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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I engaged you from the get-go to show that your diatribe and "outrage" over Andrew Breitbart's actions are completly phony and self-serving to your liberal politics. To do so, I gave you an example of a left-leaning media source employing the exact same tactic that Andrew Breitbart used, also used against an innocent man (unless he broke any weapons carry laws, he did nothing wrong) and also used against the prism of race to see if you would equally condemn that one. So Ill ask you again...my original question........do you equally condemn the "gotcha" style politics wherever its used and do you acknowledge that it is a common tactic that is deployed by many on both sides of the political spectrum? And yes....I am a Bills fan...and do spend the bulk of my time at PPP. Im not sure how that's germane to the situation, though.
  2. Dont try to switch this to me...Ive already given my opinion of Breitbart. So basically saying "but this is different." vis a vis the MSNBC video and how they used very selective editing to further their agenda. Do I have that correct? And you're saying that mostly because the man in the MSNBC video is somehow "guilty" of something, where Sherrod isn't? No...two wrongs dont make a right...but it doesnt give the people who committed the wrong in the first place..and still do commit that wrong on a daily.....to B word about other people committing it. Thats called hypocrisy.
  3. Translation: Barry loves this **** becuase it distracts from issues that can hurt him politically AND it takes out two people hje has a real hard-on for...Fox and Breitbart.
  4. Oh, it so IS something he wants to deal with. He LOVES to demonize the oppostion any chance he gets. And with Fox and Beitbart getting the heat, this is RIGHT in his wheelhouse. And dont think Barry didnt have a hard-on for Breitbart to begin with, over him taking down Barroid's boys over at ACORN.
  5. Obama loves this ****, dont kid yourself. He called this fraud today, himself and even offered to "tackle racism in the USDA"......that elitist bastion of exclusivity and bigotry. Hey...can someone give me the code word to get into the white men's only golf game at the USDA private club?
  6. I wanna go on record to say yes...Im a racist. Everyone else is down for theirs and their own......why should *I* be any different?
  7. How do you feel about this? Your answer will tell how full of it you really are.
  8. Breitbart has egg on his face, as does Fox, the WH, etc. That is true and even me.....right wing hack... admits that. But the left, who uses this type of crap as their stock in trade, who uses as a MAIN TACTIC taking people like Limbaugh out of context (how much traction did they get taking Limbaugh's "I hope he fails" out of context, huh?), to now get hysterical about breitbart doing it is an absolute joke.
  9. It took three words in this whole screed to see you are utterly and totally full of ****.
  10. So all of sudden, "context matters" Conner, Don Imus would like to meet you out back, so he can beat the **** out of you. Then the ghosts of Howard Cosell and Jimmy Snyder would like to finish you off.
  11. Care to comment on this? And that wasnt some third rate blogger like AB, that was a MAJOR NEWS OUTLET. But let me guess....."that situation was different." Libs...the KINGS of hysterical third rate internet blog mudslinging are now all pissy over Breitbart. !@#$ing absolutely comical.
  12. So glad to see the NAACP has now focused the story where it BELONGS.....evil Fox News.... and Sherrod can (and is) now portray herself as the poor, poor victim. Meanwhile, somewhere in America today, a white guy just got fired and lost his career for life for telling a joke about "Two Mexicans, a Jew and a black guy walking into a bar" at a company picnic. Order is now restored in the World....I feel so much better.
  13. Wow....this is a shock. I love being right. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38325321/?gt1=43001
  14. Good thing Presidents havent been mocked dating back to George Washington or anything.
  15. Any mocking of anything that "minority" is automatically "racist." Youre a good little liberal. Get in line so Georgie Soros can give you a kiss.
  16. I just have to say....!@#$ the NAACP. Im racist? Well, they are stupid, incompetent and irrelevant and only still exist becuase like any good racket, they mastered the use of strong-arm tactics and indimidation to get their agenda moved forward. Their tactics have !@#$ing Cosa Nostra looking upon them with reverence. I cant wait for the day where someone has the balls to call them on their bull ****. Oh yeah...there is...Glenn Beck. But the lamestream media and the "hip" at cocktail parties are too busy worshipping at Ben Jealous' altar to say so, for fear they also be labeled as "racist" or "not with it."
  17. I love how you use a dumb lib talking point to refute the notion that you use dumb lib talking points.
  18. I have to admit....when i was in the Ford dealership ready to sign the contract for my F-350...I heard GEORGE BUSH and DARTH CHENEY whispering in my ear, I tell you.
  19. Every policy speech, every time he is interviewed, all the time, the whining about who is "picking on him" doesnt stop. He is proving himself to be a little man.
  20. Obama is a !@#$ing child. I like the new one...."Isrealies dont like me!!!!!!!...becuase of my name!!!"
  21. FIXED. The left doesnt own the mantle of hypocrisy. I admit that.
  22. Its much more fun to watch cops tase people on YT and then whine about it. Come to the dark side.
  23. He's dead...and his name was Bryd. It was a play on words. I didnt include any kind of "goodbye" there, either. Too bad you didnt read where I acknowleged him as maybe a good public servant and wished he RIP. Even your righteous indignation is stupid and off target.
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