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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Im thinking conner's idiocy has reached critical mass.
  2. He gets on someone for listening to Limbaugh to make their point....then uses Jon Stewart to make his. Only conner.
  3. He and Lori are at some dark bar, downing glasses of Maker's Mark.
  4. See, I think "anonymity"s got ZERO to do with it. PLENTY of people here who arent very anonymous and are still douchebags.
  5. I loved Trading Places. If you didnt, thats your problem.
  6. t-bars? never tried those...are they like aero bars? I think tri-geeks are ghey. Ever notice how all the tri-geeks who are on that "Team in Training" are all short legged, fat women. Ew.
  7. Im managing to get your panties in a bunch.....thats important.
  8. Ah, I see....someone stopping a car to talk to their friends bothers you.....becuase you have no friends. I got it now. You should have told us you have no friends. Im sorry.
  9. I dont have a radio on my bike and I sure as **** dont eat fastfood on it. Ive been known to sing loudly and spid a mouthful of sports drink on the sidewalk from time to time, though. I do occasionally ride slow past the neighbors, when riding. My shaved legs, green lycra and the smell of used chamois creme gets them all kinds of uncomfortable. On the ride this past weekend, a guy in our group got clipped by some nimrod wo was putting on makeup. So we're even.
  10. Yeah, I was also trying to figure out how hes managing to equate the 1st Lady taking a junket to Spain with someone stopping to chat with his neighbor for a few minutes. I figured Id just !@#$ with him a bit, along the way,
  11. Youre a pretty fart smeller. How do you go from your blog on the economy, well thought out and written, to "even strippers in NYC may have a claim against BP"??????
  12. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon, sucking down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonald's in the old-fashioned non- biodegradable Styrofoam containers! And when I'm done suckin' down those grease ball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth on the American flag and then toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side.... ....and there ain't a God-damned thing you can do about it.
  13. I dont know, but I find your pseudo homoerotic avatars a bit disturbing.
  14. I dont consider this thread, nor you "intelligent."
  15. No mention of "Palin" or "Fox News", lose five points. No accusations of "racism.", minus ten points.
  16. I often fling my fastfood cartons out my sunroof while driving through the neighborhood at 2MPH blasting Slayer.
  17. Its "arrogant" to listen to your radio tuned up and stopping to say hi to a neighbor? Lighten up, Francis.
  18. I vote we let them marry, but demand them to keep the "assless chaps and suspenders look" at home. I think thats a fair trade.
  19. I once told a Teamster meathead who was interruping a community board meeting with his pro-union bullshyt to "Go blow up a rat somewhere." He was not amused. Normally I dont walk in step with those clowns. This time, I do.
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