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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Players get cut in the NFL all the time. The new Bills regime gave him a shot, it was clear as day TE wasnt going to produce and he was not part of their future, and the organization quickly cut bait with him. No muss, no screwing around. He had no future in Buffalo....so he was quickly cut, as is the team's right. Im not sure what your beef is. if anything, IMO it shows decisiveness and quick moving on the part of the front office.
  2. So according to you your "prism" is right and everyone else's is "stupid?" Thats stupid. And also the textbook definition of bigotry.
  3. Put away her breasts and she is.....nothing. And shes barely OK with her breasts out.
  4. Last week, Sullivan states that the QB move to Fitz "smacks of desperation." This week, he wonders "what took [Gailey] so long" to make the switch from Edwards to Fitzgerald. Eh? http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article202167.ece
  5. Actually, yes. Maybin is at least young and might still have some upside. Kelsay, with all due respect, aint turning into anything. Hes reached his potential.
  6. Hey, the Chinese have been doing this stuff for a while. Im on vodka now, BTW....weekend aint over till its over.
  7. For a second there, I actually believed "suxtnet"....or whatever the !@#$ its called....was some kind of missle and this was an Israeli attack on the Iranian plant. Im also about 3/4 of the way through a bottle of REALLY fine Italian Zinfandel right now.
  8. WHAT !@#$ing "lens"????!!!??? They ADMIT they are a biased source! Seriously....what is wrong with you?
  9. How the !@#$ do you, with a straight face, rail on Fox and then use Media Matters for your sources? Seriously.....how? Youre either blindingly stupid, insane, or a troll pulling all our legs.
  10. Lemme translate: Youre a bigoted, intolerant fool who is what he claims to despise.
  11. You DO realize that Stewart and Colbert are mocking idiots like YOU as much as they are Beck, Palin, etc., right?
  12. Money is cheap and going to get cheaper. But property taxes are still sky high, and so is the general cost of goods so no...another interest rate adjustments isnt going to help...at least not me. And what about general consumer credit rates? They all took about a 10% jump due to the new regulations, right? So basically Barry is drilling holes in the bow and the Fed is bailing out the stern. I know little about economics, Im just giving some insight into the decision making process in the Fast household, as we are very much in the market for a new home.
  13. I agree. To try and prove your theory, I suggest you rent a 72 Pinto with faulty brakes, drive it on the Brooklyn/Queens Expressway at about 80 MPH and "let the chips fall where they may." Good luck with that.
  14. Gauiley and Nix DID NOT make this team. Id bet my LIFE that somewhere on Sully's laptop is a password protected Word doc that he had ready to go for after the Pats game, in case the Bills got shelled with Edwards starting. Its title? "Gailey should have started Fitzpatrick."
  15. Well, thats not theway it came across. Which makes you a poor writer more than it makes me stupid.
  16. Yeah...carrying a sign that reads "God hates Fags"....pumping loaded 767s into skyscrapers, hacking heads off "infidels", starting global 'jihad', forcing people into hiding for drawing a cartoon....all the same. Yeah, but um...five hundred years ago or something there were the Crusades. Oh...and Tim McVeigh.
  17. For some half-assed reason in my pea brain, I LIKE the fact hes experienced a lot of losing. It means hes seen it all, not just the glory, like some coddled star college QBs have.
  18. MORE class warfare....yes....YES!!!!!......"level" the playing field to get even with those evil RRRRRRRIIIIICHHHHHH people! He cant order Marine One to liftoff without pitting one group of Americans against another.....or bitching about those "out to get him." Obama is such a little man.
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