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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. They would probably run the line to a slop sink if you have one or configure a new drain direct into your house sewer main with a trap or tie it into your central air condensate system with a pump somehow. Ask them. And make sure they arent using any metal fittings on it! And ask them about the neutralizer.
  2. Can someone explain how needing all these apps, and having wifi all set and needing all these logins with all these different services and most imporant, all these different subscriptions to manage is "better" than cable TV where I had everything in one place all run through one service?
  3. Oh...believe me I get it. Thats what we do "space" for!!! Just not feeling it, myself. Im sure it will be a real good time for those who go.
  4. Dead and Company is doing a residency there next Spring/Summer. Tempted but going to pass. Saving my pennies for Bills tickets which aint getting any cheaper (Im downstate, so any game involves travel and hotel). Plus...call me old school but when I go to a show I want to see...THE BAND. Unless Im sitting far far away I try to ignore all the lights and hokey graphics and I focus on the band playing. So a giant light show doesnt really appeal to me. YMMV. That said...a little fungus in that joint...yeesh that would be something.
  5. I have a Navien. I like it. A few thoughts. 1. Have someone experienced do the install. I would suggest you go to their website and find a certified installer in your area, at the top of the list. I think its NSS certified or something like that. These things have to be installed just right and the plumbing run for water AND intake and exhaust air done just right, or you will have issues. It then needs to be tuned to what youre using it for in terms of heat (forced air, radiant, hot water, etc.). I dont think they can used for steam heat, if you have that. 2. They are quiet and efficient. But they still require yearly maintainance that can run several hundred dollars. You have the flush the heat exchanger, clean the unit and change the media in the water neutralizer (more on that in a sec). 3. They emit very little in terms of out the chimney exhaust, especially if configured for max efficiency. My exhaust is on the side of the house and I can stand right next to the unit while its running and put my nose close to the pipe and smell virtually nothing. The tradeoff is that instead of combustion by-products going out the chimney, they are partially condensed into water vapor in the heat exchanger (the "condensing" technology). And that makes that condensate VERY acidic. So much so that it will irritate your skin a little and most important rust and corrode any metal in site FAST. The solve for this is that the condensate runs through a PH neutralizer which is just a small chamber with limestone in it and then off to the water drains in your house. That limestone needs to be changed every few years. Its not expensive...like $50 and its a DIY thing if youre handy. 4. From what I heard Navien is not the best player in the market in terms of quality. THey used to be BAD but over the last 15 years they got their act teogther. Plumbers do like them becuase they are fairly easy to work on and their tech support is very very good.
  6. Listen...I LOVE youth sports overall. My boy does all of them, except lax and while hes not a top athlete, hes serious about play and dedicated. I do enjoy a lot of it. Im just saying that..for me anyway...that the stuff that bothers me and it does so more than the fights! And its def easy to get "caught up" in it all. Its a ton of time, its a ton of money and its your kid up there! Thats enough to put any parent on edge!
  7. The politics of which kid gets on a team, closed off in secret tryouts, whether a kid even gets a tryout or makes a team because of who the parents are "friends" with, kids making (or not making a team) depending on mom's looks, clinics and offseason workouts held in secret, rec leagues put on pause so travel teams get priority with field use and access to league funds, lesser kids kept out of clinics becuase they would "prevent the better kids from learning more", the cliquish and elitish behavior on the sidelines, on and on. THATS what Im talking about. Witnessed (or heard about) ALL of this stuff. Im sure there are plenty of cases of really bad phyisical behavior. But that stuff is few and far between. However, the list of stuff I provided above is common and regular. The fights are bad...dont get me wrong. But the underhanded stuff just makes my skin crawl.
  8. Last year didnt bother me for a second. The Bengals were the better team in every way and blew the Bills' doors off. 13 Seconds and this year are both heartbreaks. I DO have to say that 13 seconds was a heartbreak but wasnt a shock, nor should it have been for anyone who lived through the Music City Miracle. THAT debacle taught me to NEVER raise your hands in celebration until either the team is in victory formation or there are triple zeros on the clock.
  9. Not to be contrarian (ok, just a little), but Ill take a few parents popping off every blue moon over the underhanded, toxic, and at times downright evil nonsense that constantly goes on behind the scenes and in whispers in youth sports. Thats the REALLY bad stuff...not parents getting a little mouthy and pushy shovy on the sidelines. 99.99% of kids and parents will laugh off a screaming match or even some pushes and shoves by the time the game is over...especially if proper apologies are made. Those who have "been there", especially with the travel leagues, know EXACTLY what Im talking about.
  10. This is accurate. But...its still good to see the old man Weir up there and the double drums behind him. The shows are fun, its still a "Dead Show." Been to about ten of them. And Mayer rips. And....now that Jay Lane replaced Billy, the percussion DOESNT sound like a four year old banging on a fisher price kit. Sorry not sorry...Billy was donezo. Also..while Im on a bit of a rant...I got ZERO use for Oteil. Some of his solo singing is good. His rendition of Fire on the Mountain at Citifield last Summer melted my brain. But in general he plays with the enthusiasm of a 10 year old boy playing violin at his winter concert at Quohog Elementary. All that said, I aint going. No interest in Vegas, I just bought a pro-level road bike I have to pay for (Enve Melee, SRAM Red, SES wheels and kit w/power meter), and having to choose between tickets to see a Bills QB in his prime or seeing a band that was in its prime during the Reagan Administration, Im taking the former.
  11. We already knew Rogers was the defacto HC, GM and PR guy. Add OC to that list. No wonder that team is a disaster.
  12. Bill Belichick was notorious for only keeping "his guys." The last two years of his tenure in NE aside, how did that work out?
  13. And in ten years when the NFC is "dominant" again?
  14. So...you want to cheat. Yeah miss me on that.
  15. Pure speculation and conjecture above. The TRUTH is that it is widely accepted around the entire NFL world that the Buffalo Bills organization and its culture is one of the best ones in the NFL, if not in ALL of pro sports in the US. Does that necessariliy translate to winning a championship? No. But the org is not some shoddy fly by night deal like you imply above. What McD and Beane have built is consdiered top tier around the league. And the idea that the Pegulas are "not in it for winning" doesnt wash, either. They invested a ton of money building what is consdered one of the best fitness centers in the NFL (https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-expect-world-class-sports-performance-center-to-enhance-their-game). They have laid out BIG contracts to free agents and to retain their own talent. Again...does that translate into winning? No. The Von contract is bad right now due ot his injuries. But its sure damn NOT for lack of trying. The effort to win is there. The MONEY is there.
  16. This is a complete falsehood and yet another example of people projecting stuff on the head coach that he just does not do. I actually looked this up and was directed to this post right on this forum which discusses this.
  17. Im DYING to know what "leash" Josh Allen is on due to the head coach. Was it becuase in the opener he was caught on camera telling him to "BE SMART?" Wow...what a crushing comment. I mean, if I ever heard my boss telling me to be careful with my work, I would have to quit on the spot. Also, Dunne's leaning on "drought fear" to make a point is ridiculous becuase if The Dought tought us ANYTHING, its that coaches are not interchangable and even the highly regarded ones who come in, which Williams, Mularkey and Rex all were, can just as easily fail. For every Shanahan there are THREE Matt Patricias. "Yeah but those coaches dont have Josh Allen." But that statement doesnt wash either. Becuase the whole idea claimed that McD is "wasting" Josh Allen PROVES that an HC can do that.
  18. Broadly. But not play by play formations like this. Thats the coordinator's job.
  19. The decision to go for that play is on McDermott. But A LOT of critique here is on HOW the play was run. McDermott coaches the ST now? He sets up the formations and assignments in ST? Thats news to...well...literally everyone. Are we going to blame McD for Billy Buffalo not getting his suit drycleaned before the game now? Can we PLEASE keep the arrows aimed at McD to the ones he actually has responsibility for taking?
  20. In your title, you say "make the playoffs." In your post you say "get us a ring." Which is it? Becuase there is an ocean of difference between making the tournament and winning it.
  21. YES YES YES. Its not FG vs TD. They totally could have played for the tie and OT if they didnt want to go balls to the wall and play for the TD only. But you MUST get the clock down to zero or as close to it as you can. Yeah, yeah...13 seconds is all Mahomes needs. But Ill take my chances with THAT happening again over giving Patty M. the ball with a minute left. For me, its not even the "conservative vs aggresive" thing. Tom Brady won 6 SBs playing "conservative." Its the way the Bills go about it.
  22. RkFast

    Go bills

    "Best fans in the world, baybeee!!!!!"
  23. I understand. I agree Im not sure if there is a plug and play guy out there. And thats my overall point. A LOT of the chatter thats been out there is that there is. New HC and done deal, they win it all. I dont see that, especially in this sport. Thats MUCH more of a baseball or basketball type of thing. In football, which is a much more complex sport to coach and manage a team, you need to build the whole PROGRAM. And that takes a lot of time.
  24. Look, I like Vrabel I think he runs a good program. But I thought the whole reason for dumping MdD was for an "offensive minded HC." Is Vrabel that? Also, to that end...remember who the Bills' HC was when the Bills and Allen were throwing the ball around like maniacs and scoring a ton of points?
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