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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. So the developer is a tax cheat with a questionable background (waiter to millionaire NYC developer in just three years and wont disclose how) and the Imam is a slumlord. Nice....but dont question them...to do so is "unAmerican."
  2. ...run by none other than that "racist, hate spewing, teabagging" GLENN BECK (as claimed by folks on the fair, balanced HuffPo). http://www.theblaze.com/
  3. What does the GOP have to do with a small business (and larger ones) playing close to the vest fiscally, in a down economy????!!!??? Explain that to me. And military spending WAS cut. And the GOP is in the minority right now. Wake up.
  4. BINGO, and there it is! Tell us, Joe...tell us how "BADDDDD" it is that Companies are holding on to their cash. Tell us how eeeeeevilllllll they are for doing that. You KNOW you want to.
  5. Oh dont you worry......the whiner in chief will come up with SOME WAY to demagogue those "grreeeeeeeeddddyyyy" Corporations sitting on their ill-gotten gains.
  6. Oh willfull ignorance, my ass. When the Irish and Italians came to America they faced similar discrimination and "phobias" that was founded on NOTHING. You can certainly call that ignorance. The influx of Muslims, however is coming against a prism of 9/11, "Londonistan", people being jailed for incorrectly naming teddy bears, heads hacked off, people stoned to death, fatwas calling for the murder of apostates and anyone who puts a bad word about Islam into text, women in bondage. What people see is a complete intolerant and psuedo-facist, brutal, sexist ideology of conquest. THAT is the "religion of peace" that the "willfully ignorant" have thrust upon them day after day. THAT is the Islam most know becuase that is the Islam people see with their own two eyes. Dont act as if those who may indeed be "phobic" about Islam are pulling it out of nowhere. Such a statement is WILDLY disingenuous.
  7. I gotta play with the animals here. HEY CONNER....do you think Beck's rally should be moved, in deference to Dr. King and his speech?
  8. Thats the same "racist" Glenn Beck that does outreach shows with members of the Black Community regularly too, Conner?
  9. Heres another good one.... Liberals today feel that Glenn Beck should move the rally he plans to have in DC, which happens to fall on the anniversary of MLK's famous speech. Why? Get this..... "out of respect for history and the struggle which made it happen, it might be a the right thing to reconsider the timing and location of event coming up." Those are the SAME liberals call those who want the Mosque moved two blocks or so every name in the book. They dont even hear themsevles.
  10. Despite the fact the assailant was pretty much a liberal with a screw loose, that STILL didnt stop Mikey Daly of the NY Daily News from pinning the attack on Limbaugh and Gingrich. Do these !@#$ing people even HEAR themselves anymore? Id "tolerate" (theres that word again!) such pablum if the assailant was indeed some right winger. But he wasnt...not even close. But damn....dont let those bull **** FACTS get you off message, Mr. Daily News columnist!
  11. So it turns out the attacker was a liberal. Nevermind, everyone!!!!!! So I changed my tune. I say let them build the damned thing. But there are caveats: 1. If it turns out this Rauf really IS promoting Sharia, "we" get to have the wives/partners (some of you fit into this...admit it) of all you really tolerant folks fitted for burquas first. 2. If there is ANY "bragging" in the Muslim world about this being a "victory mosque", "we" get to line up all you tolerant folks and kick you...AND your burquad wives, in the nuts. Mayer Herr Bloomberg get TWO solid kicks in his cu-t. 3. If this turns out to become a mosque that promotes terrorism or anti-American sentiment, all you "tolerants" get a 1st class ticket on the plane the hijackers plan to pump into their "target" at 460 knots. 4. If "we" are wrong about Rauf and this thing and everyone whistles Kooombaya out of their !@#$s after its built, Ill apologize. I think this is a great deal and only fair.
  12. When gas was $.25/gallon? Even at TODAY'S prices, fossil fuels remain the BEST, most efficent (in cost and discovery/implementation) energy sources out there. Stop with the pablum.
  13. Yeah....a "technocrat" whose Administration is putting limits on energy usage, commerical fishing and oil drilling with no technological basis in reality whatsoever.
  14. I just applied for a building permit for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 tur rets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 old cars and I was going to paint it snot green with . . . pink trim. The City Council told me to f--- off. So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a mosque. Work starts on Monday.
  15. +1000000000000 I firmly beleive "paying customers"...fans have the absolute right to voice displeasure. But like everything else in life, theres a time and place for things. And a practice setting, and using lowbrow langauge isnt it. And then theres the whole thing of Chan showing himself as a leader here and "defending" his team. Good on him.
  16. You !@#$ing clowns dont even realize that you are illustrating the exact tendencies of what you claim to despise. What dont you look up the term "bigot" and take a long look in the mirror, you horses asses.
  17. Yes...so can we FINALLY now put the stupid "hes wearing gloves becuase hes afraid of the cold" claptrap to rest?
  18. Y'all wrapping yourselves in the flag and your feelgood expressions of "tolerance"....yeah...cant wait for the next three pages of posts mocking the Pope next time he happens to comment on some news item or for the next clown to take a trip to some city down south and whine that "there are too many churches." You are all so full of ****, your eyes are brown.
  19. You dummies...... http://bigpeace.com/cbrim/2010/08/17/ground-zero-mosques-hidden-websites-follow-the-shariah/ http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090721/NATIONAL/707209836/1138 Yeah...all the people who simply ask what Rauf is all about (chillingly revealed in the above) are just "bigots." Morons.
  20. Then two MORE. Either that and leave it where it is and lets hear Rauf state the following: 1. Sharia Law has NO place in the USA. 2. His comments post 9/11 that the US was "complicit" in the atrocity were out of line and apologize for them 3. That this location has NO connection to 9/11, nor does it symbolize ANY kind of "victory" or "conquest" to the Islamic World. 4. Agree that Hamas is a terrorist organization 5. Agree to NOT seek and REFUSE offered funding or this project from ANY sworn enemies of the United States, most notably Iran. This is the least Rauf can do. HE is the one saying the purpose of this thing is to "build bridges" and foster understanding. If this is true, it would behoove Rauf to get going on that goal NOW.
  21. Hypocrisy NOTHING. If this Imam has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT, almost the DUTY to put the Mosque here, then the Union hacks had THEIR RIGHT to refuse to work on it. But dont worry....bet number 2 right here...Bloomshithead or some other gubmint "agency" will find a way to strongarm construction firms to work there. Would you be shocked if Herr Bloomshit or that incompetent in the White House and his clown puppet who runs the DOJ suddently "investigates" the Construction firms and Union Shops for some bull **** "discrimination" charge or some bull **** like that? I know I wouldnt.
  22. A few blocks. Geez. Some right wing bloggers think they should change the name, too..... Maybe from "Ground Zero Mosque" to “Site very far from WTC crater where faulty landing gear struck a now defunct Burlington Coat Factory turned peaceful multi-faith cultural center”
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