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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. You want every claim to go before a Court? Youre not just insane....youre certifiable.
  2. Go ahead...open a business without insurance. I dare you.
  3. You dummy.....the energy companies have already looked into this. They have smashed their heads together for YEARS trying to determine if they can come up with the replacement for petroleum, even WITH Govt. help. You know what they came up with? They need to stick to petroleum.
  4. Nothing will also drive them right out of the USA or out of business, either.
  5. It "speaks badly of me" that I dont want to see fraud carried out on a mass scale, with "ambulance chasers" leading the parade into BP's headquarters? You got issues. Seriously. Again....DEFINE DAMAGES. And do better than "anyone who lost wages." Beacuase as I pointed out, any shitbag can make that claim if they try hard enough.
  6. Well, with all due respect, youre insane. You cannot have unlimited liability like that! Any tom dick and harry can walk up to BP and file any kind of claim they want and it should be paid? Just total limitless liability for BP? Come on.
  7. Well, it aitn happenning any time soon. I hate to break it to everyone, but petroleum is still the most cost and energy efficient energy source on the planet, by a Country Mile.
  8. "ANY SORT" of lost wages? So, say a waitress in New Orleans or Pensacola can file a claim based on "lost wages" becuase tourism is down? If so, than pretty much the WHOLE COUNTRY can come up with some fakakta story with a "claim", couldnt they? Im at a marketing agency in New York. One of my clients is based on Avery Island, LA and they havent given me a project I expected becuase they are shut down for two weeks due to the wpill. Thus, lost "income" to me. Hello? BP Claims Center?
  9. Define "damages" Becuase you can bet every !@#$ from Pensacola to Galveston is going to knock on BP's door looking for/demanding a handout. I wouldnt be shoicked if even a lot of !@#$s in the interior will look for check from BP claiming "lost wages or income" or even "emotional harm" from the spill. This isnt to undermine the folks ALONG THE COAST who were indeed harmed. There are just a looooot of !@#$s out there looking for a quick buck they didnt earn and/or have no right to.
  10. Ya know what.....you may be on to something here.
  11. Yes.....I agree.....the National AERONAUTICAL and SPACE Administration has tons of expertise and equipment to help plug a hole a mile underwater.
  12. Ah, the LaRouche loons.... They have the SAME EXACT displays out in front of the Post Office near my office. They show up about once a month. They took their "Bush is Hitler" materials and just photoshopped in Obama once he was elected. Fun group.
  13. Youd love your boyfriend Sully to get it, given the fascination both of ya have for the Palins and Levi.
  14. There's a current story here where some drug addicted girl smashed a car through someone house and killed her. While being dragged to jail, this girl was taped and photographed crying and weeping ans screaming "Im sorry, Im sorry, it was an accident, I didnt mean it" on and on. If you look at the pictures of this woman in total distress you could almost wind up feeling sorry for her. Now...Newsday ran pictures of her in this state for a day. This woman in tears, looking remorseful and in pain. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they changed the photo of her taken from another angle where she looks sinister. Point is....SOMEONE in that newsroom make the conscious decision to alter the image and photo of this person so that the public did not generate a response that the newsroom didnt want. Id call that HARDLY a case of "we report, you decide." This goes on in every media outlet with every story, all over the world. Heck, the Ny Daily News is so transparent about it, its blatant. They run THREE headlines they know will generate outrage: 1. "White conservative says something provocative....everyone get angry!!!!!!" 2. "Black man beaten by cops!!!!" 3. Anything by the NY Yankees. They rinse, run, repeat, rotate these virtually through every paper. Its not about News reporting....its aobut generating a response....one that will sell papers or get ratings.
  15. Nah...wait to see what their total liability is first. Then move. Im ROOTING for BP. Hard. Becuase anybody or anything the left and the dumb minions in the general populace demonizes for no other reason than to do it, is someone or something I support. Not saying they are doing everything right, nor am I saying they dont deserve some kind of "punishment" by the Feds when all is said and done. But when the idiots out there go "BOOOOO BP....BOYCOT BP!!!!" and when you ask the nimrods who say this WHY to do this all they can say is "BP BAD!!!!", Ive decided not to join that idiot parade. Im the Grand Marshall in too many others.
  16. Now Ive read it all. The practices geared towards entertaining fans. Wow.
  17. Maher is a TOTAL douche. Hitchens, OTOH...if you dont agree with him, you respect him.
  18. AUSCHWITZ???!!!!??? Send them to a Hamas or Hezbollah camp! When they show up and announce they are "with Hamas, but Americans" and get their asses handed to them, it will be priceless.
  19. She does look like a chick from Far Rock, not the President's kid. But I dont think anyone should loose sleep over it. And Michelle telling us what to eat? Im more concerned about the backroom deals she may be making with the labor unions who run the school kitchens than I am about the actual message about curbing obesity. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/02/03/seiu-...esity-campaign/
  20. Yeah...becuase that three minutes it takes to go from 0 to 100 on the drunk scale by DRINKING a few shots of straight vodka is a damned long time. !@#$ing morons. If you got that much of a short attention span, you deserve to go bli....oh!!!!! cupcakes!!!!!
  21. Great movie... I love watching Holder and Bam Bam pound their fists on the desks and talking in absolutes about "the law being upheld" when it comes to taking down BP. Yet all we can get out of these clowns when it comes to Immigration or terrorists or any other issue that requires someone show some spine is "errrr.....um.....errrr.....mancaused disasters....blah blah."
  22. That article makes me so mad, I cant see straight. Its enough to make me ROOT for those "greedy bankers" to kick those !@#$turds out on their asses. Let them go live on their !@#$ing "airboat" !@#$.
  23. Hopefully you have as much sympathy for the children whose grandparents were killed on 9/11.
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