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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Cant Beck just use the tired old "it was satire" defense you libs use every time you puke up something lowbrow?
  2. Its perception. Katrina became Bush's becuase of a single fly-by in AF1 and an off the cuff "attaboy" comment to his Homeland Security chief. Same here. Its not the WH's actual action or inaction, its the coming public perception of things like the head of the EPA looking to attend fundraisers in NYC, while oil spews.
  3. At least he didnt call them terrorists.
  4. They dont have great plumbing in the Third World. Ya' dont say.
  5. Paul = Lieberman. That is, people are so focused on one little soundbye or postions, they dont realize the man's other 50 positions fall IN LINE with their ideology. They want to demonize Paul because hes a "racist white teabagger", IGNORING the fact that a good amount of his OTHER postions fall DIRECLTY in line with the progressive agenda. Just like Liberman. They demonized his becuase of his hawkish counterterrorism stance, forgetting the fact he's a dyed in the wool hardcore liberal on pretty much EVERYHING else. CLASSIC definition of tossing the baby with the bathwater. Dummies.
  6. The modern day Democrats wants the Govt. to control EVERYTHING. Paul and his ilk want it to control NOTHING. You really cant call someone names and look down on them when they use the EXACT same ideological thought process as you.
  7. Teamsters bring THUGS to community meetings discussing upcoming construction projects and blow up inflatable rats if a non union steps on a jobsite to deliver LUNCH. So talking about OTHERS being "not calm."
  8. Funny thing is, his pops is the SAME WAY, but the libs OVERLOOKED his extreme right wing/libertarian ideology becuase he was agaisnt the Iraq war. Like Magox says...its "live and let live", to the max. My bro-in-law is even further in this direction. HIS political ideology is basically "every man for himself!!!!" And I think Rand Paul is creepy, too. You look in his eyes, hear how hes doing these interviews...something dont seem right...elevator's not making all the stops or something.......I dunno.
  9. How is it that one batch of kids wearing flag shirts are showing "pride" but another group of kids wearing different flag shirts are "making trouble?" Is it that by wearing "different" shirts than the main group, these kids are somehow "bad?" That would contradict your little lecture on "diversity", wouldnt it? I would think that a "diversity-minded" group of folks would WELCOME different flags and cultures coming together.
  10. NEWSFLASH: EVERYONE subscribes to "do as I say, not as I do."
  11. The story about the Mojave Cross getting jacked it disgusting. More liberal "tolerance."
  12. Someone's gotta say it..... She aint exactly a looker, is she?
  13. Everybody, it seems. Havent you noticed that ethnicity/gender/who you get hard for is the FIRST consideration for a SCOTUS nominee these days and all everyone seems to care about?
  14. Im trying really hard to find something to get pissed off about here. Not having much luck. And not for nothing, its not "at" Ground Zero. Do the victim's families now claim "right" to everything south of Canal Street?
  15. LOLOLOL. Thats twice in one thread. Wanna go for a third?
  16. My bro-in law is a chemist for a Houston based petrochem company and when we last spoke about Ethanol he said his collegues and he across the Energy industry would love to see Ethanol become a [ahem] "viable alternative" to crude oil, but they all agree it just doesnt work as a 100% replacement. Thats because getting the same amount of energy out of a given amount of corn that you do out of a given amount of crude oil is bloody complex and expensive as all hell. He told me its damn near impossible to do. See...celtic...I know it may make for good coversation at the gym when youre between sets....but in the real world, when real people who know a little bit about this stuff have to deal with those pesky things like the "cost" and "complexity" of producing something, the game changes a little bit.
  17. God, Chris Matthews is such a whore. I mean....Hannity, and Malkin and the likes are whores for the right, but Matthews takes it to a while 'nother level. Hes like some 20 year old groupie chasing after Robert Plant. Except the rooster hes after he wont be able to get anywhere near. !@#$ing creepy.
  18. If you want to find out how to beat them, then just go watch films of the 80s Bears and Eagles and early 90s Cardinals. I have a funny feeling Ryan is going to run his dad's 46 defense more or less to a T. Hes got all the tools to do it. IMO, hes gonna drop those two corners back in coverage and just send the other 9 guys to the QB or RB on pretty much every down. Jets are a sick team. Talented, deep and well coached.
  19. You saw Gangs of New York, too? DD Lewis is badass.
  20. Bush got 19 minutes with 9/11...two days with Katrina...Dear Leader gets a fortnight. Whats the diff?
  21. Youre a !@#$ing weird dude, so seperated from reality, its scary. Goodbye.
  22. HMMMM...seems like weve had "gestapo like" laws on the books for some time... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/29/opinion/...rss&emc=rss
  23. Once again, for the nintieth time in this thread, someone points out the negative effects of illegal immigration and once again, all you can do is trot out the "get over it" defense. Childish. Wait a second..where did I say hispanic immigrants are more apt to commit violent crimes? I was talking about the crime wave brought on by illegal hispanic gangs, fed by the border drug war down in AZ. Or are those events figments of people imaginage or if real, something else that I, an an American should just "get over"?
  24. COmpassion is fine and good. But people are being murdered. Kidnappings, rapes, rampant crime. Then there is the whole quality of life violation thing going on. I cant go to a !@#$ing hardware store without being leered at by 25 "carmel colored" people and God forbid I go in with my wife and get to hear the cat-calls in Spanish right to my face. or how about the 50 people living in a dwelling made for 6 three houses down? Yeah...comapssion is real good...until that thing liberals often forget....REALITY.....starts creeping in. Then those pesky "laws" have to be made. And so funny...liberals want laws for EVERYTHING. I cant eat a cheeseburger now without fifty laws attached to it (post calories, no transfats, no salt). Yet when it comes to immigration they want a total free for all.
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