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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Im up for betting a lot of money that this clown hasnt as much as walked past Ken's Pinto, let alone has actually taken part in the festivities. And by 'festivities" I dont mean standing next to Ken when he gets doused...I mean just being there and hanging out. On edit...would it have been sso hard for a Bills or NFL rep to just speak to Ken about toning down the shots a bit or something? The NFL's got a point, overall. People get WAY too blitzed in the parking lots, across the league. But as usual they use a Howitzer, when a .22 will do.
  2. Up that "small minority" by another five: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/09/17/men-arrested-uk-potential-threat-pope/ Yeah yeah yeah.....I know....."Tim McVeigh."
  3. Joe Joe Joe....dont you know by now that everyone execpt white hetero male christians fall into "The Victim Class" and are therefore subject to a different set of standards?
  4. At the risk of being simplistic, why should I care if Im in a negative equity situation, espeically if I plan to own the home until the morgage is paid (20-40 yrs)? Most people are immediatly in a neg equity situation with the vast majority of things they buy on credit, autos being the best example of this. I just bought a pre-owned car Im gonna be in a neg. equity situation for at least the first half of the loan term. And UNLIKE a house, Ill NEVER be able improve the car or through normal supply and demand see its value go UP. Neg equity or not, Im still putting money towards ownership and paying down my priciple. Or...again...am I missing something. Im just asking here....not trying to defend one postion or another.
  5. Can someone explain something to me..... Even if your home is worth LESS than the amount you owe.....why foreclose if youre able to make payments? Im hearing people say that since they owe more than their home is worth they HAVE TO foreclose. IS there some other factor Im not pickin up on?
  6. They are down on Long Island....but I still cant afford **** becuase any decent house on a plot of land bigger than Inez Sainz' ass has taxes pushing 12K per year.
  7. How do people say with a straight face that Islamophobia is unfounded?
  8. Well said, Guff. Youre a lot smarter than you look.
  9. I heard one of the coomments SOMEONE found "offensive" was the phrase "Youre a beautiful woman" spoken to Ms. Sainz in Spanish. If that "offensive", I give up.
  10. This story is irking the **** out of me. This reporter dresses like shes going to a NYC nightclub and then has the audacity to get offended by the attention she gets from the players? No woman "deserves" to be sexually abused. I do not ever buy the "she had it coming" line of reasoning. But there IS something to be said about the way Ms. Sainz is doing her job and her level of professionalism.
  11. By doing that, they are more or less acknowledging to everyone they were lucky to win that game. Thanks, Giants!
  12. As if Emmit Smith and the Cowboys' 1991 OL is just sitting on the sideline, waiting for Gailey to just call them in.
  13. Rex "I wish he coached the Bills" Ryan aint exactly imitating Lombardi tonight. Heck, hes barely doing a good imitation of his father.
  14. What the !@#$ is Brohm going to do? Not checkdown as much? Whoa....lookout Rex Ryan and Bill Belichick!
  15. I love watching teams besides the Bills. Reminds me what NFL calibre football is really like.
  16. You offered not just an assesment of his play, but an in-depth profile of the man, what motivates him and his personality. Without speaking a word to him in any capacity. From a TV set. Assinine.
  17. Have many times have you SPOKEN to Trent Edwards?
  18. Agreed. Im just saying it doesnt look good to have a truther on your board, thats all.
  19. Why would I EVER be personally "embarrassed" about the behavior of an organization I have no connection to, whatsoever? I root for them to do well and go watch the games, etc. But outside of being a "fan" what a pro NFL team does and ow they run things and carry themselves has as much to do personally with my life as the guy sitting in the car next to me.
  20. "9/11 was an inside job" -Mosque associate Wonderful. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/imam_pal_is_nut_gPPtzFWEtyaUlE3u4P4ckI
  21. My dear friends had premature twins during a period in a Pregancy when she was still "eligible" for an abortion. They are thriving. Not "zygotes", sure....but continue to dehumanize them all you want to make yourself feel better, you heartless !@#$.
  22. By burning the Koran or stopping this mosque from being build, we might anger the Islamic world into comitting acts of violence. Really??????? What could they POSSIBLY do? Fly fuel-laden jetliners into building, Strap bombs to themselves and kill innocents and Decapitate people while their "small minority" of followers cheer from the sidelines? I mean....lets get real here! Hey Da.....more "sarcasm" for ya!
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