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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. That thing will never be built. The theory that OC floated is starting to gain traction for real. Theres real buzz that construction hacks wont lift a finger and may even get organized to refuse to do the work. And HEAVEN forbid the Cordoba people try to bring in non-Union people, there will be an all out war. Unions like Local 3 (electricians) and the the Steamfitters who all have "never forget" blazed on their hard hats more of less RUN downtown NYC and go nuts when a non-union guy even LOOKS at a job site. You tie a 9/11 angle into that? Forget it.
  2. Because two people of the same sex joining in a union is not how the religious define "marriage."
  3. Normally, Id think yer NUTS for putting forth such a theory, but living in NYC my whole life and seeing the "speed" at which most construction projects get done.....Id say youre on to something. Only problem with your theory is that commerical projects usually move at a good clip....its the municipal ones that ALWAYS experience the er..."problems" that you mention. This "mosque" would obviously fall under the commercial project scenario
  4. No...a "complete" idiot would be one who didnt even take the three seconds to look up the facts behind the nonsense he's spouting. Like.......Dave.
  5. Have you read about what took place in the city of Cordoba, the true name of the center means Islamic culture? Do you know that the guy who is going to run the "mosque" fully supports the implementation of Sharia law in the United States? And who is financing the "mosque"? Do you know why their funding resourceis being kept hidden? Of course not....its MUCH easier to skip all that readin' and learnin' stuff, see the names of those big bogyemen......the white christian heterosexual republican....and just yelll "RACISM!!!!!"
  6. Passed thru the Merrillon train station where Colin Furgeson, who went to my college and I actually saw roaming the halls in the weeks before he gunned down several people, commited HIS crime due to what he called "black rage." People go off for all kinds of batschitt reasons. Why does this shock you?
  7. Saw that Hornet at the Jones BEach airshow just this past May. Nice looking plane. Or was....
  8. I dont agree with that....agents quite often call the shots.
  9. Getting insulted by Tom is like a badge of honor from fighting a war. Problem is, when you get to the VFW Hall for beer with the rest of the "vets", conner is at the end of the bar.
  10. Going after Pete King on defense/terrorisim/9-11 issues is a loser for Weiner. King is hawkish on these issues to a fault and everyone knows that, which really shines the light on the fact that Weiner's ramblings are PURELY political.
  11. The President has Jay-Z on his EyePod.....BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Brewer's doing it right....taking it BACK to the courts.
  13. I was also pleasantly surprised he managed not to pin this on the coloreds.
  14. WRT these laws, I wish the potheads would just !@#$ing ADMIT they are looking to get high. They claim thiss is for "medical use, to ease suffering" or to get hemp imported and all the "problems it solves"? Please.
  15. Theres opposition to the Arizona law, but approval of the weed laws....Im thinking the libs are just looking to get the beaners to bring all the weed they want up from Mexico.
  16. Hey Olivier.....did you get out to any of the stages?
  17. http://bikehugger.com/2007/07/photo-of-the...-guy-in-sp.html Can we get this thread back on track....making fun of conner? Jeez.
  18. THATS IT.....Im trading in my FDJ jersey for a Bills replica and going out boozing.
  19. Only "the rich" own stock, dumbass. The rich and snobby cyclists.
  20. Young folks looking for jobs and to get int oschools, who benefit from AA programs the most, are what? TWO generations removed from the Civil Rights Act? Something like that. End the programs. They dont work and all they do is foster racial resentment, as Webb points out.
  21. Saying someone must agree with your opinion on a topic to be considered a "reasonable, well-intentioned human being" is a pretty close-minded way of thinking I must say Again.....Do you equally condemn the "gotcha" style politics wherever its used and do you acknowledge that it is a common tactic that is deployed by many on both sides of the political spectrum?
  22. You just admitted to the whole forum that you didnt watch my video example and you just also revealed (implied) that your whole diatribe and "outrage" is NOT motivated by the acutal action that took place, but by the ideological association of the man who committed it. Becuase if your routrage really WAS about the action, you WOULD have watched my video and you WOULD have condemned it as well. But you wont. Youre focused on Breitbart and used ONLY right leaning pundits to show how "bad" the gotcha tactic is. Not a word about when the left does it. Not one. That makes you a !@#$ing phony or as you say "an unthinking, knee jerk moron without principles." Which was my point all along. PWND
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