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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The Sacred Dust joke is cute, but a total red Herring. At least for me. I never used where the dust or anything else landed as any kind of criteria. I simply used proximity to the WTC. Hope you clowns dont mind tit bars next to the schools your kids go to. Beucase Im getting that rule rescinded and building big huge all nude tit palaces right next door to the schools where your kiddies go. After all....I have "the right." Its freedom of speech!!!!!! Or are you sexist against women?
  2. Comparing the leader of the Catholic Church to an Imam looking to open a local house of worship?
  3. Where am I wrong? Please do better than "youre intolerant." As Im asking Imam Rauf to help me understand his project, Im asking YOU to help me understand where Im off base.
  4. How do you translate "please reconsider your location out of respect for the families of 9/11 or please help me understand your project, Imam Rauf" into "no defiling lower manhattan, you dirty sand !@#$?" Youre either !@#$ing insane, or trying to push buttons....which is it?
  5. Id be open to them building the mosque ANYWHERE ELSE in NYC. ****, they can build it in !@#$ing MIDTOWN if they wanted to. You !@#$ing dummy......Im ASKING FOR Imam Rauf to reach out and TEACH ME about Islam, so that I have a better understanding, instead of "what I hear in the news." Have you read my yposts in this thread? Thats all Im asking for. But no...he refuses....and Im a "bigot" beucase Id like Imam Rauf to either be sensitive to the 9/11 families or at least make an effort to reach out to the the community and foster a good relationship with those who are sensitive to his project. And not for nothing...I dont give a **** about your little perfect Daddy. Nice of you to make uneducated, ignorant blanket statements about others while at the SAME time, lecturing them about NOT doing just that. And I LOVE how asking for some outreach or for Imam Rauf to reconsider his location is "stomping all over the Constitution." But I guess Nancy Pelosi calling for a formal investigation of those who oppose this project is OK in your book, right?
  6. Oh yeah....MILES away... http://www.aipnews.com/talk/forums/thread-...201&posts=1
  7. Hey Tommy...look at what this no good "camel jockey" has to say on the issue: http://www.aifdemocracy.org/news.php?id=6131 Pathetic that you think people who only ask for the thing to be moved a bit further away are the "intolerant bigots", yet I, an "infidel" cant even STEP FOOT IN THE TWO MAJOR CITIES THAT DEFINE ISLAM, MECCA AND MEDINA. But yeah...I want Rauf to explain himself, so Im "the intolerant one."
  8. This is such a !@#$ing JOKE.....you cant build a !@#$ing McDonalds or raise a cell tower without scrutiny,discussion and critique......but somehow asking these folks to move their building two blocks over is "an assualt on who we are, as a Country." Comical.
  9. So to hell with anyone who might have sensitivies around this area and the symbolism of whats built there and/or may have questions or concerns about the project, and seeks to gain some understanding about Islam, the symbolic significance in the Muslim world of this project or Imam Rauf or. If you hold any of these beliefs and concerns, youre an Un-American racist. Yep...all you people.....just SHUT UP and keep quiet. Good stance. Really. Oh, by the way.......I just Google Earthed all you "tolerant" folks. Im going to buy the land behind your houses and build a giant all nude strip club/all night BBQ smelly smoke belching steakhouse with a drive through window (with extra loud, garbled PA system) and a back deck where bands will play death metal all night long. If you work nights, Im booking bands during the day. If you have kids, Im goingto sell liquor and butts alongside comic books of whatever favorite TV shows your kid likes. Im sure you wont mind. And dont respond with "Ill just go there" becuase Ill be sure to change my business to whatever would annoy you and your sensibilities the most. After all...I have "the right."
  10. Youre taking the term "nobody has a RIGHT to B word" literally? Jackass.
  11. bull ****. Total bull ****. And you know it. How can you even make this comparison?
  12. Too bad nobody is trying to "abridge" anything, Tom. Thats weak, especially from you. Move the damned building TWO !@#$ing blocks, out of the "9/11 footprint", if you will. Then NOBODY has a right to B word. Is that so hard? Evidently....to this Imam, yes it is. So is ANY attempt on his part to build trust with this the members of the community that have reservations about what putting this building at this location really means in the eyes of the Muslim world. And *I*, along with many others, want to know why.
  13. Liberals have never vandalized miltary recruitment centers?
  14. Did ya think that shark looked good when you were up in the air, Cray?
  15. Youre being a jackass. Educate "me" or anyone else who has concerns about this mosque about who is building it, what its being built for and alleviate concerns over what the building of it really means. People have legit concerns. I would think that if for nothing else than good community relations, the people building this thing would reach out to the folks who have questions to educate and alleviate them. This guy Rauf prides himself on "building bridges between Islam and the West." Im asking him to do no more than that.
  16. OK fine, but Im not willfully ignorant here. I live and work on Long Island. How the !@#$ would I know whats going down there? And like MOST, I have zero clue that this site is already used in that capacity. And again...BACK TO MY ORIGINAL POINT, where are all those "in the know" to help educate those who are not? Who is REALLY "wrong" here...those who dont know and have concerns, or those who DO know and wont open their traps to educate? I say the latter.
  17. You know that becuase you work there. How about the rest of the planet?
  18. Yeah...becuase a quick google search or a trip to the library is gonna answer all the questions one might have about a religion and how its practiced. People devote their life's work to studying a religion. Why should it be incumbent on THEM to explain things when we have Google?
  19. Well, that proves my point! If Im ignorant, Id like to think NOT on purpose, then this Imam or others in the Muslim community should be TEEACHING ME....TELLING ME what this is all about. If I have an idea on something, one thats not correct, its up to the scholars to tell me whats up. Not the other way around.
  20. I guess I dont understand why Rauf cant just address the issues that most people like myself seem to have with this thing. Do you or do you not feel that the US was complicit in 9/11? Do you or do you not seek to advance Sharia law in the US? Do you feel it has a place in the US? How would you address the concern that that some have that this building would be a symbol not of outreach, but of conquest or "victory?" The first two questions come out of comments Rauf, himself made. The third is historically based. He would quell A LOT of concerns over this proposal if he just manned up and spoke to people. Maybe, just maybe if he clarifed his postion and his motives, he would garner some support and covert many of the opposed. But I guess its easier to keep quiet and just call people bigots, or stupid, or Islamophobic, etc. And not for nothing...lets see a Christian group try to build a Church in "Londonistan" or some of the neighborhoods in the midwest that have a large Muslim population. Would we see the "tolerance" we are all expected to show right now? I doubt it.
  21. Please illustrate......Ga' head.
  22. I find it more hilarious that the "offended" have the need to whine about it constantly.
  23. Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."
  24. With all due respect, as an Italian American, I dont wanna !@#$ing hear your whining. More or less on a daily I gotta see the latest "dumb Italian du jour" trotted out on TV like some circus seal for our entertainment. If it aint The Sopranos, Im subjected to "Snookie"...or some cafone !@#$ from Jersey who they call a "real housewife." And eeeeverybody laughs along. And when all those shows go off, I gotta see some commerical on TV with the latest "dumb ginzo Brooklyn Italian heeeyyy.....yoooo!" stereotype. So HTFU and deal. Youre far from alone.
  25. Says the guy who has one himself. God, you really are unbeleivable.
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