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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The media is demonizing the GOP for challenging the nomination. Um, isnt that their job?
  2. Sorry for the silly thread title.... So Robert Byrd has passed..RIP. A) Long time important leader of the Senate who understood the ways of DC and was a good public servant or B) Old school dinosaur who proably should have given up public office decades ago Im torn...........
  3. Looking forward to the left wing !@#$s digging through this guy's trash, calling him up with death threats and bringing him on their cable talk shows to make him look like "teabagging racist" fool....all while the right wing-nuts prop him up as a folk hero and the right wing cable talk shows exploit him for all he's worth.
  4. WAIT!!!! You mean the boycott will cost US money??!!!!??? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/06/23...camera-dispute/ What a shock...big bunch of !@#$ing phonies in LA.
  5. Oh, Im sorry, did you NOT say "ANY CLAIM OF LOST WAGES SHOULD BE PAID BY BP"? Or was that some OTHER Magox? So am I bitter? No. Just enjoy pointing out when somebody is so bloody wrong, like you are in this case. AS I PREDICTED (which wasnt that hard to do), the BS claims WILL pour in...a point YOU refuted. So tell us, Conner....is this what you would consider a "valid claim?"
  6. Hey Magox...come here and get your ass kicking: http://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/s...-loss-1.2047531
  7. Prices are NOT going up, except for the "premium" weed. And even there, prices are pretty stable and have been for a long time. You have posted NOTHING thats factual. ALL of the above is PURE speculation on your part. "Vast fields" of corporate grown pot, huh? I posted facts......YOU posted speculation.
  8. He's gotta go. Even if your CiC is a jackass, **** STILL flows DOWNhill, not up.
  9. The price would be higher just based on the fact that a "pack" of joints has something a pack of cigs does not, THC. Is all liquor priced the same? Again, how is pot priced in the open market in CA right now? A lot of good info there.
  10. I question that completely. Prohibition is not whats causing the cost to be what it is. First off, law enforecement is much more dedicated on tyhe local level to bigger illegal drug issues like cocaine and now heroin, which has made its way to widespread use in suburbia. A dime bag or 1/8th of "regs" is the same price its been for decades now. Plus, pot is easier to obtain than ever before. People, with not much more effort than whats required of planting a vegetable garden can grow their own pot of extremely high quality. Whats driving the cost up is not law enforcement but the use and proliferation of more "designer" pot created to a higher quality. What drives the cost of pot is the product itself. For the most part, pot has been as inflation proof of a commodity as there is.
  11. Letme simplify this for you.... The concept of cutting health risks to lower the overall cost of health care is a red herring becuase long term PREVENTION is pretty !@#$ing expensive, too.
  12. Do you think that if you quit smoking and live till your 90 you dont need health care anymore?
  13. I dont buy that. Regardless of why....a market price is a market price and the govt. coffers will GLADLY take that premium and make it their own, and then some. Or I could be totally off....whats going on in CA?
  14. Gonna be great watching all the dumb potheads go batschitt when pot is legalized and the price of a dime bag goes up up up when it becomes the new 'thing' the politcos tax over and over. You DIDNT think the gubmint was gonna let tax the schitt out of it? Like its somehow "different" than booze and smokes, you dumb !@#$ing glaze-eyed schmuck. On edit...Not YOU, JA...the morons who think it wont be taxed as heaviliy as other vices are.
  15. Id love to set you loose on Linden Blvd. one day and just start walking up to people and saying this. THAT would be "comedy gold."
  16. The part that doesnt let him continue this ridiculous thread.
  17. Whats truly scary about this regime is how it pushes aside any offer of help or cooperation to help solve a problem. Instead of working WITH BP, they completely turned the whole country against them, to the point that BP's efforts at a fix may be very well undermined. And the turning down of help, I do not understand at all. Theres GOT to be SOME reason why. Same this with the AZ law. Today its being reported that the Governor of AZ found out that the Administration announced a pending lawsuit against the law......on Ecuadorian TV. WTF. But this sis what you get hwen you have a "Community Organizer" running things....an "us against them mentality." The deominzing of anyone that stands in their way. Wasnt this what the left LOATHED about Bush?
  18. And thats probably another reason why the CEO zipped his lip like he did yesterday. All he had to do is say one wrong thing and the US Government would put BP on the hook for who knows how many billions more. I know, I know....."!@#$ BP!!!!! DRIVE THEM INTO THE GROUND!!!!!!" Whatever.
  19. Cant be. All those companies "dont care about the environent.".....even though they make all their revenue from working with it.
  20. Actually, it IS what you said. I posted an example of someone fraudulently using a claim of "lost wages"...and you tacitly ACKNOWLEDGED that such a claim may indeed have merit. You TOTALLY BLEW PAST my assertion that people will try to game the system. You STILL blow past it now. You can call me 'conner' and thow insults all you want....like I care.....fact is, youre completely missing my point or ignoring the fact that the system will be gamed. Thats bloody naive.
  21. There wont be anyone doing this. It wont happen.
  22. He said provable and he also said (or at least implied) that ANYBODY that can claim ANY sort of "damages" has a case. Even when I posted an absurd example of a possible claim, he STILL asserted "ALL CLAIMS" should be honored. The "provable in court" argument is a red herring becuase that will NEVER happen. He essentially IGNORED the possibility of people gaming the system to take advantage of what BP is going to (or forced to) offer. And worse, he did so with as you say, the populist, emotion-based reason that "BP deserves it." And worse worse, he STILL wont define what could be considered a fair claims. Im not conner....Magox is conner.
  23. I may be an idiot, but at least I have a basic understanding of how business runs. Unlimited liability.....lololololol.
  24. Ive been asking Magox to answer this. He wont answer.
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