Media being the viacoms, the turners, the comcasts -- big corporate congloms that currently control the airwaves. From cable news, to network news, to sitcoms to dramas, "Big Media" is in full scramble mode trying to figure out how to keep the current system in place. But they're losing the battle and everyone knows it.


    From Netflix, to YouTube to Hulu to the blogosphere, younger viewers/readers are turning away from traditional media outlets (cable, tv, print journalism) and getting their information and entertainment from the interwebs. As the older generation begins to die out (myself included), the younger generations aren't going back to traditional media. Network TV is dying, cable TV is beginning it's death spiral, print is already dead.


    Point being, with more people turning to outside sources for news, there is less control of information by the Big Media -- the ones who have the most money invested in our current string of politicians. This certainly leads to a lot of misinformation (people who cite Drudge or Maddow's blogs as solid news sources) but it also leads to true intellectual freedom with things like Wikileaks.


    20 years from now Big Media will be all but gone. There will be a vacuum that will have to be filled, but the power and freedom of information on the internet will change the game for the younger generations, for better and worse.


    It already has.

    Drudge is just an aggregator. And if you bothered to actually look, one of the most fair and balanced around. While Drudge himself is a right winger, his website has tons of links to left leaning news sources and columnists. But please....continue.

  5. of course satan is black


    its as obvious as jesus is white

    The "Obama is satan" meme to discredit the series has about lost all its steam, so now its going to be replaced with "they made Satan black because Mark Burnett is a no good Raaaaaaacist" meme. God, I wish someone would make sausage out of you.
  6. If you have been accused of being a racist so many times in your life that you have to attend a seminar titled "Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?" I got news for you. You ARE a racist.

    Except for the fact that real racists..or real anybodys for that matter....aren't interested in attending a panel talking about being "sick and tired" of being called something they are. They might attend a panel to maybe change their behavior...or deal with being what they are. But a panel just to talk about being sick and tired of being accused of something then KNOW they are, with no end game or action item to it? Never. Nice try, though.

  7. they pull that crap all the time, did same with jauron. Comes from being cheap, they panick and think they can get an "A" player or coach for "B" money. 5 wins by mid season seems to be the magic number for someone to get wildly overpaid

    Its a good thing nobody on this board wasn't demanding Fitz get signed at the time.

  8. First of all how is getting refined petroleum products from Canada instead of unrefined petroleum products "Depending on middle East Oil" second of all we get 12.9% of our oil from the Persian Gulf - 9% of it from Saudi Arabia who next to Israel and Britain might be our closest ally - you are quite uninformed, try reading something other than hockey scores.

    Ive spoken to people who actually WORK in the petrochem business and on the finance side and they have said without a doubt the Keystone pipeline would be a huge help to the US energy picture. But please. Continue.

  9. http://latimesblogs....nslaughter.html



    Bicyclist ran two red lights doing about 30 mph, and killed a man in San Fran.


    And in the same day approx 3 people were killed by a car hitting a cyclist. Another approx 160 were injured.


    And in the same day approx 11 people were killed by a car hitting a pedestrian. Another approx 160 were injured.


    Those figures are Nationwide.



  10. Don't be dissin' on the neighbors to the north, eh. After all, they provide most of the programming for the home improvement shows on HGTV.


    Neither air show programming changes, nor the threatened longer waits for airport security, nor decreases in mail service, etc., bother me in the face of the overall economic situation.


    Of course they are not huge things but they are indicative of the bigger problem.

  11. Boom! Exactly.


    Worry less about what these parents are having to go through, and more about raising your children to not be afraid of things/people that are different than them.


    When I, as a taxpayer, have to pay to accommodate these folks and situations, then it IS my worry. Lawsuits on the state and local level, and then later, surgery paid for on a Federal level. Yeah...Im kicking in to that every step of the way. So it IS my right to stand up to this "rights group" and express my opinion on the subject. We have skin in the game, no pun intended. So we have a say in the matter.


    And on that note, what a shame that this POS group of people, who are supposed to be advocates, are using this child and family as a pawn. Absolutely disgusting.

  12. I don't care about the media. I think that they are skapegoat for people to react, on both sides, irrationally, and forego sound judgment. I care about this conversation with You, Jauronimo, B-Man, and Chef. Using the media provides an excuse to ascribe arguments to others based on their biases.


    I have no dog in this race.


    I think a few things about this matter that I have stated, and restated:


    1. Trayvon was blithely walking through the community.


    2. Zimmerman followed/chased/pursued him.


    3. Something happened after Zimmerman began pursuing Trayvon that led to an altercation (no one here knows what that something was but everyone seems to be giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt about it)


    4. Zimmerman got his ass kicked by Trayvon as a result of whatever happened in #3.


    5. Zimmerman shot Tryavon.


    I think that those are fair facts. Please tell me where I said anything different than that.


    I have only opined when discussing WHY ZIMMERMAN DIDN'T HAVE TO SHOOT TRAYVON. In that context, I've mentioned that fights happened often. That THE ONLY THING WE KNOW FOR SURE is that the inciting incident was Zimmerman exiting his car in pursuit of a young man who was doing nothing criminally wrong. That Zimmerman could have fought the younger, lighter boy like a man. Otherwise, he should have taken his ass whoopin and both could have lived to fight another day. That the pictures of the back of Zimmerman's head didn't suggest AT ALL that his head was slammed into concrete. And most importantly, that the reasonable 190 lb. 35 year old man shouldn't have been afraid for life and limb from a fist fight with a 150 lb. 17 year old.


    I have opined nothing else. is there anything about those points that is decidedly unfair or biased? Anything I missed?


    If anything, the bias is towards valuing life.


    Are you trying to say that there should not be overreactions in a street fight?

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