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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Now Interpol.....INTERPOL!!!!!!!......is weighing in on the Koran burning. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39079573/ns/world_news/ But hey......."SMALL MINORITY!!!!"
  2. I wonder what you "small minority" nimrods have a defense for the fact that some two-bit clown in FL doing some publicity stunt got: The head of the DOJ The mayor of NYC The Secretary of State THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and about hundreds of other politcos, religious figures and othersto respond and implore him NOT to carry it out, for "fear" of what would happen if he does. Who knew such a "small minority" could carry so much POWER! That last statement was sarcasm, Darin....just so you know.
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/US/ground-mosque-imam-project-ahead-interest-national-security/story?id=11589316 Looks like another bigoted anti-Muslim racist has chimed in on the stupid notion of "the small minority." Oh...thats "sarcasm" there, Darin you dick.
  4. Im faithful and I STILL think this is a load of ****.
  5. You claim to be above the petty and then post THIS bull ****?
  6. I could really care less about record, to be honest. My hope is that by November, its clear Gailey is on his way to implementing a solid program.
  7. Oh, this guy should just take a picture of Mohammed, drop it in a pail of urine, and call it "Piss Mohammed." Then it will be classified as "art."
  8. Wait...I thought it was a "small minority" of Moslems who dont practice Islam as the "tolerant Religion of Peace." Whats everyone so worried about?? The fact that so many people, including many in Goverment, are "afraid" of what this action might do, proves ALL you need to know about Islam. But hey....small minority. They should just throw the picture of the Virgin Mother that had **** smeared on it and an American Flag into the bonfire and all the libtards and moslems will then think this isnt a big deal.
  9. The !@#$ing moron moslems "protested" this.....by burning the American Flag. Too bad they didnt wrap themselves in it first.
  10. Call me nuts, but Id like to see him actually coach a game or two for the Buffalo Bills before I start making judgements.
  11. OC....goverment agencies repair potholes. They dont do major road rehab projects,they dont build bridges. And they sure as **** dont built light rail equipment. Thats ALL private industry, right down the line. If you want to say this is a lousy deal, fine.But using the argument that this is just another play to increase the size of goverment is just not correct.
  12. Im not seeing where most of the jobs are "gubmint" as heavy construction companies are most private small businesses. At least he's putting money into an area where its needed and not some hokey "green" stupidity.
  13. Wow...what a dumb intolerant bigot. What a knuckle-dragging neanderthal. An an un-American racist. He got a problem with those dirty muslims or something? Could you at LEAST man up and admit that it seems Islam has MORE than its fair share of "whack jobs" right now?
  14. One more thing I love about so many libs. They have spent months.....MONTHS looking for ONE protest sign..ONE word uttered that proves that "ALL.....ALL.....ALL" Tea Party folks are RACIST. Yet, you throw out there example after example of Muslim extremism and they puke up that "small minority" bull **** every time.
  15. No...its fear. Fear this will be seen as a victory mosque. Fear that this Imam is not on the up and up which it seems to me more and more the case, his developer too. Its not all fear, but some is there. Mark Styn (sp?) did say it best though...If there was a 100 story tower BACK at Ground Zero by now, nobody would really give a **** about some piss-ant 13 story mosque. Remember that joke that went around that had the twin towers being rebuilt in the shape of a middle finger? Problem is, to many, this mosque, shadowing a still-empty Ground Zero it just that. To US. I really cant wait for Joe, Tom and all the slobs crying "religius freedom!!!!" to get their panties wet and start whining next time some receptionist at DMV utters Merry Christmas....or one of them drives down a road in Alabama and complains "there are too many churches"...or just generally whines about how stupid "ALL those Christians" are.
  16. The L\lion's share of which ALL did major time at other networks before joining Fox. Or was Brit Hume, Chris Wallace and Carl Cameron spawed by satan, too?
  17. One game....whooppee....get him his bust in Canton.....NOW!!!!!!!!!!
  18. You didnt read...shocker. I didnt say "they dont speak out." I said they dont speak out UNCONDITIONALLY. And spare me the old, tired "Christians did it too." defense. People label "all priests as pedophiles" and "all christians as whackos" on a daily. Forget Google. Just look here on TSW. But that would be too easy and counterproductive, wouldnt it?
  19. Actually, you ass...Muslims DO thinks "ALL JEWS" are bad and evil. They DO NOT use this "its only a small percentage" line of tripe like want to be used to excuse the deplorable behavior of Muslim people all over the globe. But you still miss my original point which is....people hare "Islamophobic" and distrustful of Muslims for pretty damn good reasons. ALL the instances I provided....ALL OF THEM....are REAL EVENTS THAT TOOK PLACE. They are events carried out IN THE NAME OF ISLAM and events people in this Country see WITH THEIR OWN EYES. So people have formed their opinions on the so-called "Religion of Peace" becuase of what they see. And worse, what they DONT see. That is, Muslims INCLUDING Rauf, himself repudiating Hamas. Turning their back on terror. And even the ones that do, its ALWAYS half-hearted. Its ALWAYS "yes, terrorism is bad, BUT..." You NEVER hear an outright repudiation of terrorism and of extremists and you NEVER hear a leader in the Muslim community try to do REAL outreach and try to TEACH Americans what supposedly Islam is all about. But I guess doing such things would take "balls" wouldnt it?
  20. Yeah, every day another member of "The Small Percentage" steps up to perform an honor killing in Canada, participates in a stoning in Kabul, bombs a disco in Bali, pumps a 767 into a skyscraper in NYC, hacks a journalists head off in Waziristan, fits his daughter with a vest made of C4 in Tel Aviv, swears jihad against America in Yemen, screams "Death to America" in Tehran, detonates a bomb in a plane over Michigan, carries a sign that reads "Behead those who insult Islam" in London, kills a filmmaker in The Netherlands, attempts to murder a cartoonist in Demark...or a teacher in Sudan. And on....and on....and on... But hey...its only a "small percentage."
  21. Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks. Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?" But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right? Sell your bull **** somewhere else. Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"
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